
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter One: Her Eyes Flickered Fiery Red

"Sister, Mommy called for you," said the eight-year-old child with a soft voice. Her straight black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her innocent black round eyes that gleamed with brightness. She wore her favorite green pajamas adorned with flowers and plants, tightly clutching her twin sister's bunny toy in her arms.

Her sister, Monica gazed at her with a blank expression, blinking as her eyes lowered to the bunny toy. She had long, slightly curled black hair with a hint of brown when observed closely. Her black eyes always held a vacant stare. Wearing black shorts and a slightly oversized pale yellow long sleeve, she sat on a chair, engrossed in her notebook.

"Where's Rin-rin?" she asked as she carefully descended from the chair, closing her notebook and clutching it to her chest.

Lizzy yawned and answered, her words dragging, "Asleep."

"But that's not yours. Why did you take it again?" She gestured towards the toy, prompting her sister to look at it.

"Oh, she wouldn't notice anyway," she giggled, her eyes forming crescents as her shallow dimples appeared.

"Really?" Another voice interrupted, and both sisters glanced upstairs. Another eight-year-old child, strikingly similar to Lizzy, stood there. Her black hair was slightly messy, indicating she had just woken up. Her eyes brimmed with undisguised anger directed at her twin sister. She stomped her foot loudly as she approached.

"Oh, my dear Lizzy, will you ever learn?" Before Rin-rin could reach her, Lizzy shrieked and ran away, giggling. Rin-rin chased after her, and they continued their chase around the house.

Meanwhile, Monica stood there, her gaze blank and unchanging. She blinked and continued ascending the stairs, making her way to her mother's office. She gently knocked on the partially open door and quietly waited for permission to enter. "Come in, sweetheart," her mother's soft voice beckoned. She pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Mommy, what is it?" she asked in a neutral tone.

"Dear Monica, come here and let Mommy see what you have written," her mother replied.

The child did not answer, slowly walking toward her mother. She raised her notebook, gazing up at her mother with blank eyes, waiting for her to take it. Instead, her mother enveloped her in her arms and let her sit on her lap. She kissed the child's head before taking the notebook and placing it on the table.

"Let's read it together, shall we?" her mother suggested.



August 14, Saturday: Cloudy

The Queen died, the cause unknown. Her demise left the world in chaos, with both light and dark races mourning her passing. This was the time when the new Queen was meant to assume power, but she was nowhere to be found. This absence brought uncertainty for all the races.

The Elders decided that in the Queen's absence, her child would ascend to the throne. The coronation of Queen Elzanne Euskal Euphorbia was scheduled for the Imperial calendar date 2069, day 28, hour 50.


"Dear, why did the Queen die?" Feyshia asked, her voice trembling uncontrollably.

"I don't know," the child replied.

"Why don't you know?"

"I... don't know." Silence followed. This situation was unsettling. Monica's ability allowed her to accurately document major events, and everything she wrote was always true. But she had never encountered a situation where she knew nothing at all. "Is that all?" Feyshia asked again.

"Yes, Mommy," the child nodded. Her ability was limited to a single day, precisely at six in the morning. Feyshia pondered the date: 2069, the present year in this world, and 28 50, which indicated it was five days away. What should she do? Should they go back? But that would be too dangerous.

"Mommy," the child called out, snapping Feyshia back to reality. "Yes, sweetheart, what is it?" Monica gently ran her fingers through her child's hair.

"I had a dream about a lady. She wore a white dress and shone so brightly that I couldn't see her face. She had a crown and she took it off and placed it on my head. It was heavy and too big, slipping down, but the lady held it in place. Even though she knelt in front of me, I still couldn't see her face. It was a pity because I knew she would be very beautiful," Monica paused.

"And then?" Feyshia urged her to continue.

"And then she said that I'm a Queen and when the kingdom needs me, I should return. I woke up after that," the child spoke with an expressionless tone, yet there was a trace of innocence in her words.

"Are you sad?" Feyshia inquired.

Monica nodded, "I want to see her again."

"You will," Feyshia's eyes carried a hint of nostalgia. "You will listen to her, alright?"

The girl looked up at her. "Go to the kingdom?"

Her mother nodded. "Yes, you will return."

"You'll come with me, right? You, Daddy, Lizzy, and Rin-rin?"

Feyshia hummed, "We will."


"Mommy, let's go to the park today!" Lizzy, drenched in sweat, dashed towards her mother and sister as they reached the bottom of the stair.

Her twin sister followed suit, also perspiring. She lunged forward, and they both stumbled, but before they could hit the floor, their mother swiftly caught them.

"Oh my! You're both soaked in sweat. That's enough for now. You need to take a bath," their mother scooped them up in her arms.

"But Mommy! The park!" Lizzy protested.

"Give it here!" Rin-rin abruptly snatched the toy bunny from Lizzy's arms. Caught off guard, Lizzy tried to retrieve it. "It's mine! Give it back!" Rin-rin pushed her away without mercy. Before they could start fighting again, their mother intervened.

"That's enough," their mother scolded, satisfied when they complied. "No park today; Daddy is coming back." Lizzy was about to protest, but her mother continued, and both girls squealed with excitement.

"Yay! Daddy is coming back! Yay, Daddy!" they exclaimed in unison.

Monica stood there, her eyes blank, but her lips slightly curved upwards.

"Monica, dear, go to your room and change. We'll be back, and then we'll meet Daddy to eat out, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy."


"Daddy!" Lizzy and Rin-rin shouted as they spotted the black-haired man. With broad shoulders and a narrow waist, he stood a head taller than Feyshia. Dressed in a black suit and tie, he carried a suitcase in one hand and a phone in the other. Engaged in conversation, he turned his attention to the familiar voices and glanced at the girls. A smile spread across his face, and he concluded his call, placing the phone in his pocket as he bent down to embrace his daughters.

"Daddy missed you. Did you miss Daddy?" he asked, his tone filled with affection.

"Yes, yes! We missed Daddy! Missed Daddy so much!" Lizzy exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Missed Daddy too," Rin-rin added, her voice filled with affection.

Monica, observing the scene with her blank gaze, responded in a monotone voice, "Me too."

The man looked up at his wife with a playful expression. "Did you miss me too?"

A smirk formed on her lips. "So what if I did?"

He smiled warmly and stood up to embrace her. "I missed you too much. We'll never be apart again."

"Daddy won't leave again?" Lizzy overheard her father's words and asked, hope shining in her eyes.

The man nodded. "That's right. Daddy has a job here now, so I won't have to leave." He released his wife's embrace and extended his hands, clasping them with Lizzy and Rin-rin's tiny hands. "Come on, let's go eat. Where do you want to go?"

Lizzy grabbed her father's other hand and eagerly replied, "I want to have burgers and fries."

"If that's what our sweet Lizzy wants, then that's where we'll go."

"Honey," their mother interjected, intending to disagree, but he reassured her, "It's fine, just for today."

"I want a cheeseburger, Daddy," Rin-rin chimed in.

"And I want veggies," Monica quietly added.

As the family walked away, Monica halted in her tracks. She glanced over her shoulder, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes widened, and a spark of vitality ignited within them. Her body trembled with excitement. Her heart raced as she scanned the surroundings, and then she saw him—a man who appeared to be ten years younger than her father, yet shared the same tall stature and well-proportioned body. He wore a black mask and a hat, engrossed in a conversation with a woman behind the counter. Suddenly, he turned his head, and their eyes met. Monica's black eyes flickered and transformed into fiery red, but the moment swiftly passed, as if it had never happened. The man wore sunglasses, obscuring his eyes from view.

"Dear, Monica, let's go. You made Daddy and me worried. I thought we had lost you..." Mommy scolded gently, reaching out to grab Monica's hand and gently urging her to move.

Both the children and the man broke their gaze, but their hearts continued to beat faster and louder within their chests.

"Sir, are you okay?" his assistant inquired.

The man chuckled softly, wearing a smile. "I found her. My Queen."