
Hatsuri's friend Ijimo

Story by: Rimoto




"Meet my friend Ijimo!"

Ijimo: "Oh... Hey there!"

She kinda looks tough, looking at her appearance she must be a blacksmith. She has a black apron, black hair, ripped jeans, a big metal hand, a smile, and friendly. "Okay since you met my friend she told me that you look weak and need a weapon so we are going to the blacksmith next." Well, that was true because I looked weak and timid but I am "stupidly powerful" Anyway we went to the blacksmith to get some weapons.

-(At the Blacksmith)-

I knew something when we went to the blacksmith. Ijimo was an expert blacksmith. She scanned the tools with her "eagle eye" and told me: "wow these are pretty high-level swords!" and just blabbering about how she was a blacksmith and her father was a master blacksmith. "You seem agile, the best weapon for people like you are Shadow daggers. : okay, we know let's just buy the Shadow daggers so I can get some action done. If there is like a guild somewhere I could use it to hone my so-called "monstrous skills." Plus what's the fun If I don't use my power? If you ask me why do you want to reincarnate to this world? My answer would be: "stupidly powerful magic"

"Okay then blacksmith-san I want Shadow Daggers." The actual reason I want the "Shadow Daggers is because it sounds cool. You might be like: "Natsura you are dumb, don't judge it like that." But I always judge things the way it sounds... and how do I judge things? it's not even mine... plus I don't know anything about smiting In this brain of mine.

-( Back to buying "Shadow Daggers )-

"Okay kido the payment is your liver." As soon as he said that I knew he was joking, but that means... this weapon is dam expensive. means that it is strong!

Hatsuri (POV)

That stupidly strong Natsuri-san is judging the weapon by it's price. Yes I know it is strong but if he keeps going on like this he will be first to die in the upcoming war.

-(Back to the Ekkadian reality)-

"Don't worry Natsura I'll pay for you." Whew! Ijimo is a live saver! It's not like I like her for her "money." I'm not that bad of a person right?"

Ijimo whispering to Hatsuri: "Hatsuri-san I swear I could see Natsura's eye has the money symbol on it." He can't be a gold digger, he seems nice. "Ijimo, don't worry I shall protect you from creeps!" (Joke)

-(Time skip: After buying weapons)-

"Natsura! Let's go to the guild!" Natsura's Mind: "I'm not surprised, every time I hope for something it will be reality, I guess I'm the king of "Dumb Luck." Well it's a fact because I hoped for a academy, it just magically appeared. (sarcasm)




-(At the "magically appeared Guild")-

When we walked for 8 hours straight, we finally arrived at the "magically appeared guild" (sarcasm)...and how does strength work here? Anyway, when we opened the giant door that looms above us... we saw so many people with different armor, weapons, shape and sizes. They even had pets like: Fox, magical crows, dogs with horns etc. "Natsura just talk to that lady in the desk to apply in wars and adventures."

Ijimo's (POV)

As Natsura walked towards the lady everyone was staring at him. He tried acting brave, but too bad he was soft. I know how he feels cause I've ever been nervous as hell.

Natsura The MC's (POV)

Well...I see a lot of muscular people staring at me like they want to beat me up or something like that. It's not just them, it is everyone! I gotta be calm and act brave. Finally! I reached the lady so I just said: "Ermm...I wanna apply to the guild."

-(Back to Reality)-

So after that "nervous spree" (sarcasm) they went to do their first quest: Boar hunting. "why can't we do more harder quests?" The lady just replied with a shut up and do your work face. The lady just explain that they just want the horns and we can keep the meat. Plus the payment is 800,000 Yen. Natsura's mind: "What can that much money buy?" The time now is 5:00pm we gotta wrap things up. "Oh ya Natsura-san you can have 10% of the money." (sarcasm) After I heard that I fell to the ground, hence I fainted.




-(7:00pm, Natsura woke up and they went to the forest)-

"Okay lets hunt some boars!" 12 boars to be precise. "Let's start this violence!" So they started doing a merry massacre. (sarcasm)



AHhh...! (pervert)


"Ermm, I think we are done here, Natsura-san! Stop killing more boars!" Well what Hatsuri and Ijimo learned: Natsura is a pervert and likes to kill things just for fun. "Hey! Natsura, killing lots of animals are bad for the environment." HAHAAHA! "OH, sorry for being a pervert, anyway let's get to the bath, I need to clean myself!" Actually I asked for a bath because I could peek on women.

-( After they claim their money )-

"Ahhh! What a nice bath! I gotta peek on those girls." So Natsura found a little hole in the bath. He went and peek on the girls..."WOW!" Suddenly...WHACK! O MAI WA...

Stay tuned for next chapter...