
Stand! The Day! New World?

Finally! The power has come back! no amount of words can express my joy finally i can have my aircon back on

-----(Pov Eiva)-----

(2 Months later)

'I am currently sitting in my room on my bed with an arrow in my hand. I don't really know what to do with this arrow i got it from a gacha pull when i wished for something that helps with my offensive ability. i of course know what it is and am happy to have gotten it but i am just worried.'

[Item:Stand Arrow]

[an arrow made from a meteorite with the intention to attain godhood. Use at you're own risk and try to push through with your will.]

[Chance of success 80%]

'now my only problem is do i stab myself now or later.'

'yknow what just fuck it'


'Fuck that hurt. to be honest i dont know why i didn't think it would hurt. meh.'

i suddenly started to feel very warm and tired also very thirsty (*BONK*)

'i think i will just sleep for a bit it wont hurt anyone anyway.'

-Time Skip-

i woke up feeling very energetic and refreshed not hot at all perfect. i look around the room for any indication of how long i have slept and seeing my mother asleep next to me was a bit of a shock to the system if anything i bet father is very sad that he is sleeping alone for once 'hehe'

i feel my mother stirring awake next to me and once she sees me awake she jumps right at me and hugs me very tightly.

"Oh! Eiva my dear you are finally awake i was so worried i thought that you may have been very ill and wouldn't wake up at all" says my mother through tears

"how long was i asleep for mama" i ask due to curiosity after seeing her reaction

"4 days my dear if you were asleep for another day we would have taken you to somewhere to get you checked for anything serious or well at least anything more serious then what we saw. you were sweating buckets whilst shivering the whole time till last morning where it looked like you were sleeping peacefully so i decided to keep watch next to you just in case."

"i am alright now mama thank you and sorry for worrying you" i say with a smile on my face

[hidden side mission cleared]


[unlock your stand power successfully]

[reward: 200GT, 2PT, Gae Bolg Fragment (2/10)]

[Stand: Star Platinum (F)]

Destructive Power:C






[Can be Upgraded and grow stronger]

'NIIICCCEEEE i got star platinum as my stand and it sats i can upgrade and grow her. maybe that is why her stats are lower than the original? anyway nice a hidden quest is always welcome. anyway now that i have another ability time to train!'

-----(Time Skip)-----

(i just want to get the initial stage over with and get onto the adventure stage)

'OK! i got a notification from the system i now only have 1 week left till dad disappears and the demons attack. ive prepared a lot of counter measures so the house is as secure as can be but i dont know the strength of my opponent so i am at a disadvantage. lets just hope that things will go better then the original at least.

-----(Time Skip The Day)-----

'Yesterday Father disappeared to get milk yknow. it was quite a shock to us all and it had us on edge ever since because father said to stay close to home he sensed some danger nearby and went to check it out.'

i look outside the house with my mana sense and i can see the distortions in the air around the house they are near and this time they are bringing a mini army like WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS i thought it would just be 3 demons max NOT 50 OF THEM!!!

'calm down, calm down. we can get through this Dante and Vergil have their swords and are trained in them by father mother has her magic so she can hold them off till help comes or even take a few out im not really sure havent seen her fight seriously before and i myself have a ton of stuff at my disposal lets just hope it is enough.'

-----(Pov 3rd Person)-----

the demons had just broke through the barrier on the outer wall surrounding the house and they were excited until a barrage of black white and gold/orange spears were launched at them most managed to dodge but it did manage to take out 6 of them

[Ding! Killed 4 Low Class Demons]

[Ding Killed 2 Middle Class Demons]

[Exp Gained 80 Points]

The demons that saw their comrades get killed so easily became enraged and started rushing the house whilst 2 of its inhabitants were clueless were about to get a rude awakening. as the demons rushed to the house one of them blew up the front of the house and let the rest pour in.

Next you can see a young Dante with a few cuts and bruises fending off against a demon and suddenly he fell in to a black hole with a gold trim that had opened up under his feet and now he has ended up in his sisters room with a spear whizzing past his head and impaling the demon he was just fighting.

"Eiva! whats happening one moment is was just about to play some music on the jukebox to jam out with my guitar and the next im fighting these bug looking weirdos" says Dante between breaths. it is his first time in a serious fight so he is a bit under prepared but that can be fixed with time after all he will be a demon hunter in the future.

"Well brother it seems that we are under attack so lets show them who's domain they have invaded and wreck some ASS" Eiva shouts with a maniacal grin due to her anger at the demons for attacking her home.

"Alright! now were talkin" says Dante as he readies Rebellion after being patched up by his sister and then they set of through the halls of their house at speeds you wouldn't expect from two 8 year olds.

"First order of business is we regroup with mama and Vergil. Mama should be in her study on the floor above i will entrust her to you whilst i go after Vergil because he went to the park it will be hard for him due to it being an open area. we will meet back at my room got it!" says Eiva after forming a plan of action.

"Loud and Clear sis just try not to keep us waiting." Dante says in his usual demeanour trying to lighten the mood.

"Haha i should be telling you that." Eiva retorts whilst pointing at his Rebellion due to its size

"Good Luck Dante and stay safe" Says Eiva not knowing that it will be the last time they speak for a while.

"you as well sis" Dante returns and then rushes up to the next floor in just 3 steps whilst killing a demon by surprise.

Eiva then heads through hr homes corridors at double the speed she was going whilst killing demons with her void spears and shadow manipulation

[Ding! Killed 10 Low Class Demons]

[Ding! Killed 4 Middle Class Demons]

[Ding Killed 1 High Class Demon]

[Exp Gained 230 Points]

'Cortana Please Silence Notifications till after the fight' says Eiva bothered by the constant pinging noise

[Sure thing Host]

Eiva after having cleared the bottom floor of demons jumps through a window at the back of the house and using her star platinum's superior speed rushes to the park where Vergil should be to assist him.

what Eiva didn't know is that she caught the attention of a certain demonic monstrosity. Just as she reached the park she saw her brother fighting against 4 demons with more on the way.

The demons in the park thinking that this will be an easy win were sorely mistaken especially after the child they were attacking decapitated one of them and the other 3 were impaled with spears from the back in various places

"BROTHER are you alright!" asks Eiva with concern on her face as she sees her brother bleeding from various places on his body

"i am fine Sister just a little banged up" Says Vergil with relief that he wasn't abandoned and was helped by his family

"that is good to hear brother come let me heal you and the we will head back and meet with Mama and Dante at my room then we will formulate a plan to deal with these pesky demons" says Eiva with rage and relief in her voice.

"not so fast little Brats!!" says an unknown voice not to far from their position. and out jumps the owner of said voice in all of his demonic glory.

"who are you!" says Eiva with worry in her voice

"i have no reason to tell a dead child my name" says the towering demon with a sinister grin

"Vergil lets beat this bastard to the ground" Says Eiva in response to the Demons arrogance

(First Fight Scene Hope it is ok)

the twins start to rush the 5 meter tall demon with their weapons drawn a katana in their right and left hand respectively (Right Vergil / Left Eiva). the demon laughs at the children's futile attempt but is shocked at what they just did. they both simultaneously slashed at his heels leaving arcs of demonic energy and a bloody curse from the Yamato and RoB and once the demon fell to the ground on his knees he swung at the children but failed to hit due to their high agility and flexibility. further infuriating the demon they started to pepper his body with wounds of various shapes and sizes.

"ARRGGhh you damned brats stay still and DIE!!" shouts the demon as it releases a wave of demonic energy that catches them of guard and flings them back. Vergil hits a tree but manages to recover fast due to his physiology as a demon and immediately checks on his sister only to see a sword from one of the fallen demons pierce her abdomen and blood leaking from her mouth. seeing his sister in such a state makes Vergil loose his composure and a torrent of demonic energy converges and releases from Vergils body giving him a pseudo Devil trigger boost and he rushes to the demon in an intense yet controlled rage making him evenly matched with this demon who has regenerated his wounds and is at 100% again.

As this is happening in the background Eiva who was impaled in her abdomen is thinking of a way to deal with this demon and an idea pops in her head

'Cortana convert my GT into 12PT please and then do a pull for something that will help me fight better'

[Right away host! Converting... Pulling Gacha.]

[Gained : Character card: Malenia]

'i knew this Gacha was busted in a good way. Cortana assimilate the card now'

[Yes! Host]

Whilst the assimilation process was happening the fight between Vergil and The Demon was continuing and reaching a plateau as both were evenly matched.

"HAHAHA to think a brat that hasn't even been in a war has managed to match up to me in a fight HAHA" laughs the demon as the exchanges blows with the white haired swordsman before him

"Don't think to highly of yourself Demon! you will die by my hands today!" says Vergil with bloodshot eyes.

they continue to exchange blows Vergil slashes his arm the demon hits his leg, he cuts its cheek and brow missing the eye the demon punches his stomach. Vergil gets sent flying back towards Eiva who has just completed assimilating the character card and the knowledge with it.

she sees her brother flying towards her so she un kebabs herself and jumps up to catch him and make sure he is alright

"Brother! are you alright" asks Eiva

"Sister you are Fine!" says Vergil in Shock and relief

"I am brother and best of all i have a way to finish this once and for all but i need you to do something for me" says Eiva with confidence.

"what is it sister tell me i will do it" says Vergil seriously

"i need you to run to the house to meet with Dante and Mama that way you will be out of the blast radius of the spell i am about to use" says Eiva with a Serious and sad tone

"Very well sister i trust you with this but please come back to us afterward" Says Vergil sensing the urgency of the situation

"I will try Brother now GO RUN" Shouts Eiva

Then Vergil Takes off at an insane speed to their house praying that his dear sister will return to them safe and secure.

once Vergil left Eiva started her "Spell" she started to gather scarlet rot within her body being unaffected by it thanks to her new character card. the more rot she has accumulated within her the more her hair starts to turn red reminiscent of the person she has assimilated with and then

*Boom* *Rumble* *Caw*

all the rot within her exploded outward within a flaming 'lotus?' (what is the closest flower Malenia becomes during the cutscene for phase 2 it looks like an unopened lotus to me). and it spreads in an instant leaves drop and crumble to ash grass withers and becomes dyed in red, red 'pollen' floats in the air making it uninhabitable, trees creak in agony and any and all living beings rot away submitting to the plague.

at the centre of it all we see a girl no older than 8 with blood red hair and 'ash' crumbling of off her as the wind picks up she slowly fades into the night sky unaware of the tragedy that befell the rest of her family.

-----(Author Note)-----

Power Back Life Good need i say more. hope you all enjoyed this one i know i did its the longest one yet standing at 2534 words what can i say i am very proud of my self i will try to post often in the next 2 weeks due to me needing to slow down after due to school starting.

for the rest of the Sparda family things went almost the same as cannon Vergil was kidnapped to hell. Dante thought all of them died. Eva was sealed in hell somewhere impossible to reach unless you know the coordinates and our protagonist Eiva paid the price of using power above her level and is sent to another world as punishment (Plot) and to train more.

Where should i send her i am thinking somewhere like goblin slayer S1 or a random generic isekai world to train her skills and commit some tomfoolery

Next chapter