
Eine Andere Welt (Another World)

Reinhard Curt became an orphan since an accident that claimed the lives of both his parents. This Indo-German mixed boy became a quiet teenager, didn't want to talk and was suspected of being depressed by his uncle and aunt. It turns out that it's not just depression, but since awakening from a coma Rei can see something different. Many strange creatures seemed to live together in their environment. These colorful and very microscopic spider-like creatures he could see in almost anything. Jelly-like creatures are also sometimes attached to the shoulders, corners of the room, bathrooms and dark rooms. Besides that, the shining creatures that often gather in bright places, and seem to sing to the sound of the wind. Rei once told his aunt, but instead a doctor was sent for him. Since then, Rei prefers to be silent and because of his concern Aunt Laura sent him to his Grandma’s house in the village where her mother was born. Rei, who is a half-blood, finds it difficult to get along with friends and chooses to be alone and play in his grandmother's yard. A place where he saw a mysterious hole with same size of an ant's hole that could suck him into a world he had never imagined before. What will happen to Rei? Will he be able to return to his Grandmother's house? What adventures await him and what creatures can he find there? Let's see the story!

Mrs_O · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Rei who ran after the little glowing creature realized that he was far from his grandmother's house. The orange and apple trees that were usually dominant were no longer seen. Rei was now in a place where many large trees were growing and it was very lush. Similar to a mahogany tree but if you look at the flowers it is not a mahogany tree. Rei who feels lost is now confused about where to go. The watch equipped with his messaging application was left in the room.

"Grandma's house is west and I'm running south," he muttered.

Rei tried to walk westward, but there were still no orange trees or rice fields that he usually saw. The boy looked up, he looked for the location of the sun to guess where the east was, but the very thick trees blocked the sunlight which was also the ray of hope.

"Okay, calm down Rei!" he said in his heart

Rei walked slowly down the unfamiliar-looking trees. Rei remember that when he was a child, he never once saw the forest behind his grandmother's house, he wondered if there was eco-green movement in his grandmother's village, but why did the tree he saw look like a tree that had grown for tens or even hundreds of years.

Rei started screaming, he asked for help maybe someone could hear his voice. Rei's voice echoed as it buzzed into his ears. Instead of anyone listening, Rei's ears hurt to hear the echo that came back to him again. Rei walked again, hoping it was the way home, but instead the more he walked the stranger the atmosphere he saw. Rei saw that there was a tree that looked very big, bigger, and shady, like a Samanea tree, its branches, and branches embracing the sky, very beautiful.

"To be this big, this tree must be very old," Rei thought.

Rei sat under the tree, he was comfortable there, he thought the big tree was like protecting him and felt safe compared to the other trees. Rei was tired, He don't know how long he had been walking and he was still lost. The wind is blowing, it should be around 11 or 12 noon because this morning Rei played soccer around 9 o'clock. He feels the wind blowing a bit hard, this time the wind can shake the branches and make the sunlight that turns out to be right above the tree looks dazzling. Rei observed his position, it seemed that it was midday, Rei was a bit calm because soon the direction of the sun was shifting must be west and that was the way home.

Suddenly the sunlight seemed to be getting more and more dazzling because the luminous creatures that Rei chased earlier began to gather there, they faced the sun and seemed to sing to the sound of the wind. A song that is difficult to explain in human language. The tone is melodious, it's just that it's not a human tone, it's very difficult to explain because it doesn't belong to any music genre.

Rei was stupefied with the concert of glowing flying balls, unaware that his head was swaying along with the little creature singing. The light of the sun that was initially bright began to be covered by clouds so that it was no longer visible. Their concert broke up, and the creature flew quickly to hide again, Rei immediately stood up, followed one of them, and saw that they all went into a hole in the ground. The hole is as big as an ant's hole and very small. Surprisingly the hole could accommodate all the glowing balls that ran and hide to get in there.

Rei was curious, Rei saw the small hole, but he didn't find any ants around, the hole was clean, but still, it was as big as a green bean.

"Tiny!" he thought.

Rei who was curious took a dry twig and tried to insert it like he was looking for bull ants.

The twigs that Rei put in moved, Rei quickly pulled the twigs out to see what kind of creature was pulling the branch. Instead of letting something out, Rei got a strong tug of abnormal energy from the inside.

"Aaakkgghh....!" Rei screamed, as loudly as he could.

Because the strong tug pulled him so fast that Rei could enter the very dark hole. Rei shouted as loud as he could because the little ant hole was as deep as a black hole pulling him out of nowhere.

Rei came out of the black hole, he seemed to be thrown and sat under a tree. With a slight shudder and gasping for air, he saw a tree that was much shadier than the tree where he had been before. A tree with reddish-purple leaves and very beautiful white flowers. The boy carefully watched, and he admit that he wasn't in the human world right now.

Rei held his breath, he had to accept the reality and risk of his curiosity. He was currently entering another dimension and the strange emmet hole was his portal. Rei thought he had to find the ant hole again to be able to return to his world.

Rei immediately stood up, pawing at the ground, opening the many reddish leaves that had fallen there. He had to be careful not to miss a hole that was only the size of a green pea. After a long time Rei began to despair, he had to accept the fact that the portal wasn't there. Rei's hungry stomach started to growl, Rei realized that he had to start looking for food, and while looking up he thought maybe there was some fruit he could eat.

Rei looked from the lower branches to the top, he observed whether the tree with reddish-purple leaves and white flowers was also bearing fruit. Rei gasped, his body stiff he just realized that on the tree there was a creature who was watching him. The first strange creature whose shape was so obvious with a face and body that looked as real as himself.

Realizing that Rei was watching her the strange figure on top of the tree flew to a lower branch and stood with very beautiful golden eyes. She was in the form of a girl, probably the same age as Rei.

Rei was a little scared, usually the creatures he met never had a face, but this time Rei saw that the yellow-skinned girl had a very cold face. Rei fell to the ground, his legs suddenly went limp when he saw the figure in front of him. The creature is completely real and can be dangerous.

The strange creature with turquoise hair threw something at Rei. The shape is round yellow as round as an apple but more tender. Rei took it, it seemed that the girl knew that Rei was hungry. Rei smelled the fruit he had just seen, it smelled fresh, and because he felt safe Rei bit it a little. It was sweet, Rei ate it, the taste was a mixture of pineapple and watermelon but the texture was like a melon. Rei finished it, it seems that hunger makes him easy to believe someone else.

The figure returned to the top, it was seen that the girl had transparent wings behind its back that helped her fly. Rei who felt that the girl was good began to talk to her.

"Hey, can you hear me?" said Rei while raising his hand high to be seen.

"Hey, have you seen the ant hole in this tree? A hole that a person our size can enter? Do you understand what I'm saying?" shouted Rei who seemed ignored.

"Hmm, I think that ghost doesn't understand what I'm saying!" Rei grumbled while turning around.

"What did you say to me? A ghost!" a loud voice came from behind Rei.

Without making a sound, it turned out that the girl was already behind Rei. Angry looks with golden eyes and canines sharp enough to tear human flesh.