
Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Gu Huai'an, a young scion of the No. 01 Courtyard Manor, had become the chief commander at Dragon Aviation Command Center at a very young age. He was known for his cold demeanor and seldom smiled or laughed. Not only did he come from a distinguished family, but he was also the unattainable gem of Beidu No. 01 Courtyard Mansion. Suddenly one day, he heard someone calling him "little brother." When he followed the voice, a pretty girl with an indifferent face asked, "Excuse me, sir, do I know you?" Yet at the same time: 【Wow, little brother is so handsome.】 【There are mountains beyond mountains, buildings beyond buildings, but little brother is handsome and gentle.】 【Little brother, hug!】 Gu Huai'an: …… The little girl's mouth, deceptive as a ghost's. ********* Song Yunuan transmigrated into a period novel and became a minor villainess who was soon eliminated – a role too small to be smaller. On her first day in the book, she stood in the Song family courtyard, trying hard to recall why the entire Song family would be wiped out in the story. In the end, she failed to notice the collective petrified expressions of the Song family members. Later… Her father became the richest man, her brother a top lawyer, her younger brother a scientist, her younger aunt a singer, and even her grandmother became a landlady. She herself turned into everyone's beloved darling. Song Yunuan: What happened to the hellish start I was promised?

Qiao Yishui · Urban
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391 Chs

Chapter 33: Groundless Slander_1

Translator: 549690339

Lin Qing did not wake up in the middle of the night; instead, she had not slept at all.

She was waiting for Azhong to return from handling some matters.

Azhong was sent back from overseas by her grandfather last month, along with two other people.

They were to assist her and her sister.

She had not been in contact with her sister for two months, and she never thought that when they met again, they would almost be parted by death.

Lin Qing's eyes were filled with hatred.

Hate for that man who clearly had the ability, yet neglected his two daughters.

If it were not for him, how could her sister have ended up in this situation?

Back then, her sister clearly did not have to go to the countryside, but it was that woman who drove her sister away.

Now they live in their mother's house, spending their mother's money, acting as if they were entitled.

How can there be such shameless people in this world?

Lin Qing clenched her fists tightly.