
Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Gu Huai'an, a young scion of the No. 01 Courtyard Manor, had become the chief commander at Dragon Aviation Command Center at a very young age. He was known for his cold demeanor and seldom smiled or laughed. Not only did he come from a distinguished family, but he was also the unattainable gem of Beidu No. 01 Courtyard Mansion. Suddenly one day, he heard someone calling him "little brother." When he followed the voice, a pretty girl with an indifferent face asked, "Excuse me, sir, do I know you?" Yet at the same time: 【Wow, little brother is so handsome.】 【There are mountains beyond mountains, buildings beyond buildings, but little brother is handsome and gentle.】 【Little brother, hug!】 Gu Huai'an: …… The little girl's mouth, deceptive as a ghost's. ********* Song Yunuan transmigrated into a period novel and became a minor villainess who was soon eliminated – a role too small to be smaller. On her first day in the book, she stood in the Song family courtyard, trying hard to recall why the entire Song family would be wiped out in the story. In the end, she failed to notice the collective petrified expressions of the Song family members. Later… Her father became the richest man, her brother a top lawyer, her younger brother a scientist, her younger aunt a singer, and even her grandmother became a landlady. She herself turned into everyone's beloved darling. Song Yunuan: What happened to the hellish start I was promised?

Qiao Yishui · Urban
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393 Chs

Chapter 107: Do you have anything to say to her?_1

Translator: 549690339

Song Yunuan went to make a phone call to Zheng Dong.

Last time she returned, Zheng Dong had given her his phone number, telling her to call him for sure if there was anything needed.

She wasn't sure if he would be there at this time.

Chu Zizhou was writing work notes and thought she came in to ask about how the situation with Liu Daniu had been handled.

He said to her, "Liu Daniu and Chu Youfu were sent to work at the pig farm."

Song Yunuan's eyes curved into a smile, "Then I really have to thank Brigade Leader Chu."

"No need to mention it." Seeing Song Yunuan take out one yuan, he asked, "You want to make a phone call, should I leave?"

Song Yunuan gestured with her hand, "No need, I just want to see if Zheng Dong is in the office or not."

Song Yunuan thought the telephones of this era were quite distinctive. For instance, the one at the brigade headquarters was black and had a rotary dial, where you had to turn the dial in a circle for each number.