
Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Gu Huai'an, a young scion of the No. 01 Courtyard Manor, had become the chief commander at Dragon Aviation Command Center at a very young age. He was known for his cold demeanor and seldom smiled or laughed. Not only did he come from a distinguished family, but he was also the unattainable gem of Beidu No. 01 Courtyard Mansion. Suddenly one day, he heard someone calling him "little brother." When he followed the voice, a pretty girl with an indifferent face asked, "Excuse me, sir, do I know you?" Yet at the same time: 【Wow, little brother is so handsome.】 【There are mountains beyond mountains, buildings beyond buildings, but little brother is handsome and gentle.】 【Little brother, hug!】 Gu Huai'an: …… The little girl's mouth, deceptive as a ghost's. ********* Song Yunuan transmigrated into a period novel and became a minor villainess who was soon eliminated – a role too small to be smaller. On her first day in the book, she stood in the Song family courtyard, trying hard to recall why the entire Song family would be wiped out in the story. In the end, she failed to notice the collective petrified expressions of the Song family members. Later… Her father became the richest man, her brother a top lawyer, her younger brother a scientist, her younger aunt a singer, and even her grandmother became a landlady. She herself turned into everyone's beloved darling. Song Yunuan: What happened to the hellish start I was promised?

Qiao Yishui · Urban
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279 Chs

Chapter 104: So that's how it is!_1

Translator: 549690339

Second Aunt Lian Xiang was from Hekou Village, not far from Erdao River.

She lost her mother at an early age and her days grew bitter after her father remarried.

Fortunately, her grandparents treated her well, and she was lucky to meet Song He, marry into the Song family, and have a son and a daughter.

Song Yunuan had never received any news about Lian Xiang and Xiao Gang, Xiao Ru. She even thought that Second Aunt had left with the children.

But she hadn't.

She stayed in the village. When Song He went to confront Lin Qing for answers, Lian Xiang was left at home with the three children, including Asheng.

Thinking the village was safe, but in fact, it was the most dangerous place.

Lian Xiang was beautiful, still attractive even after having children. Big Boss Ding harbored filthy thoughts for her.

At that time, Chu Xiaocao hadn't entered the family yet.