
Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

In order to be loved, she changed her whole personality, but all she got in return was a cold husband and her unrequited feelings. Now that she lost her memories and went back to her old self, she's determined to never love again. She wouldn't let anyone trample on her anymore. But then, why is her husband coming back around again - turning over a new leaf and wanting to take her back so desperately? "You should know well by now, my beloved wife. Didn't you change yourself for love...?" he muttered vehemently, voice low and smoky. His unwavering eyes are blazing with passion and a deep sense of endearment that she'd never seen before. This isn't her husband at all - instead of cold, his gaze appears to be on fire. "The same goes for me... So, love me, love me not - you're going to take responsibility." --- Impassive, strait-laced, stiff and very compliant - that's how everyone sees Cassidy Eleanor. She's an underdog wife who's desperate to gain her husband's affection and would even sacrifice her own freedom. Coming from an unknown background, she was neglected by her spouse, persecuted by his family, and misjudged in her workplace. That's all until it came to a point when she already had enough. In an effort to flee from the clutches of a loveless marriage and all the obligations that were forced on her, she got herself a ticket and boarded a plane. Little did she know that a bombing incident would ultimately ruin her plan to start anew. Then, before she knew it, she woke up to find herself with a type of amnesia that caused her to forget everything that happened to her when she's past the age of eighteen-years-old. To be exact, Cassidy had gone back to her old self - right before she met her husband, Adrian Millicent. --- Cold, distant, steely and iron-willed - that's how everyone sees the owner of the country's richest conglomerate. Adrian is known to be a prodigious figure in a variety of fields and commerce, a prestigious individual with billions of assets, and a man of outstanding achievements overall. He used to be the most-sought-after bachelor of the country, but only to get in an arranged marriage by his grandparent - with a woman of unknown origin, to boot. He really couldn't care less, though. After all, he never needed love to begin with. That's all until Adrian found this reserved and amenable wife of his acting like a wild and boisterous teenage girl one day. -- WFP #23 Gold Tier Winner -- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

Aciee_GelaTin · Urban
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305 Chs

The Bored Lady of the House

With her mood dampened by her absence in their family portrait, Cassidy ends up drooping all sullenly for the rest of her tour.

She didn't even attempt to hide how gloomy she's feeling inside at that moment. Because of that, the houseworkers are no longer able to resist paying attention to her. They can't keep themselves from looking whenever she passes by.

It just happened that an imaginary dark cloud is practically hovering over Cassidy's head the entire time. She has this frown hanging on her face like some sort of a burden she's cursed to carry for all of eternity.

Now, this got everyone more than bewildered.

Just some hours ago, their mistress was walking down the hallway like some kind of a gangster. Then, on the next, they suddenly find her looking as if she's leading a funeral procession.

"Those are already two expressions in a day, huh...?"

"Ma'am Cassidy's never the type to show her emotions like this..."

"Amnesia can be such a scary thing..."

"You'll never know that you're already doing what you've always been trying so hard not to do..."

The maids keep engaging in a round of gossips whenever Cassidy has her back on them.

If only she's in the mood, she will definitely walk up to them at this very second and teach them how to gossip more properly. She can hear everything they're tittle-tattling about, after all. It's almost as if they're raring to be busted out.

"Hmph...! Amateurs... You guys can do better than that," she boasted with a huff while flipping her hair all haughtily.

She really couldn't care less that it's her they're talking about. With that, she just carries on with her business.

A moment later, Cassidy finally has had enough of roaming around, though she doubts if she's even able to finish half of this whole palatial mansion.

She decided to make a stop at the kitchen and search for something to eat, not really anticipating that the place would turn out to be some sort of a cooking area in a five-star restaurant. A bit intimidated by the lavish setting and this group of foreigners who happened to be the family's personal chefs, she completely lost her appetite and just left.

"Oh, come on, is there anything ordinary in this place...?!" Cassidy bolted out in her head as she stomped down the hallway, looking like a toddler whose fun had been completely ruined.

"I feel like a country bumpkin in my own hometown! Ughh...!"

In reality, she's just bummed out that she didn't find anything to play or mess around with.

Everything is too imposing and luxurious for their own good. It bores her in the end even though she does indeed reacted wonder-stricken and astounded every time she finds something.

This fairytale-like setting just doesn't suit Cassidy at all.

"Should I just go outside? Maybe the garden would do-"

Then, she paused.

As Cassidy walked past through a doorless lounge, she suddenly caught sight of something that didn't quite blend in the ambiance of the place. It's sticking out right beside a cream-colored sofa, wordlessly tempting her to enter the lounge at this very instant.

"A skateboard!"

With an ecstatic grin splattered across her face, Cassidy rushes inside and grabs this black skateboard with white wheels and stripes design. Right at that moment, a group of maids also happened to pass through the lounge and caught her beholding the object like some trophy.

"Umm... Excuse, Ma'am Cassidy," one of them called out, making her turn to look back at the entrance.

"Yeah?" she asked casually, taking them aback.

"Well, umm... That skateboard... It's from Sir Edward's first son, Sir Damien. They visited yesterday, and he must've forgotten to bring it when they left."

"Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know... Noted on that!"

The maids expect that Cassidy is going to put it back, but then, she only continues exchanging looks with them. They all just fall silent for a second, returning her stare with a baffled one. She then lifts an eyebrow in puzzlement, urging them to speak again.

"So, umm... What are you going to do with it... Ma'am?"

"I'm borrowing it, of course."

Then, they gaped.

That's when Cassidy finally went ahead and placed the skateboard back on the ground. With a smirk on her face, she then steps on it and looks at them schemingly, looking as if she's planning to crash them over if they won't budge out of the doorway.

"W-Wait, Ma'am...! Are you serious-"


And alas, she came skating.

Everyone frantically moves out of the way, all their eyes bulging in nonplus and incredulity as she glided past through them. Too caught off guard, they take a moment to let this scene register in their heads while she proceeds to skate down the hallway.

That's all until they remember that she's supposed to have only come out of the hospital earlier today.

"Ma'am Cassidyyyyyy...!!!"