
Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

In order to be loved, she changed her whole personality, but all she got in return was a cold husband and her unrequited feelings. Now that she lost her memories and went back to her old self, she's determined to never love again. She wouldn't let anyone trample on her anymore. But then, why is her husband coming back around again - turning over a new leaf and wanting to take her back so desperately? "You should know well by now, my beloved wife. Didn't you change yourself for love...?" he muttered vehemently, voice low and smoky. His unwavering eyes are blazing with passion and a deep sense of endearment that she'd never seen before. This isn't her husband at all - instead of cold, his gaze appears to be on fire. "The same goes for me... So, love me, love me not - you're going to take responsibility." --- Impassive, strait-laced, stiff and very compliant - that's how everyone sees Cassidy Eleanor. She's an underdog wife who's desperate to gain her husband's affection and would even sacrifice her own freedom. Coming from an unknown background, she was neglected by her spouse, persecuted by his family, and misjudged in her workplace. That's all until it came to a point when she already had enough. In an effort to flee from the clutches of a loveless marriage and all the obligations that were forced on her, she got herself a ticket and boarded a plane. Little did she know that a bombing incident would ultimately ruin her plan to start anew. Then, before she knew it, she woke up to find herself with a type of amnesia that caused her to forget everything that happened to her when she's past the age of eighteen-years-old. To be exact, Cassidy had gone back to her old self - right before she met her husband, Adrian Millicent. --- Cold, distant, steely and iron-willed - that's how everyone sees the owner of the country's richest conglomerate. Adrian is known to be a prodigious figure in a variety of fields and commerce, a prestigious individual with billions of assets, and a man of outstanding achievements overall. He used to be the most-sought-after bachelor of the country, but only to get in an arranged marriage by his grandparent - with a woman of unknown origin, to boot. He really couldn't care less, though. After all, he never needed love to begin with. That's all until Adrian found this reserved and amenable wife of his acting like a wild and boisterous teenage girl one day. -- WFP #23 Gold Tier Winner -- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

Aciee_GelaTin · Urban
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305 Chs

A Sudden Visit

Then and again, Adrian doesn't know what is going on with him lately.

Too drawn by how Cassidy was unknowingly titillating him with the way she made all those noises and moved her mouth, he found himself staring at her for a good portion of time. Breakfast had never been that stimulating for him, which then led him back to the question about what exactly was going on with him.

"This is really getting weird," Adrian sighed in exasperation.

After breakfast, Cassidy didn't speak to him anymore and just rushed out of the dining room. That only means that she's still mad about last night. But then again, his gesture was indeed forceful and a bit rough.

"Will she still be like that later when I get home, then?" he found himself wondering silently as he looked up to the cloudless blue sky.

"What got you thinking deep so early in the morning, President?"

At someone's sudden entrance in his office, Adrian turns his rolling chair back around to his desk and faces the person. He's taken aback to find this blonde-haired woman with ocean blue pupils and a curvaceous figure that certainly comes out voluptuous.

What's more, she's wearing a revealing, blazing red cocktail dress with a black blazer, which will definitely catch people's attention.

"Sophie, what are you doing here?" Adrian asked with a brow arched, evidently surprised and confused.

"Mommy dear isn't going to work for today. I'm filling in her shoes for now~" the blonde answered complacently, walking up to his office desk with a seductive look on her face.

"You mean my mother?"

"Yeah... She said she's going to visit a certain in-law of hers."

As soon as Sophie reaches Adrian, she goes ahead and sits on the arm of his rolling chair, suggestively peering at him with a sultry simper all the while. She then slowly snakes her arms around his neck - looking like a python who's about to ensnare her prey.

That's all until Adrian bolted out of his seat and looked at Sophie incredulously.

"Wait, she's gonna do what?!"

This catches her off guard, making her retrieve her arms and wonder what gets him ruining the mood all of the sudden. She really thought that she'd have her way with him this time, especially since she managed to get this close to him today.

"He's not usually like this. Why is he getting all worked up with that useless wife of his now?" she thought silently, crossing her arms with a huff and frowning in annoyance.

Unbeknownst to Sophie, what made Adrian throw away his usual cool was the very fact that his stern and austere mother was about to meet his troublemaker wife.


Back at the mansion, things weren't any less eventful.

Cassidy was just wondering about what she would be doing to pass time with when a guest suddenly arrived. The head housemaid and butler had informed her that it was her mother-in-law, which kind of piqued her curiosity.

"So, it's bossman's mother, huh? People used to say that sons would often take after their fathers, which then means that his mother may not be that bad-"

Then, she paused.

Cassidy is now standing beside the balustrades of the upper floor, taking a glimpse of her mother-in-law who's at the lobby downstairs - looking like a gargoyle with how stiff and rigid her supposedly youthful-looking face is.

"Okay, perhaps not."