
Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Finding himself in the world of pirates, Wexford gained the ability to clone the Pirate Kings of the parallel worlds. Garp, who has dominated the four seas; Katakuri, who led the Charlotte family to rise to power; and the king of the underground world, Doflamingo. Thanks to his ability, a number of parallel worlds Pirate Kings, gathered under the pirate flag of Wexford. > Release 2~3 chapters per week > Bonus 1 chapter in the week this novel reach 300 power stone > Bonus 1 chapter every 10 five stars reviews (fake account not count) Support my Pa tr eon for more chapter! htt p s://ww w.p atreon.co m/SoulGod (delete space) This is translation of novel with the same name.

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs

Whitebeard and Red Hair Join Forces

It's too strong...

These three words were the thoughts of countless marines who saw this scene.

Even Sakazuki and Kuzan felt that Wexford's move was too easy.

Is this strongest creature in the world? Just like Kuzan and the others, Wexford, who was controlling Whitebeard, was also surprised by his own strength.

This time, I must take Whitebeard's Devil Fruit ability.

After using Whitebeard's power, Wexford was looking forward to this strength.

In order to take away Whitebeard's strength, saving Ace became the priority.

"Marco, you take Vista and Jozu to help Red Hair first." In order to complete the task as soon as possible, Wexford turned to Marco and said after resolving the attack of the two Admirals.

Marco, as Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix user, could directly support the attack from the air.

In order to let Red Hair Shanks break through the defense of the marine as soon as possible, Wexford was ready to send three Division Commanders to help.

The three people mentioned by Wexford were all top-notch in terms of combat strength.

As Whitebeard's assistant, Marco's strength was needless to say.

On the other hand, Vista had the strength to fight with the world's number one swordsman, and his swordsmanship could already be said to be at the top of the four seas.

Diamond Jozu was just like his name. He had Kira Kira no Mi and was unique in terms of defense. He also had the name of 'Shield of the Diamond' on the sea.

After Marco heard Wexford's order, he looked at the three people on the pier and said, "Dad, if we go directly to assist Red Haired, wouldn't the front..."

Before Marco could finish, Wexford raised his hand and said, "Don't say anymore. Go, I will take care of this."

After Wexford finished speaking, Marco could only nod his head and say, "Okay, Dad."

Marco was very clear about his father's strength. The reputation of being the number one in the world was not something that could be casually said. Since his father said that he wanted to solve it himself, then he could only bring Vista and Jozu to support Red Haired.

At this time, the battle between Shanks and Dragon had reached its climax. Both of them had basically used their full strength.

Although Shanks had the bonus of the famous knife, 'Gryphon', Dragon was able to fight Shanks with his bare hands.

In addition to this battlefield, Garp directly rushed to Red Hair Pirates' boat. Together with Borsalino in the sky, he directly punched a few holes in Red Hair Pirates' boat.

In this way, even if Red Hair Pirates saved Shanks from the execution platform, he wouldn't be able to leave the headquarters.

The reason why Red Hair Pirates was so easily broken through by Garp was because there were too many gunmen on the boat.

When fighting against a close combat master like Garp, the gunmen were a bit weak, unless they immediately pulled away, they would have a chance to fight Garp.

But now Red Hair Pirates was the attacking side, and the sea was also frozen. For Benn Beckman and the others, it was basically impossible to pull apart the distance between the two sides.

Fortunately, just as Benn Beckman was about to be hit by Garp's punch, Marco, who had turned into a Phoenix, rushed down from the sky with Vista and Jozu.

In the face of Marco who was about to peck him, Garp could only suddenly raise his fist and face Marco in the sky.


Garp punched Marco's beak, scattering the whole bird into blue smoke.

As Marco spread out, Vista and Jozu landed on Red Hair Pirates' ship at the same time.

When they landed on the ship, they didn't stop and directly attacked Garp from the left and right.

In the sky, Marco, who had already been scattered, instantly gathered the smoke around and turned back into a giant Phoenix.

When Marco reappeared, the number of people attacking Garp became three, and it was a joint attack from the ground and the sky.

Although Borsalino in the sky wanted to go and support Garp, Red Hair Pirates' people didn't give him the chance. Under the sniper of Yasopp and others, Borsalino could only watch Marco and the others attack Garp together.


Under Borsalino's gaze, another roar came from Red Hair Pirates' ship.

With this loud sound, a thick smoke suddenly emerged from Red Hair Pirates' ship. The surrounding frozen sea also cracked, revealing the sea water below.

When the smoke dissipated, the surrounding marines saw that the pirate ship with the red flag had broken into two pieces from the middle, and with the cracking of the surrounding ice, the pirate ship also sank into the water.

Among the four initiators who caused the collapse of the pirate ship, Garp had already jumped back to the dock, and on the side of the pirates, Marco, because of his fruit ability self-healing attribute, although his shoulder was hit again, he quickly recovered.

In addition to the main force of these two fights, Vista felt that his left arm was a little numb when he was punched by Garp, but fortunately, it was only a short blow, he didn't have any other reaction.

Compared to Vista, he didn't feel anything.

"Thank you." On the sinking pirate ship, Benn Beckman raised the gun aimed at Borsalino and said to Marco.

Although his pirate ship had already been broken by the two sides, Benn Beckman still knew the severity of the situation. If not for Whitebeard Pirates approaching, Sengoku, Sakazuki, and the others wouldn't have been attracted to the pier.

If not for Marco and the other two's help, they would have just lost their pirate ship.

"If you want to thank me, then thank dad." Marco said without turning his head, then grabbed Vista and Jozu again, flying from the broken pirate ship into the pier where Shanks and Dragon were fighting.

The three of them were arranged by Wexford, mainly to help Red Haired, and blocking Garp's attack.

"Whitebeard also wants to get involved? Today's punishment has nothing to do with you, right?" In the sky, Borsalino turned into a golden light and returned to the dock, stopping Marco and the others who were ready to assist Shanks.

"This has nothing to do with you." Jozu had already fallen from Marco's claws and said to Borsalino.

Borsalino saw that Jozu was not very polite, so he grinned and raised his hand, ready to give Jozu a ray of golden light.

However, just as Borsalino was about to shoot out a flash, a young marine rushed over from the side and smirked, "Uncle Borsalino! Let me do it!"

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