
Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Finding himself in the world of pirates, Wexford gained the ability to clone the Pirate Kings of the parallel worlds. Garp, who has dominated the four seas; Katakuri, who led the Charlotte family to rise to power; and the king of the underground world, Doflamingo. Thanks to his ability, a number of parallel worlds Pirate Kings, gathered under the pirate flag of Wexford. > Release 2~3 chapters per week > Bonus 1 chapter in the week this novel reach 300 power stone > Bonus 1 chapter every 10 five stars reviews (fake account not count) Support my Pa tr eon for more chapter! htt p s://ww w.p atreon.co m/SoulGod (delete space) This is translation of novel with the same name.

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs

The Reaction of the Marine

Seeing those ice spikes immediately approaching him, Garp's body slightly crouched down. Right hand up, ready to punch these ice spikes to all blast.

However, when Garp was ready to do it, the ice spikes that were moving quickly in front of him suddenly emerged from an ice blade, which was supposed to stand on the surface of the sea. Kuzan actually appeared in between these ice spikes with a blade that stabbed straight to Garp.

Because Kuzan's attack was too sudden, the old Pirate King, Garp, hadn't reacted when Kuzan slashed at his arm.


The ice spikes directly cut through Garp's clothes. If not for his quick reaction, perhaps his arm would have gone.

Dodging the attack of Kuzan, Garp reached out to touch the blood oozing out of the left arm and said to Kuzan, who was still attacking him, "You actually melted into the ice. No wonder I did not notice you coming."

Kuzan did not reply. However, he once again merged into the ice and then poked his body out of another ice spike and slashed at Garp again.

However, Garp had been hit once by Kuzan and had already prepared for it, and while Kuzan appeared behind him, Garp had already turned and punched.


Garp's fierce punch struck at the incoming ice spikes, but through the elementalization attached to the top of Kuzan had long since disappeared.

As a Logia Devil Fruit user, the strength of Kuzan was certainly not simple.

Although he was previously suppressed by Garp, he already knew the strength of Garp's. Kuzan changed his thinking and no longer fighting head to head as before with Garp.

Kuzan knew if, under the frontal physical confrontation, he couldn't fight with Garp. At this time, Kuzan could only try to play his Logia Devil Fruit ability to defeat the opponent.

Faced with Kuzan, who suddenly began to hide his form, Garp was in no hurry. He scanned the ice spikes that surrounded him and narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You think I can't do anything if you hide in the ice?"

"I've defeated countless Logia Devil Fruit abilities, and every one of them thought they could beat me."

"But what happened in the end? They all became losers."

"Do you think you will be the only one who succeeds?"

After finishing the last sentence, Garp suddenly turned around, leapt up from the ruins of the pier, raised his right hand and went straight for an ice spike not far away.


After Garp's attack fell, the ice spike instantly flew out of a figure. This person, who was hidden in the ice and snow, was the Marine Admiral Kuzan.

Although Kuzan concealed in the many ice thorns through his Devil Fruit ability, with the Kenbunshoku Haki, Garp discovered the location of the opponent in the observation.

As a Pirate King who was exceptionally outstanding in all three Haki, Garp's name of Pirate King was not a vain name.

After Garp's attack, Kuzan, who had been hit again, was lying in a pile of ice spikes, and he was obviously hurt badly by Garp's attack.


As soon as the Den Den Mushi was connected, Momonga said excitedly, "Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

"Momonga, what's the matter? Has the pirates arrived in Loguetown?" Sengoku, who received Momonga's phone call, asked.

Momonga took a big breath and replied, "Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the opponent has just landed in Loguetown, but Vice Admiral Garp has not yet arrived. Now, Admiral Kuzan is fighting with the opponent now, but...."

Not waiting for the already frowning Sengoku to ask, Momonga then went on to say, "But just now I saw Admiral Kuzan seems to be knocked away. Fleet Admiral Sengoku, we may..."

"Needless to say, I know." At this point in Marineford, Sengoku had understood. The group of pirates had landed in Loguetown before Garp, and now Kuzan did not seem to be able to stop the opponent.

"Contact Kuzan, let him evacuate first."

Sengoku as the Fleet Admiral was also known as the legend of the wise general. In this choice, he certainly knew what to do.

The whole powerful pirates in the world were countless. The Four Emperors of the New World, the Seven Warlords of the Sea of the Grand Line, were all-powerful and prestigious existence among pirates.

The marine was unable to remove all these sea pirates for a while, so in the necessary moment, or to preserve the strength of the marine as a prerequisite.

These Admirals under his command could not be injured in the East Blue. He could not lose a Marine Admiral because of a capture mission. If the Marine Headquarters lost an Admiral, the entire power structure of the sea would be instantly rewritten. After all, the Four Emperors of the New World would definitely strike when the marine strength was diminished.


After hanging up Momonga's call, Sengoku hurriedly contacted Garp, who was still in the East Blue.

"Sengoku, what is it?" The man who was sitting on the deck took the Den Den Mushi from his second in command and swallowed the doughnut in his hand.

Compared to the relaxed Garp, Sengoku's tone was much more serious.

After Garp asked, he said directly, "Where are you now? That group of pirates have arrived in Logueown, Kuzan may not be able to stop those pirates."

As soon as Garp heard this news, he immediately put down his hand and grabbed another donut, "I know, I'll be in Loguetown soon."

"Good, try to speed up, otherwise...."

Although Sengoku did not finish the words, Garp also understood what he meant. If he arrived later, Kuzan would probably not be able to keep.

Garp, who had already fought with the opponent in the Windmill Village, certainly knew the strength of that group of people. This group of guys wasn't the average pirate. Anyway, they were never the pirates who should appear in the East Blue.


After Sengoku hung up the call, Garp looked serious. This marine hero stood up and looked in the direction of Loguetown, "How far are we?"

The second in command on the side took out the map he carried, estimated his position and replied to Garp, "Lord Vice Admiral, we should immediately...."

Before the second in command could finish his words, the entire ship suddenly looked straight ahead to the ship.

This second in command might have felt the change in the atmosphere nearby. When he looked up, the place where the sea and sky were connected had been covered with ice and snow, and the waves were lapping at the icy continent that had somehow appeared.

"Ice? It's Admiral Kuzan…"

The second in command was also aware that the Marine Headquarters had sent Kuzan to the East Blue, so when he saw the frozen sea, he immediately thought of that the Admiral who had arrived from the Marine Headquarters.

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