
Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Finding himself in the world of pirates, Wexford gained the ability to clone the Pirate Kings of the parallel worlds. Garp, who has dominated the four seas; Katakuri, who led the Charlotte family to rise to power; and the king of the underground world, Doflamingo. Thanks to his ability, a number of parallel worlds Pirate Kings, gathered under the pirate flag of Wexford. > Release 2~3 chapters per week > Bonus 1 chapter in the week this novel reach 300 power stone > Bonus 1 chapter every 10 five stars reviews (fake account not count) Support my Pa tr eon for more chapter! htt p s://ww w.p atreon.co m/SoulGod (delete space) This is translation of novel with the same name.

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs

Justice Belongs to Me

The two marine ships were in the sky at this time. Still, The Sabaody Archipelago surrounded admiral Sakazuki, and the formation of a huge lava wall surprised the ship's railing was crushed.

Sabaody Archipelago was wrapped on three sides and also up to a hundred meters. How powerful was such a strength?

"I didn't think he could actually block it in such a way."

Next to Admiral Sakazuki, Issho was also murmuring to himself. Although Issho could not use his eyes to see the lava walls that blocked the huge waves, he who observed through Kenbunshoku Haki sensed the changes on the coastline of Sabaody Archipelago.

"Admiral Sakazuki, Admiral Issho, Fleet Admiral Sengoku told us to withdraw some distance one after another." Vice-Admiral Momonga, who had been communicating with the Marine Headquarters with a Den Den Mushi, said to Admiral Sakazuki and Issho with the telephone bug on his end.

Admiral Sakazuki looked at the shallows outside Sabaody Archipelago, which had been washed into black, and whispered, "No, shelling immediately! Covering such a large area, his consumption is definitely quite a lot. We must take advantage of this opportunity to attack Sabaody Archipelago in one fell swoop."

"We can't let him exist one more day."

For that lava giant, Admiral Sakazuki still remembered it vividly.

Such an opponent absolutely could not let him stay one more day, one more day, that Magu Magu no Mi user would pose a greater threat to the marine.

Therefore, Admiral Sakazuki must take advantage of when Wexford was not in Sabaody Archipelago in time to clean up the other party.

"This ..." After hearing Admiral Sakazuki's words, Momonga suddenly did not know how to try.

On the other side of the line, Sengoku asked the only two remaining hands of warships to tempoto retreat to wait for reinforcements from the Marine Headquarters temporarily. Sakazuki wanted to let that marine continue to stay in the outer sea of the Sabaody Archipelago but also to shell the island.

If the person on the island still had the physical presence, their two marine warships would not be in danger?

"He is also right, shelling." Sengoku, on the phone, who had heard those words from Admiral Sakazuki, also finally took a stand.

After Sengoku agreed, Momonga did not insist but directly handed the Den Den Mushi to Admiral Sakazuki and turned around to arrange the ship's personnel to shell the island.

The marine ships were still in the air, so even though Sabaody Archipelago was wrapped in a 100-meter-high lava wall, the ships' guns could also shell the islands.



Under the command of Momonga, the only two remaining warships, after loading their guns, fired in unison towards Sabaody Archipelago.

Boom! Boom!

Dozens of guns opened fire together, and the discharged shells flew towards Sabaody Archipelago like meteors.

Since the waves below the warship were still rolling, the sound of the guns was loud, but the roar of the shells could not be heard inside the island.

But even though the sound of the guns was suppressed by the sound of the waves washing over the lava wall, but Rayleigh still sensed the rapid arrival of those shells in the sky.

After taking a look at the location of the pier, Rayleigh's feet moved, and he leaped to the nearest lava wall.

When Rayleigh landed on the outer edge of the wall that had turned into obsidian, his hand was already holding a long knife that had been hanging in the Rip-Off Bar.

Rayleigh looked at dozens of oncoming shells, the long knife in his hand constantly waving, under the sword overflowing, shells in mid-air and then disintegrated, turned into thumb-sized steel fragments.

The marine on top of the warship watched the cannon being shattered, and all eyes were placed on Rayleigh, who was standing on the black stone.

"Rayleigh! He is actually in Sabaody Archipelago."

Admiral Sakazuki and a group of Vice Admirals on the warship, of course, know this right wrist of the King of pirates. After all, this is also a big figure on the sea back then.

Initially, they wanted to take advantage of Sakazuki's exhausted physical strength to attack the island, but now it seemed that this plan could only be temporarily shelved.

The Sabaody Archipelago was not that easy to take down with Rayleigh's assistance.

"Retreat for now." Admiral Sakazuki handed the Den Den Mushi in his hand back to Momonga and turned towards the cabin of the warship.

With the order of Admiral Sakazuki, the commander of the demon-slaying order, the only two remaining warships were also gradually restored to gravity by Issho and fell lightly on top of the sea that had returned to calm.

At this time, although the waves have stopped, the huge wall of lava on the coastline of Sabaody Archipelago did not fade away with it.

It had gradually turned into obsidian as a black gate of hell, so it stood on the coastline.

If the pirates who came to Sabaody Archipelago saw this scene, they certainly would not think that this was the way to enter the New World, the coated capital - Sabaody Archipelago.

After the marine started to leave, Rayleigh, who was standing on top of the huge wall of lava that was still smoldering, also put away the long sword in his hand.

The marine was shocked back. Rayleigh looked down at the Sabaody Archipelago docks that had been destroyed, shook his head, and leaped back to the open space in front of the knockout bar.

"Knot, the end of it ..."

At this point, the clown Buggy was still sitting on the ground, and his mouth was chanting something.

For Buggy, today could be described as a massive impact on this day, regardless of the giant wall of lava or the monstrous waves of the sea, all let Buggy feel in a dream in general.

"I really should not come to the Grand Line." When Buggy saw Rayleigh back, he knew that things had finally come to an end, and only then his hands were loose, and he lay down on the ground.

"You do not go to see that companion of yours?" Rayleigh walked to the side of Buggy, looking down at the original trainee on Roger's pirate ship.

"Companion?" Hearing Rayleigh say these two words, Buggy shook his head violently, "He is not my companion. If not for him, I would have already returned to the East Blue!"

For Sakazuki's retention before, Buggy still remembered vividly. If it were not for Sakazuki's early proposal to Captain Wexford to leave him, the captain would have released himself long ago, and he might have been able to share a sum of gold brought down from Skypeia.

Rayleigh shook his head slightly. Since he was not willing to go, of course, Rayleigh would not force. Of course, he also knew the character of Buggy. After all, now Buggy was not a trainee on Roger Pirate ship, but the pirate crew under Captain Wexford.

On top of the pier, Sakazuki, who Rayleigh and Buggy were talking to, was sitting on top of the ruins that had become unrecognizable, breathing heavily.

"Phew... Hoo ..."

The huge wall of lava that encircled half of the Sabaody Archipelago consumed all of Sakazuki's physical strength. If Admiral Sakazuki and Issho really chose to attack, then Sakazuki would no longer have the strength to resist.

"Teacher, the banner of justice belongs to more than the marine and certainly not to the World Government."

Sakazuki turned his head sideways, looking at a deep pit next to him, and said softly, "Justice belongs to those who have the strength, and only strength, so that justice can be practiced."

"And I'm is one of them."

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