
Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Finding himself in the world of pirates, Wexford gained the ability to clone the Pirate Kings of the parallel worlds. Garp, who has dominated the four seas; Katakuri, who led the Charlotte family to rise to power; and the king of the underground world, Doflamingo. Thanks to his ability, a number of parallel worlds Pirate Kings, gathered under the pirate flag of Wexford. > Release 2~3 chapters per week > Bonus 1 chapter in the week this novel reach 300 power stone > Bonus 1 chapter every 10 five stars reviews (fake account not count) Support my Pa tr eon for more chapter! htt p s://ww w.p atreon.co m/SoulGod (delete space) This is translation of novel with the same name.

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs


At this point, because of Sabaody Archipelago thing, Kaido was looking excited while Sengoku from the Marine Headquarters Marineford was silent as he went to the Sabaody Archipelago with emergency assistance after getting Z into the enemy camp.

Two big battles, and the marine lost the present Admiral, thinking about the original Admiral, this was something that had not happened for hundreds of years.

"When we left, Teacher Z had been covered by that huge wall made of lava."

Vice Admiral Momonga who introduced the previous battle to Sengoku, talking about his teacher Z, and was secretly sad.

Now the top and middle ranks of the marine were basically Z's former student, both the three Admirals and a number of Vice Admiral, all taught by Z.

So compared to the previous Admiral Borsalino who might have fallen, Z's life and death had great impact to Sengoku as well as Momonga and other people.

"Lord Fleet Admiral, what should we do now?" Momonga asked Sengoku after a general introduction of the situation in the Sabaody Archipelago.

At this time, more than a day had passed since the demon slaying order fleet attacked Sabaody Archipelago, and Sengoku could not figure out what the situation on the island was at this time.

If Sengoku had arrived at Sabaody Archipelago when the battle was just over, he might have taken advantage of the opponent's exhausted strength to attack.

But now a day had passed, the other side had recovered their strength. Even if they attacked again, there would be great resistance to the marine.

Most importantly, the island was likely to have a secret hand left behind by Wexford, and the best proof of that was Rayleigh, who broke through the artillery attack.

In addition to Rayleigh, the World Economy Newspaper announced yesterday the latest personnel table of the Wexford Pirates, which appeared in the Water 7 and did not participate in the battle.

In such a situation, Sengoku didn't want to let the marine crew venture into the Sabaody Archipelago again.

But the loss of Z let Sengoku upset a bit. He could send two Devil Fruit user for Borsalino to negotiate several times, and there must be some action for Z too.

"Twelve warships were shelling Sabaody Archipelago, I entered the Sabaody Archipelago from the rear with Kuzan and laugh to see the situation inside."

Sengoku was not going to fight the other side head on this time. After two failures, he also wanted to find out what the other side's situation was like first.

"Sakazuki, you are wounded, just command the fleet shelling from the warship."

Behind Sengoku, Admiral Sakazuki's body, which was half wrapped in bandages, was standing next to the mast of the warship.

Because the opponent giant lava hit him before, half of Sakazuki's skin was burned. Even with such a serious injury, Sakazuki still followed the warship back to the Sabaody Archipelago.

If the other people, let alone return to the battlefield, it was a huge amount of perseverance to stand up. After all, such pain, not ordinary people could endure.

Sakazuki whose name was called nodded slightly and agreed to the arrangement of Sengoku.

After arranging the tasks of all of them, Sengoku, Issho and Kuzan took a small boat towards Sabaody Archipelago consisting an obsidian ring wall and approached the area.

When the boat approached the obsidian wall, Sengoku deliberately looked up at the wall as if it were a smooth mirror, "The one inside is Devil Fruit user and has reached the extreme."

Sengoku said so, mainly because the area covered by this lava giant wall of Sakazuki was too huge.

In the current four seas above,perhaps that only the New World's Whitebeard and the Golden Lion and other older generation of pirates could do so?

When Sengoku sighs, Kuzan, who has recovered from the Water 7 War, was also looking around, "Such a vast area?"

As a Paramecia Devil Fruit user, although Kuzan could also do such breadth, he could not do such intensity.

A hundred meters high lava giant wall around the majority of Sabapdy Archipelago. Even just thinking about it, you could feel the other party's powerful physical reserves.

"Let's go, go through the back."

Although Sengoku could directly ascend this huge wall that had become obsidian, in order not to alarm the snake, he still chose to detour to enter from the back.

This giant wall was directly in front of the marine warships commanded by Sakazuki to carry out shelling to attract the island's personnel defense.

After successfully mobilizing the opponent's forces, Sengoku and the others managed to enter from the rear.

It was also much easier for Sengoku and the others to enter the Sabaody Archipelago.


"Boom! Boom!"

Just as Sengku had planned, when their boat disappeared from the front, Admiral Sakazuki ordered all twelve ships to launch an artillery barrage in the direction of Sabaody Archipelago.

Although most of the cannonballs were unable to cross the towering obsidian wall, Sakazuki inside the island also managed to be drawn to the wall by the sound of the cannon.

"Why another one came so soon?"

Sakazuki, who was attracted by the sound of the cannon, looked at the distant marine warships, which had just been repulsed, 'This group of people actually dared to come again to carry out shelling.'

However, at this time Sakazuki was still a little slow. He had consumed a lot of physical strength from the previous day's battle, and even if the other side really attacked again, Sakazuki would not be able to use the same battle power as yesterday.

"But it has grown." Sakazuki looked down at the obsidian walls that were constantly being bombarded by cannonballs and whispered.

After the previous day's battle, the marine also knew that Sakazuki's meteor volcano range was unusually huge, so at this time the marine also added up to the distance with the Sabaody Archipelago to guard against Sakazuki's attack.

However, it was also because of the increased distance, so most of the shells could only hit the obsidian, and could not cause any substantial damage to the island.

Just as Sakazuki was still observing why exactly the other side did this, Rayleigh, who had also arrived at the sound of the noise, landed on top of the giant wall and asked Sakazuki, "How about it, how many people came this time?"

After the previous day's battle, Rayleigh was also considered to be on the battle line of guarding the Sabaody Archipelago. Although he would not join Wexford Pirate group, he still chose to continue to stand out in the face of the marine's attack.

Sakazuki shook his head slightly and said, "It's just shelling."

After saying that, Sakazuki turned his head to look at both sides of the arc-shaped obsidian giant wall, and since Sengoku was one step ahead, Sakazuki did not find traces of Sengoku.

However, although Sakazuki and Rayleigh did not see the personnel of the opponent, both of them felt that the marine must have his intention to do so.

"They probably landed from somewhere else." Rayleigh held his long sword in his hand and looked back in the direction of the island. Compared to the sound of cannons in the outer sea, the interior of Sabaody Archipelago was a peaceful scene.

fter yesterday's battle, the residents of Sabaody Archipelago had completely believed in the strength of Sakazuki.

'As long as that 'god-like' person exists, then Sabaody Archipelago will not fall.''

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