

Oboreru. To be drowned or simply, to drown. Throughout his entire life no matter how much effort he put, regardless of how much time he devoted, He never prospered. His opportunities sunk to the bottom without fail, He believed his name perfectly summed up his whole life. Oboreru, The loser, The forgotten, the 'extra'. He was tired of living a life like this. Someone who lives for the thrill but never gets it, but be it luck or fate a certain invitation was sent to the wrong house. Oboreru won't let this opportunity fall out of his grasp. He'll edge his name into the very fabric of 'Football'

BeginnerReader · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Its really over isn't it?" A boy muttered as he the rain drenched him. He let the paper in his hand soak up all the water before dissolving.

By the time he began walking only a few words were on the paper.

' Unfortunately were going to have to reject you Oboreru, From ichiban high-school football team' And just a few moments later that final piece of the paper met the same fate. Oboreru kept walking as the rain only worsened. As he inched closer to his house a mail truck came zooming pass and splashed water all over him.

"Fucking Bastard!" Oboreru yelled as he began picking up the pace, after a few seconds it escalated to him chasing the vehicle.

"Fucking hate the rain." Oboreru muttered as he picked up the pace even further. Right before he was about to faint the car stopped.

"W-Wait, this is my house." Oboreru blurted out. As he stood there dazed the person in the mail truck called out to him.

"Is this your mail?!" A grouchy old man yelled out.

"Oh, I believe it is" Oboreru spoke up, In truth he'd never received mail in his whole life. So whether it was or not he was taking it anyway. The mail man motioned him to come over and handed him a envelope. Oboreru quickly took the letter and entered his home, he made no attempt to be polite and just slammed the door shut.

"They're never home anyway." Oboreru whispered, he made his way upstairs and threw the envelope in his room and headed towards the shower. High-School football was his last chance to salvage his football career, now that he was rejected he had no chance at getting noticed or recruited. It was only a guess but he believed the only reason he got rejected was his reputation.

'All because of my Damn name.' Oboreru sighed, his blue and white hair took him forever to detangle after he got out of the shower.

''Finally." Oboreru exclaimed as he finished changing into new clothes. As he entered his room he immediately began searching for the envelope he left. His room was filled with trophy's, all 2nd place. It was his curse after all he was always just an extra, never was he given the spotlight.

"Ah, here it is." Oboreru shouted in relief, he took his time to precisely open the envelope and once it opened he read it slowly.

'Gurimu Igarashi-sama, you've been selected for a special player training program.'

"Fuck, That's not my name..." Oboreru sighed, but as he read further he realized that this was his opportunity.

"I don't care who this Igarashi is, The universe gave me a chance. And I wont fucking waste it." Oboreru muttered, A new found determination flaring in his eyes.

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