
~The woods~

Chapter 3

Crimson's pov

I woke up in a small room. It smells weird. I couldn't tell who was in the room but I could still tell that there were people in the room but I still couldn't tell who they were. There's maybe at least 1 or 3 people in the room can't tell but I can still smell them….  I  soon felt a hand on my back my back started to shake the hand felt so cold i didn't like it the hand soon sladed down my back soon after rubbing back up the coldness of the hand soon went to warmth it felt way to warm i started to have bumps on my back my body heated up and my body was boiling hot and i felt the hand pull away  soon after my body started to heat up my body does that at random time. Don't know why it just does that since i was born i still wonder why i l think it's apart of my abilities i guess the heatness broke the ropes so i just left my hands in the same position just in cause the tree people in the room don't attack me i just sat there quietly not moving and i tried my best to sense what they were doing….

I woke up again it seem like i past out again i was in a bedroom this time but the bedroom was very different then mine but most of the time i would just sleep on the couch that  was next to the secret door to the aittc. to new people our house is like a maze it's very confusing but back to where i am. I'm in a room that isn't mine it… smells weird it smell different the fuck i could hear someone walking by the bed.

"Oh i see your awake well can i learn your name redhead"

That's what i heard them say as they sat on the ground and put their hand on mine i could not see their face i still felt tierd i just growled at them for response i guess i still wsen't used to talking i just growled at People i didn't like or i just growled at People i guess…. Well im starting to get worried about Vanny and Zack their the ones i mainly worry about the others i don't worry about them that much but I do care about them but not that much.....