
Efflorescence Harem System: Reborn to be a Lith

Hajime was never really a fan of flowers. They withered and faded too quickly for him to even notice. His gaze, however, couldn't help but be drawn towards the most beautiful flower in his vision as it danced in the breeze. "Daddy!" The blue flower closed itself into a bud and returned to a human form. A small, five-year-old girl ran over to Hajime and hugged him. "I told you to call me big brother." "But why?" "Because I am not your father." How did he go from dying to a flower, to the world's cutest oleander calling him "daddy?". He wasn't sure himself. The only thing he wanted was to pop his cherry. To die as a virgin would be an embarrassing way to end his life...well that nightmare already happened. God truly has forsaken Hajime. Waiting 33 Years before he becomes a man? Absolute Bullshit! And now he must live with these damn notifications, being reminded every day about the impossible standard of abstinence... He wants to go back home but unfortunately, Earth doesn't have monsters, magic, or talking flowers. Once he gains access to his system, Hajime will curse himself for ever wishing to go back home. Warning: R-18, Plants and Flowers, Insects, Smut, incest, NO NTR, No Yuri, so if you don’t like any of this do not read.

Synphomia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Interrupted Desires

'Hey answer me!'

[Saying anything further will result in severe mental damage, possible death, and destruction of the known universe.]


Hajime decided to pretend he didn't hear that.

"Okay mom we can stop here."

Sophia visibly relaxed as she closed her eyes. Hajime pulled her panties and skirt back in place then adjusted her top.

"Why did you change your mind?" she asked curiously while looking at him.

Hajime blushed a little as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Well... I don't want to rush things. When we finally do have sex, I'd rather it be special. I'd want to take my time and explore every inch of you, worshiping your body properly. If we go too fast, I'm afraid I'd miss something."

Her cheeks darkened as her heartbeat accelerated, thumping loudly in her ears. She averted her gaze, unable to meet his intense stare.

"Hajime, please... don't tease me," she whimpered, gripping her fists tightly to suppress her urges.

He chuckled softly as he slid closer and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry mom, you're just so cute."

She gasped and squirmed against his chest, her body reacting instinctively to his touch.

"Oh that's right!" exclaimed Sophia suddenly as she remembered something important.

"What?" asked Hajime curiously.

"I got you an interview at Rosevale Academy!"

Hajime smiled brightly. Rosevale Academy was the leading institution for high-class students, aiming to produce the next generation of leaders, Avyris' and Aictes.

"How?" he asked with a hint of excitement and nervousness.

"I am a teacher. I pulled a couple of strings and got the principal to agree to give you a shot," replied Sophia.

"She's personally going to test you and if you pass, you'll get a scholarship. What do you think?" she smiled at him.

"Don't they only accept descendants of Marquis' and higher?"

"They did. But you're my son." exclaimed proudly.

"You're destined for greatness and everyone will know it. No one can deny you."

"Since when did you become so confident in my abilities?" chuckled Hajime.

She felt ashamed at those words because she knew he was right.

"I've always believed in you even when I acted otherwise," she admitted.

"I know," he replied kindly.

"So all you have to do is impress the principle. She can be strict but you have three years to prepare for the entrance exam."

"But you said it's better to wait until my body stops growing to practice mana."

"When did I say that?" she questioned suspiciously.

"Umm when I first awakened mana?"

"Oh..." Sophia looked away sheepishly.

"I lied." she said with her tongue sticking out.

Hajime deadpanned, "You're kidding me."

"Kidding you? No. Lying, yes."

"I was jealous, okay?" admitted Sophia shyly.

He sighed in exasperation. "So all this time I had to practice."

"Pretty much, yeah." she nodded apologetically.

"All right." he replied in resignation.

"What Root realm do I have to be? Colorless Stem?"

Sophia burst out laughing hysterically.

"You want to reach the top in 3 years? Even I took 8 years to reach the Upper of Colorless Stem."

Hajime's face fell.

'I could've reached the top before I turned 20?'

"Aww poor baby." mocked Sophia as she patted his head.

"Don't worry, your mother will help you reach the Middle of Colorless Root."

She kissed his cheek and hugged him tight.

"It's easier to advance once you bond with a floralith."

"Middle of Colorless Root?" he asked surprised.

"Yes, your progress would be vastly quickened with the help of a Floralith. But you can only bond with them at a qualified academy. Rosevale should accommodate your needs." she answered seriously.

'System is this true?'

[Yes, bonding with a Floralith will greatly increase the growth of both partners. But the host can bond with as many floralith as he wants if he plucks them.]

'Hmm that sounds too good to be true.'

[It is not. However, the bond breaks when the floralith's feelings for their partner start to wilt]

'Ah, so we have to constantly care for them.'

'So quality over quantity huh? If I want to keep growing faster'

[Don't forget you get points for every deflower]

'Hit and dip huh'


He snapped out of his inner conversation with the system.


"I have to leave now. I'll be back later tonight," announced Sophia.

"Wait mom before you go, show me your mana"

"But Hajime we already discussed thi-"

"Please mom, I just want to see it."

"Okay fine."

Sophia extended her arm and concentrated. The mana in the air rushed in and gathered into her palm forming a sharp blade of energy. The light radiating from it lit up the entire room, casting shadows across the walls and furniture. She swung the blade upwards slicing the air effortlessly as the energy dissipated into nothingness, leaving behind a slight breeze as it faded away.

Hajime marveled at her prowess, his eyes widening in astonishment.

[Her control is truly immaculate, if she could have bonded with a floralith, she would have kept up with Kaelos]

ButI wouldn't be here right?'


'Did you have anything to do with her being a nectarborn?'

[No, the system only became active once you opened your eyes here]

"That was amazing Mom."

"Thanks, I worked hard." she grinned triumphantly.

"I'm proud of you. Your control is amazing."

Sophia's smile was radiant. Her eyes sparkled with pride. She loved it when he complimented her. It filled her with a sense of accomplishment, of confidence that she didn't deserve. But she took it anyway. Because she knew he meant it.

"And soon you'll learn how to do it too."

"I look forward to it."

"I'm going now to Hajime. Bye bye."

"Bye Mom. Take care."

He watched her leave the living room before collapsing on the sofa.

'System, do you have anything to help me train?'

[The shop has various items]

'I meant for free'

[The System is not omnipotent]

'You seem pretty omnipotent to me.'

[The System is a reward from someone]



[Basic Training Regime designed for free]

A white paper started to materialize in front of him. He grabbed it and quickly scanned the contents.

"What the fuck is this System?"

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run."

[Host this is what is commonly referred to as a joke]

"I know it's a fucking joke you robot."

[The System has been insulted]

"How could you possibly be insulted when you call me a host? I have a name, no?"

[Very well I shall call you by your true name, ???]


'I guess I deserved that.'

"I apologize, System."

[Apology accepted]