
The plan

The experiments varied greatly, some would be like the energy gun where Sven would test out new equipment or maneuver untested equipment. While others could be human experiments, where they would test different kinds of medicine on Sven in order to see if the medicine worked as intended. This would continue day in and day out. He didn't have any time to rest. As soon as the experiment ended another began.

For the researchers Sven was the perfect test subject as he could heal exceptionally fast due to his fine control of mana. Through mana his healing capabilities could be amplified to such rates where a severed hand could heal back instantly. As with anything good there's always something bad. The healing was extremely painful for Sven, but he simply had to force himself through it, as his other choice would be to live with the wounds, which was even worse than enduring the pain while healing.

Since alongsides the experiments he was also continuously learning about magic and technology his proficiency had reached such heights where he didn't have the need to sleep at all in order to function. The mana could be consumed as nourishment, enabling him to work at even harsher conditions. As such, the only moment he could rest was when he would occasionally lose consciousness from the extreme working conditions.

Day after day the experiments became more demanding and guresome. Sven had a hard time keeping up with them, but through rigorously studying magic he could somehow keep going with the experiments. He felt that at some point he had to do something or he wouldn't be able to survive. So he set a plan in motion.

Each moment Sven had for himself was spent in trying to gather mana, although almost all attempts had previously been futile, he had once felt a miniscule amount of mana actually getting through all of the restraints that had been put on Sven. He knew that it was possible to overcome his restraints and that it would be hard.

However, he knew that whatever mana he would be able to muster wouldn't give him nearly enough firepower to get himself out of this place. After all the scientists were top-of-the-line magicians. He knew that he had to come up with something that could turn the tables for him. Luckily he had all the time in the world for coming up with such an idea.


A whole five years had passed and Sven sat on his bed with his legs crossed and eyes shut. Gentle breezes were created from his meditation, this was a testament for Svens progress. Even though his handcuffs still had the lights turned on, which meant that they were fully functional. He had somehow circumvented the restraints through rigorously training his mana gathering ability, and in turn he had created the most efficient method of gathering mana. These restraints were no joke, even the greatest magicians wouldn't even dare to attempt such an outrageous feat, however this was not known to Sven. As desperate as he was he didn't have any choice unless he wanted to stay as their test subject for the rest of his life.

Sven had "only" mastered his technique to the point where he would be able to take down Ludovic, which was great, but simply not enough for his purpose. Sure, in theory during an experiment it would be feasible to execute his plan since Sven would be at full power. The restraints that were put on him were complex and would without a doubt restrict him from acting out. This was something he had previously tested in a very obscure manner as to not alert Ludovic. The results of these experiments were not something to be trifled with.

It happened during an experiment which Sven's task was to charge energy cells with his mana. He tried to see how fast they could be charged, as to see how much power they would let him use. He increased the charging rate dramatically and suddenly his handcuffs started flashing red, he felt something was off as it had never happened before. The surrounding are started rumbling from the pressure created by the charging.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Ludovic shouted.

"YOU CAN'T GO BEYOND THE LIMIT!!!" Ludovic shouted again, but to no avail. The rumbling was simply too loud to for Ludovic to be heard.

Suddenly the arm cuffs started pulsing very fast in the color red, and a sharp tone was heard followed by sprays of blood coming from Sven's mouth. The room had become quiet and Sven could be seen collapsed on the floor headfirst in a pool of blood.

Ludovic walked forwards to the unconscious body.

"Didn't I tell you." said Ludovic in a condescending tone while scratching his forehead.

"I guess I didn't" said Ludovic realizing that maybe he should have warned Sven not to use too much mana at the same time.

"Whatever." said Ludovic nonchalantly and left the room while planning Sven's next experiment.

After this experience Sven knew for sure that there were several different restrictions put on him in order to control his actions. He believed that in case of him rebelling there surely had to be a counter measure that would make sure that the experiments could still be continuously carried out. But, they would prefer to not use it, which served to Sven as some kind of temporary relief. He knew for sure that his restraints were not to be toyed with.

Sven's limited mana supply could only take him so far considering his current conditions. This is where the second part of the plan comes into play and that is to assemble a mana gun. This gun would not be a normal mana gun which simply converts mana into fire power, but would also, through elaborate use of materials and design be able to amplify the power of the mana, and fire blazing fast shots. These shots would be so fast that even the strongest magicians at the research facility would instantly get killed from the bullet.

In these five years Sven had learned a lot about the researchers skills and research, and with this knowledge he was able to design a gun perfectly suited for his plan. A gun which focused on power and speed as to instantly execute all of his enemies.

With the design clearly etched into his memory, he still had to procure the materials for the mana gun. This would have to be done in a way that it could at a later date be instantly assembled. Assembling a gun and leaving it hidden would simply be too risky.

Sven's solution to this problem was to steal the materials as needed during experiments. Of Course, in amounts that wouldn't make Ludovic and the researchers suspicious, as to not draw any unwanted attention. After procuring the materials needed, they have to be hidden at separate locations in case any of the locations gets compromised for one reason or another. The scientists were not fools after all.

This plan was not perfect but was the best one available for Sven. He had to make sure that it would work, one way or another.

Thank you for reading!!!

Lagomcreators' thoughts