
Efficiency at all costs

At a company whose projects were always behind deadline. Where exorbitant amounts of money flowed into the fat pockets of the Owners. The employees there kept their head down under the bosses noses, and yelled their complaints at bars after hours. In a cubicle, rife with plastic protein bar wrappers and empty convenience store coffee bottles. A young man found himself working hours after hours, fixing the code to the latest project. [Initiating Analysis] [Bugs found=0] He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and went to sleep, ready to celebrate the finish with the crew.

RomanMarch · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Newborn Special

"Go inside and register with the man at the counter! I'll be leaving you guys on your own now. I hope to see you all in the city of Glory, Avalon!" Jack clapped his hands and just like that, he was gone.

Mark stared blankly at the empty space left behind by Jack.

'Just like that, huh..' Mark pondered as he looked at the others.

Without hesitation Urshad was the first through the door, like usual.

'That's a special kind of confidence. I wonder what you have to go through to get like that...'

"Let's go inside, we don't wanna get left behind!" Yursha nudged Mark and walked through the building. As usual, Sarah followed behind and Mark was the rear.

The western style doube-doors swung open to reveal a surprisingly clean interior, and an equally dirty looking man behind the counter.

His hood was pulled tight over his head. Nothing about his face was shown but just from the outline of the clothing, it was obviously a male underneath. His head resting on his palm while the other rapt the table mindlessly.

"Godlings, register at the jewel.." A lazy hand turned and pointed towards a resplendent golden diamond which hovered above the counter. A small yawn left the man's lips. "I'm Jesse, I'll be buy any parts from you, as well as recruit new Godlings for missions when they become available. You can always come in and check the board for any available missions..."

Mark turned his head and was surprised to see how clean the board was. Not only was there no dust, it was void of missions as well.

Urshad, who had just stepped away from the jewel approached Jesse.

"I've registered. Where do I find housing?"

"I've told you everything that was required. Don't ask me anything else." Jesse slumped his head on the table, and soft snores slowly filled the room.

One by one everyone registered. Even, Mark. The only thing the Jewel seemed to do was register your name as a potential recruit for missions, as well as your rank. Which, for Mark and the new Godlings, was 0.

"What do you mean you're joining him? You don't even know him!"

'Who is Yursha yelling at?' Mark finished up his registration and looked behind him to see Yursha Infront of Sarah.

"Well he seems more competent. He also doesn't have any half baked plans to save the people who weren't fit to become gods." Sarah scoffed and headed behind Urshad.

"You've made your choice, then! Mark, are you joining my group?" Yursha turned to face him.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Glad someone here is loyal" Yursha nodded and gave a thumbs up.

'You're also the only person I know, and no one else invited me.'

Urshad turned and left. Sarah was behind him as well as 2 others. One person was a young boy, around 11 years old with golden blonde hair. The other was a girl slightly taller than the boy, with silver hair and black tips.

"Well now that they're gone. We need to come up with a plan! Let's go!"

The two left the building and once they were outside it actually became clear to both of them they had no clue where to start.

"How about we figure out how to make money, and find a map." Yursha looked around before pointing down a random road. "I'll head that way, we'll split up and meet back here at sundown!"

With that, Mark was by himself.

'Oh great, what am I supposed to do now?' Mark glanced towards the routes before choosing a random one and wondering off.

'At work.. I just had to put my head down and finish a task.. Now I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I guess if anything I should find a place to stay, and maybe food...'

'Yursha seems like a good guy. Just.. I have to keep my eyes on him.. I thought Jason was a good guy too and now look at me..'

Mark let out a sigh.

'This is gonna be tough..'

Mark kept wandering through the streets when a delicious smell met his nostrils. He followed the scent and found a small stand serving food.

'I shouldn't work on an empty stomach, I don't even know how long it's been since I've eaten.'

Stools lined the edges of the bar where a couple of customers were already sitting. Mark found a spot between a burly man with a thick beard and a scrawnier man wearing a cloak.

"You oughta know by now there ain't no way those Imps are gonna have an uprisin'" The burley man spoke. His voice a little gruff and rough to the ears. "They're just too dumb for all that."

"Ye but there are just so many now adays, probably a lot of failed Godlings." The cloaked man chimed in turning his head to the new arrival. "What do you think?"

Mark easily got flustered and pointed towards himself. "Me? I just got here.."

'Oh a newborn, eh?" The Gruff man licked his fingers clean of the sauce before extending a hand. "I'm Rash, that there is Hofi. Nice to meet ya."

Mark tried to hide his grimace before accepting the handshake, and immediately wiped his hand clean from the grease. Hofi just gave Mark a small head nod, which was readily accepted in comparison.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm actually just trying to get my bearings. First day here." Mark commented as he looked towards the menu right behind the bar.

"First day, eh? You might wanna go and grab yourself some techniques first, otherwise you're gonna have a hard time." Rash spoke between the slurps of his food. The smacking of his lips betrayed his love for the meat.

"Techniques? Jack didn't tell us about it, or Jesse."

"You lot had Jack? No wonder... He does the bare minimum. Survival of the fittest approach, I s'pose. Jesse just doesn't care and is well... forced to be in his position."

"Well yeah" Hofi took a bite of his noodles, before continuing. "Being on probation has to suck, I heard he got in some kind of trouble in Avalon."

"Trouble, what kind?"

"Well.. He marinated the nether rod in the wrong squish mitten. Hehe. Hehehe." The soft chuckle from Hofi gave Mark goosebumps on his arms.

"Oi a new guy! I'm Hoarl the owner of this fine establishment. Haven't seen your face round here, what'll you have?" The man had came from the kitchen. Grease and blood stains littered his apron but the odd thing was.. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Just an Apron and pants.

"He's new! Hook'em up with the Newborn Special!" Rash suddenly spoke up with a grin. Hofi seemed to agree.

"Yeah boss, put it on me!"

"Special? Is it good?" Mark double checked the menu.

"Don't worry, it's a rite of passage. Only the strongest of the strong eat this, boy!" Rash kept his grin as he finished another plate of barbecue. He had a few more lined up.

"So what about techniques?" Mark was here for information, that was the most important thing. If he could eat and fulfill his job? You couldn't beat it.

"Well it depends.. Are you a Martial God, Elemental God, or a Unique God?" Hofi raised a brow before slurping a long strand of noodle down.

"I really don't know what those mean.. But it seems kind of self explanatory by name, right?"

"Well yeah, kinda... Martial Gods are gods of battle and confrontation. Elemental Gods dominate a specific element. Unique Gods are plentiful, but also very different." Hofi stopped to eat a bit more before continuing. "Unique Gods can be a God of Patience, or a God of Sadness. Things that exist, but not really."

"Like ideals?"

"Exactly! The newborn gets it. Hehe. Hehehe."

"Hofi the laugh doesn't make you seem trustworthy, at all." Rash leaned back, seemingly taking a break from his ribs. "Unique Gods are like ideals or a state of mind. Now, you can be a Martial God and still learn Elemental Techniques, it's harder but possible, but it's best to stay within your domain until you grow."

"Then I guess I'm a Unique God, then." At that bit of knowledge both men shared a look between them before turning to their food.

"Then it's in you're best interest to learn Martial Techniques first. Or find someone who shares your domain, and even still, they might kill you."

"Kill me??"

"Foods up! One Newborn Special hot and ready!" Hoari sat the bowl of red noodles Infront of Mark. Small bits of meat and vegetables floated but each one seemed to share this ominous hue. The steam alone brought bits of tears to his eyes.

"Eat up, boy! We're paying for it!" Rash grinned and looked expectantly. All of them were.

Mark grabbed the spoon and took a sip. All of the air left his lungs while a heat rampaged his throat on the way down towards his stomach.

All 3 of the men laughed loudly as his face creeped further towards red than it ever was tan. Hoari found pity between his laughs and sat down a glass of milk.

"For you, it'll help with the burn."

Mark chugged the glass. Not a drop was left, and the fire wavered just enough for him to breathe.

"You like it?" Rash and Hofi both stared at him happily as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh yeah...Super tasty.." Mark stared down at the red broth afraid to try another bite.

"Eh, you don't have to eat it. I'll take." Hofi seemed too eager to take the plate away.

"No, I'll finish it.."

"Oooh, Check out the balls on this one, Rash..Hehe..Hehehe."

"Let's see how much of the bowl he eats."

The 4 men sat, ate and talked for the next hour or so. Mainly they stuck around so long to see if Mark would actually finish the bowl, which he didn't. He only made it about halfway before yielding the rest to Hofi.

During this time they shared a lot of information with them, like the cost of housing. Anywhere from 4-5 Divinity a week. Techniques could cost around 4 for a week's lesson.

'According to their advice, I should learn the techniques first. They'll feed and house me while training to make sure I learn the technique completely before being released.. Something about not wanting to blame for a bad student.

So if that's the case, I have enough for 2 weeks worth of housing and only enough coins for 2 days worth of food after. This will be a really tight dead line.'

By the time Mark was finished it was almost sundown. He could only sigh as he made his way back towards The Pantheon, while thinking about his future finances. Where he sat next to the front door and waited.

"Oh Mark, I have. surprise for you!"