
Efficiency at all costs

At a company whose projects were always behind deadline. Where exorbitant amounts of money flowed into the fat pockets of the Owners. The employees there kept their head down under the bosses noses, and yelled their complaints at bars after hours. In a cubicle, rife with plastic protein bar wrappers and empty convenience store coffee bottles. A young man found himself working hours after hours, fixing the code to the latest project. [Initiating Analysis] [Bugs found=0] He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and went to sleep, ready to celebrate the finish with the crew.

RomanMarch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


"Hey Mark, are you coming out to drink with us? You've been cooped up so long due to the project , it's like you're a stranger now." A kind brown eyed man, waved happily.

Although it was late at night, and many other employees were wrapping up their day, a single man with wrinkled clothes and dark brown bags under his eyes wistfully sipped his hot coffee.

"Uhm.." He pushed his toes against the floor and gently teetered his wait on the back legs of the chair. He blew onto the top of the coffee, letting the steam drift away from his weary face. "Mind giving me a minute to get ready, Jason?"

"No problem, we'll wait for you on the bottom floor. See you in 5?" Jason grabbed his shoulder bag and wrapped it around his torso and heading towards the elevator.

Mark nodded his slightly balding head. As he brought the coffee to his lips, a loud Yelp escaped his lips and a crash was heard through the office.

Jason, without breaking stride towards the elevator, gives a shout to Mark.

"We'll make it 15."

As the elevator doors closed, Jason could see from behind Mark's cubicle, a small slightly tanned hand reaches from the floor and gives a small wave of understanding to the man.


Mark stared at the ceiling. The steam from the coffee rising from the fresh stains on his already worn, wrinkled, and heavily stained shirt.

'We've finally met our goal, the first project in years we've completed on time without issues... Yet why....' Mark reached up towards the ceiling, staring at the back of his hand. '...Why don't I feel happy?'

Getting the clothes out of the drawer of his cubicle, a bottle of water, and his tooth brush and toothpaste, he gave himself a quick morning (Technically Evening) cleaning before going to the bathroom and giving himself a nice whores bath. He smelled the clothes twice, the boxers a third a thorough sniffing, before equipping himself for the first nightly gathering in..

'How long has it been?' He thought, glancing at himself in the mirror, just double checking his improper but thorough cleaning. 'I haven't went out since, we'll, Janice and the kids..' His tanned hand reached up and scratched the stubble that has grown since his divorce...

'I kinda let myself go, eh?'

A small alarm went off on his phone, to alert him he was late. He slapped water on his face twice, dried and left.

"Well I'm excited he's came out with us." A bubbly female voice was heard through the lobby. "I'd say he's the reason this project went so smooth."

'Rachel? Oh yeah she's Marks mentor, I just hope Stace--'

"But the divorce though, and his mother.. I can't believe his wife would leave him after his mom died.." Another voice, Feminine but with a bit of bass followed after.

'Fuck, it's Stacey.'

"Guys, Stop. No need to gossip about this we are all just here to celebrate. Let's have fun tonight!!"

The Tell-Tale sound of flip flops rang through the open lobby. Followed by Mark's wave, only barely lifting a hand out of his pocket to do so.

"Yeah, but just... Don't let me get too drunk this time, Mark."

Rachel was the first to approach and give him a small, yet awkward side huge. Mark's hands stayed firmly in his pockets and despite his tall stature his posture was bowed forward. Without hesitation Rachel wrapped an arm around his and smiled up at the softly balding man.

"So you're not gonna go shot with me?" She pouted softly.

Stacey, who was scanning his murky-green coloured shirt, teared shorts, white calf socks and flip-flops combo immediately snapped.

"You could've dressed up for tonight, why do you always come out looking so raggedy? Its tragic for the rest of us. You did this last time and we couldn't even go clubbing cause you didn't fit the requirements! if only you would take more car--"

"Lay off him," Jason interjected quickly as he knew where this was going. "He's the reason why we finished the project so early.. So, as thanks, the first round on me!"

"I've got seconds!" Rachel smiled as the group left the lobby and started the trek to their usual haunt a couple of blocks away.

As Jason and Stacey led the way Infront chatting casually, Mark could feel Rachel casually glancing up at him from time to time.

"What's up?" He whispered, giving her a small nudge.

"How are you? Like... How are you really? We haven't seen you in months since... well.. everything." Rachel's voice was softer than usual, and as much as he wanted to be mad at the question he kept his eyes forward.

With Mark's silence as an answer, they made it to the bar. Jason and Stacey both hugging and dapping up the door man.

Rachel, with an eagerness to exit the silence ran up and hugged the man tightly.


"Ey Rachel... and Mark! Where've you been buddy? We haven't seen you around lately, starting to think you've forgotten about us."

"Hey Vin," He replied, dapping up the door-man and giving a small side hug. "Could never forget this place, just been busy with work."

"Oh man, I've heard! Congrats, everytime they come in they talk about how fast everything was going... and well according to Stacey it's all cause of you.."

"It's really not, I just.. have more free time lately, I guess. Not a big deal."

"Hey man.." Vinny leaned in as soon as the sentence finished, dapping Mark up once more and pulling him into a hug.. An actual hug. "I heard what happened, and I'm sorry. If you need to talk I'm here."

A small shiver escaped Mark's lungs. His eyes watered, hardened, and glossed over all within a second. As hard as it was he pulled himself away from the hug and looked Vinny in the eyes.

"Fucking love you, you balding bitch. Go in and get a drink."

Mark slapped Vinny on the shoulder as he walked in.

"Love you too, sneak away later so I can give you a shot." He said with a wink and went to the table with the group.

"NO, NO. Linda was fucking Gary while he was with Marissa." Stacey shouted, arguing with you Jason.

As Jason rebuttaled back and their argument continued Rachel leaned in towards Mark. "I ordered you a Tres Equis."

"Thanks, I gotta say your talent in getting the bartenders to notice you is amazing."

'I always end up waiting 10 minutes.'

"Well I'm good friends with them."

"You're also pretty, so that helps, and I think Jon has a crush on you." Mark looked up and without fail caught Jon glancing at Rachel every now and again.

"Jon? Naw, he's just a friend." She looked up and waved at him and he waved back immediately.

"Remind me to avoid your definition of friendship if I try to date again." He whispered to Rachel, before turning to the beer that arrived at the table and taking a swig right as he noticed the server putting shots on the table.

"Thank you, 'Nessa, Bring another round when you can and put it in Rachel's tab next." Jason said, grabbing the shit glass and raising it up.

"A toast, to being the first team in 5 years to push a project out ahead of deadline. TO THE TEAM"

"TO THE TEAM!" Everyone shouted and downed their shots.

The heat flowed down Mark's stomach, followed by the chill of it's absence and a small shivered flowes down his spine.

'Ive missed this..' He thought taking another swig of his beer.

"Anyway, Mark, do you know anything about Gary and Marissa?" Stacey turned to him with a curious brow.

* * *

The drinks flowed quickly and the night grew dark. Vinny came to the table a couple of times and took a few shots with the group.

"ANOTHER ROUND ON ME!" Mark exclaimed slamming his shot glass on the table.

The other members cheered when Vanessa got to the table and dropped them off. Jason even tipped her something extra for having to put up with their rowdy behavior.

Mark, whose drunken smile was painted across his face grabbed his shot glass and raised it high. "To good people we lost, and the good ones still here!"

Everyone raised their glass but Rachel stopped Mark before he could take his shot and whispered..

"Have you ever heard the saying the if you don't make eye contact when you take a shot, you'll have 7 years of bad sex?"

'Wait, for real? 7 years? I can't risk it, one day I might accidentally get laid and man.. I can't fuck it up due to one bad shot..'

"No, but I'm not risking it." Rachel, leaned in, as did he.

They stared into each other's eyes and downed their shots without blinking or looking away. Rachel seemed to take her time with her shot and let the liquid slowly run down her throat.

She leaned in and kissed Mark on the cheek. "Will you help me home? I live a few blocks away and I don't feel safe this late by myself.."

"Yeah, can do. Not sure what help I am against a thief though." He chuckled to himself before wobbling his way to the bar.

Rachel turned to the group, "We're heading out guys, you two have fun."

"Well I gotta get home to the wife, I'll be leaving soon too. Stacey?"

"I'll stay here and see what happens, it's only 12."

"Well, Alright, You guys be safe. See you tomorrow!"

"See Ya" - "Later!" They responded as they continued debating office relationships.

She approached Mark at the bar as he was signing off the receipt.

"You tip?" She giggled grabbing his arm.

"Always! Can't leave your boyfriend hanging." Mark grinned and waved at Jon before they left the bar. Jon just kinda nodded back before waving happily at Rachel.

"See you Jon!!" She waved back as they made their way out the bar. Vinny was arguing with a couple of kids trying to get their way in.

"I don't care who let you in last time, I need your I.D.s." He was trying to remain calm. Mark knew these kids would only have a couple sentences left before he lost his temper.

"Oh you guys leaving?" Vinny looked up from the argument. Noticing how Rachel was leaned against Mark he smiled. "You kids have fun, and Mark I'm always here man, Always."

"Love you too, Vinny!" He waved as he and Rachel continued their way to her home.

"You know, " Mark broke the silence "Gary was with Marissa, but he always stayed late with Stacey."

"What?!?!" Rachel looked up in disbelief. "There's no way, she said he was with Linda!"

"To throw you off the scent.." Mark scratched his chin with his free hand. "I'm always at the office, I kinda see everything, even the things I don't want to."

Rachel shivered in disgust and leaned her head against his arm. Squeezing it a little with a sigh.

"You're always sleeping in the office, why don't you stay with me tonight?"

Mark looked down at her head. A small fire began to burn in his stomach and made its way down towards a place he felt was long dormant.

He reached his free hand onto the top of her head, softly running the edges of his fingers down to her chin. Gripping it softly he turned her head up towards his own and planted a small kiss.

Rachel eyes grew wide, before she leaned into it lifting herself higher to meet his touch.

In that moment, if there were any bystanders on this empty street, they would see a small beauty being devoured by a man wearing a murky-green sweatshirt, ripped jean shorts, white calf socks and flip-flops.

Unfortunately, there was.

With their lips so firmly planted, Mark felt something blunt touch the base of his spine. Before he could react a voice whispered in his ears..

"Don't fucking move, or I'll shoot you and the girl.."

Rachel must have heard as she opened her eyes in shock and took a couple of steps back. Mark, stared at her unsure of what was happening and slowly raised his hands up.

"My wallets in my pocket man, just... Just take it." He kept his voice soft.

The man's hands felt around his pockets, shuffling around. Rachel just stared at Mark in disbelief, with fear across her eyes.

'Am I weak? Is there.. something more I should do here?.. This reminds me of Janice...Almost a repeat...' He stared at Rachel, seeing the same fear reflected in her eyes the night he lost his wife...

"Got it. Now you," The man pulled the gun away from Mark and pointed it towards Rachel. "Drop your purse"

Rachel stared at Mark, while she clutched her purse. "I-I can't I need rent.." Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. Her legs tightened and arms held tighter. "I can't afford to be kicked out.."

The man pulled the safety down from his gun and aimed it towards Mark's head. Her legs started to shake and she turned her head.

"You have till the count of 3."


'Oh fuck... What do I do.. Tonight was such a good night..' Rachel's eyes were shut tight, it's obvious she has no intention of giving anything up.


'Just.. Drop the purse Rachel. Just fucking drop it.. it's not hard. it's my life here. We were friends, weren't we? drop it..." Mark's forehead was covered in sweat.


Mark closed his eyes. Expecting to hear the gun shots, but instead her heard the click clack of high heels going further away.

"Oh shit dude, she left you. I just wanted money, but she was gonna let you die. I kinda feel bad about robbing you now."

The mystery man spoke, pulling the gun away from Mark's head. Mark opened his eyes only to see the black silhouette of Rachel sprinting in the distance.

"Here's your wallet." The man tossed it to the ground and began to walk away. As he did so, he tripped.

Metal slapping concrete was the first thing he heard.

A loud bang followed after.