
Edward's Legacy

A man meets an untimely end during a failed business deal, only to awaken in the body of Tony Bloom's reclusive son. Formerly a lawyer entangled in illegal dealings, the protagonist grapples with their past and seeks redemption through their new identity as Edward Bloom. With strategic prowess and a desire to create something greater, they navigate the complexities of family legacy and the world of football, determined to revitalize Brighton & Hove Albion FC and forge a new path forward

AmSincere · Sports
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18 Chs


As Edward stood in the estate entrance, the weight of familial expectations pressing down upon him, he felt a surge of frustration and fatigue wash over him. Despite his want to continue planning and strategizing, he couldn't shake the tension that lingered from his encounter with Garett.

With a heavy sigh, Edward made a split-second decision to take a break from the house. He knew that he needed a moment to clear his head and gather his thoughts.

Turning away from the grand foyer, Edward made his way towards his office with purposeful strides. As he entered the familiar space, a sense of calm washed over him, the familiar surroundings providing a welcome respite from the chaos of family dynamics.

As Edward entered his office he approached his desk, the smooth surface beckoning him to take a seat and gather his thoughts.

As he settled into the plush chair, Edward's gaze swept over the organized stacks of papers and folders that adorned his desk. Each one held a piece of the puzzle – plans, strategies, and confidential documents that were integral to his assets.

With a sense of urgency, Edward began to gather his notes and folders. He couldn't afford to leave anything to chance, especially not with Garett lurking about the estate.

As he gathered the last of his documents, Edward made a mental note to change the lock for the office door. The thought of Garett gaining access to his private space made him ill, and he vowed to take every precaution to ensure that his information remained secure.

In that moment, Edward once again repeated the fact that he needed an assistant as he let out a heavy sigh.

Edward carefully packed all his notes and folders into a sleek leather bag, ensuring that each document was safely stowed away.

With his belongings securely packed, Edward stood from his desk and made his way to the door, his mind already drifting to his next destination. But before he could leave, he paused and cast one last glance around the office, taking in the familiar surroundings with a mix of fondness and determination.

He left his office and made his way through the corridors of the estate. Each step bringing him closer to his father's car garage.

As Edward stepped into his father's car garage, he was greeted by an impressive array of vehicles, each one a testament to his father's impeccable taste and appreciation for fine automobiles.


Among the collection of vintage classics, Edward noted a 1965 Shelby Cobra 427, its sleek lines and powerful engine a nod to the golden age of American muscle cars. Next to it stood a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, its vibrant red paint gleaming under the soft glow of the overhead lights.

Moving further down the line, Edward's gaze fell upon a 1969 Jaguar E-Type, its timeless elegance and British craftsmanship a true work of art. Beside it, a 1971 Porsche 911 Carrera RS awaited, its iconic design and legendary performance a testament to the brand's racing pedigree.

But it was the modern classics that truly captured Edward's attention. A sleek BMW M8 Coupe stood proudly at the center of the garage, its aggressive lines and powerful engine a perfect fusion of luxury and performance. Next to it, a gleaming silver Mercedes-AMG GT R.

Edward's gaze lingered on the sleek BMW M8 Coupe, going over to it and running a hand lovingly over its smooth surface, admiring the craftsmanship and attention to detail that had gone into its creation.

Edward opened the driver's side door and settled into the plush leather seat.

As he started the engine and with a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins, Edward shifted into gear and eased the BMW out of the garage, the smooth purr of the engine guiding him towards his next destination.




Edward's journey through the countryside was a picturesque escape from the pressures of his family's estate. The BMW M8 Coupe effortlessly glided along winding roads, its powerful engine purring beneath the hood as Edward marveled at its precision and performance.

As Edward neared the city limits, the landscape transformed into a bustling urban sprawl, skyscrapers looming tall against the horizon. The sleek lines of the BMW seamlessly navigated the city streets, drawing admiring glances from passersby as Edward made his way to a quaint coffee shop nestled in the heart of downtown.

Parking the car with practiced ease, Edward stepped out onto the bustling sidewalk, the sounds of city life swirling around him. With a sense of purpose, he entered the cozy cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping him in warmth.

Taking a seat at a secluded table near the window, Edward carefully placed his bag on the chair beside him and retrieved his notes and folders. With a steaming cup of espresso in hand, he began to review his plans and strategies.


Lost in thought, Edward remained immersed in his work, the gentle hum of conversation and the aroma of coffee serving as a comforting backdrop.


As Edward sipped his espresso, his thoughts drifted to Brighton and to Chris Hughton, the current manager of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club.

Edward reflected on Chris Hughton's achievements at Brighton & Hove Albion, acknowledging his role in guiding the team to the Premier League. However, based on his future knowledge of Hughton's eventual sacking due to the club's struggles in the top flight, Edward recognized the need for a change in leadership.

Edward already made the decision to dismiss Chris Hughton from his position as Brighton's manager in his mind, recognizing the necessity of bringing in someone fresh to propel the club forward.

As Edward contemplated the future of Brighton & Hove Albion under new leadership, his thoughts turned to Graham Potter, a name Mr. Kingsley had mentioned earlier during discussions about potential managerial candidates.

Considering the potential impact Potter could have on Brighton's future, Edward weighed the benefits of bringing in a manager known for his forward-thinking strategies and player development expertise. However, he also recognized the importance of exploring other options to ensure a thorough evaluation of all potential candidates.

He understood the significance of selecting the right individual to helm the club and was determined to make a decision that would benefit both the team and its supporters in the long run.


As he sipped his espresso, Edward mulled over the possibilities, his mind already formulating a plan to identify and evaluate the most suitable candidates for the managerial role.

As Edward evaluated potential candidates for Brighton & Hove Albion's managerial position, he carefully jotted down notes on his paper, assessing each option based on his future knowledge and the likelihood of their appointment.

First, he considered Julian Nagelsmann, acknowledging the German's future ability and his renown as one of the best managers in the game in the future. However, Edward deemed it unlikely for Nagelsmann to join Brighton at that stage due to his lack of Premier League experience and potentially high salary demands.

Next, he turned his attention to Graham Potter, recognizing the high likelihood of Potter's appointment based on his successful tenure at Brighton in the future made him a compelling choice for Edward, though, he did note the improved results that De Zerbi had achieved with the same squad Potter had managed.

Eddie Howe emerged as another viable candidate, with Edward noting the medium likelihood of his appointment. Howe's interest and availability would be crucial factors in considering him for the role.

Another individual that he considered was Marco Rose, though, his potential candidacy posed uncertainties for Edward, as his contractual situation and ambitions were unknown to him. This lack of clarity made it challenging for Edward to gauge Rose's interest in joining Brighton at the time.

Lastly, Edward considered Carlos Carvalhal. Carvalhal's track record in English football made him a reasonable option for Edward to consider.

As Edward weighed the strengths and potential drawbacks of each candidate, he found himself drawn to Eddie Howe and Julian Nagelsmann as his preferred choices. Howe's familiarity with the Premier League and Nagelsmann's reputation as a tactician and great player manager both appealed to Edward's vision for Brighton's future.

Edward couldn't shake the feeling that Nagelsmann was the ideal candidate. His tactical prowess and reputation for developing young talent perfectly aligned with Edward's vision for Brighton.

He mulled over options. Throwing money at the problem wouldn't be enough. He doubted that Nagelsmann would be compelled to join by giving him an excessive salary. Edward needed to craft a compelling narrative, one that resonated with the German manager's aspirations.

He could present a detailed plan for Brighton's development, outlining potential transfer targets and tactical innovations based on his knowledge of future stars and playing styles. He could paint a picture of Brighton not just as a newly promoted club, but as a sleeping giant on the cusp of greatness.

Of course, revealing too much about his future knowledge was risky. He wouldn't divulge specifics, but he could frame his vision as a culmination of extensive research and strategic planning. He could even offer Nagelsmann a stake in the club's future success given that his stake in the club was 94 percent he could perhaps be willing to provide a minor stake and a chance to build his legacy alongside Brighton's rise.

Edward, fueled by his belief in Nagelsmann's potential, couldn't resist the allure. He started sketching out a presentation, outlining a future for Brighton that was both realistic and aspirational. He knew it was a long shot, but the potential reward – a manager of Nagelsmann's caliber – was too enticing to ignore.


As Edward delved into considerations for staffing and improving Brighton & Hove Albion's analytics, he reflected on his father's penchant for utilizing analytics in decision-making, evident in Stark Lizard Consulting.

Recognizing the potential of leveraging analytics to enhance Brighton's performance on the field, Edward saw an opportunity to transform Stark Lizard into more than just a sports betting company. He envisioned Stark Lizard evolving into a football analytics company, selling information all the while Brighton in turned recieved their data at no cost.

With his background in finance and a keen eye for data-driven strategies, Edward saw himself as uniquely positioned to spearhead this transformation. He would need to assemble a team of analysts, statisticians, and football experts to delve deep into player performance metrics, opposition analysis, and tactical assessments.

Edward understood that modern football was increasingly driven by data and analytics, and he was determined to ensure that Brighton remained at the forefront of this trend. By investing in cutting-edge analytics and harnessing the power of data-driven decision-making Brighton could gain a competitive edge in the Premier League.

Drawing inspiration from successful analytics-driven clubs like Liverpool and Manchester City, Edward saw the potential for Stark Lizard to become a key partner in Brighton's quest for success and making profit off of other clubs consulting their services.

As he scribbled notes and brainstormed ideas, he knew that it would require dedication, resources, and strategic planning, but he was confident that the rewards would be well worth the effort.


As Edward continued to refine his plans for Brighton & Hove Albion, he shifted his focus to potential player acquisitions, carefully considering each option based on their suitability to the club's needs and his future knowledge of their performance.

Bernardo Silva emerged as a compelling option, with his technical ability and playmaking skills making him a valuable addition to Brighton's midfield. At 22 years old, Silva represented an exciting young talent with the potential for significant growth and impact on the team. Though, an unlikely signing, as Brighton's current transfer budget was only £31 Million.

Other options would be Virgil van Dijk who became one of the world's best defenders in the future and N'Golo Kanté offered desirable qualities as a midfielder, their likelihood of joining Brighton was considered low due to their established reputations and the competitiveness of the transfer market.

Kylian Mbappé's inclusion on Edward's list, while exciting, was deemed to have a very low likelihood given his already recognised talent and the considerable competition from top European clubs.

Antonio Rüdiger, Jorginho, and Mohamed Salah were all identified as potential targets with low likelihoods of joining Brighton, each bringing unique qualities and experiences that could benefit the team.

James Maddison, Yves Bissouma, Emiliano Buendía, and Ben White were viewed as ambitious targets and promising prospects, aligning with Edward's vision of building a young, dynamic squad with room for growth and development.

Jadon Sancho, although highly rated, was considered to have a low likelihood of joining Brighton in 2017 due to his young age and burgeoning reputation in the Bundesliga.


As Edward's phone rang, interrupting his thoughts, he quickly reached for it, eager to address any pressing matters that demanded his attention.


"Edward Bloom speaking," he greeted.


On the other end of the line, a familiar voice crackled through the receiver.

"Edward, it's Paul. I've managed to secure the meeting with all the board members for today," Paul announced, his tone carrying a hint of accomplishment. "We can hold it at your estate, if that works for you."

A sense of gratitude flooded Edward as he absorbed the news. "Thank you, Paul. That's excellent news," he replied, his voice brimming with appreciation. "The estate is indeed a suitable venue for our discussions. Let's proceed with that plan."

Edward's tone was decisive as he continued, "Please ensure that all board members come prepared. I want them to bring financial reports, their staff list, any ongoing issues they wish to address, and any other pertinent information. This meeting is crucial, and I want us to make the most of it."

Paul nodded on the other end of the line, his voice filled with assurance. "Consider it done, Edward. I'll make sure everything is in order for the meeting."

"Thank you, Paul. Your efficiency is greatly appreciated," Edward replied sincerely, grateful for Paul's dedication and competence.

"It's my pleasure, Edward. I'll see to it that everything runs smoothly," Paul assured him before ending the call.

With the meeting arrangements in capable hands, Edward felt a renewed sense of focus and determination. He knew that this gathering of the board members would be a pivotal moment in shaping the future of Brighton & Hove Albion, and he was determined to make it count.

After ending the call with Paul, Edward leaned back in his chair, a sense of relief washing over him. With the meeting arrangements taken care of, he allowed himself a moment of quiet satisfaction before turning his attention back to his phone, which lay silently on the table.

As he glanced at the screen, his thoughts once again drifted to the pressing need for an assistant. The constant juggling of tasks and responsibilities would soon begin to take its toll, and Edward knew that he couldn't manage everything on his own.

With resolve, Edward composed a message to Mr. Kingsley.

"Mr. Kingsley," he began, his fingers tapping out each word with purpose, "I hope this message finds you well. I find myself in need of an assistant to help manage the increasing demands of my responsibilities. Do you happen to know anyone suitable for the role?"

With the message sent, Edward waited patiently for Mr. Kingsley's response.

After a few moments, his phone chimed with a new message notification. With eager anticipation, Edward opened the message from Mr. Kingsley.

"Edward, my niece, Siana, is studying business management and has taken classes on organizational psychology and project management," the message read. "She's looking for opportunities to gain practical experience in a professional setting. I believe she would be a perfect fit for the role of your assistant."

A sense of relief washed over Edward as he read the message. The idea of having someone with Sarah's qualifications and enthusiasm by his side was exactly what he needed to lighten his workload and streamline his responsibilities.

"Thank you, Mr. Kingsley," Edward replied quickly. "I would be grateful if you could put me in touch with Sarah."

Edward wasted no time. With Mr. Kingsley's niece, Siana, in mind, he swiftly dialed her number, eager to discuss the assistant position further.

After a few rings, Siana picked up the phone, her voice clear and professional.

"Hello, this is Siana speaking," she greeted.

"Hello, Siana. This is Edward Bloom, son to Tony Bloom," Edward introduced himself. "I received your uncle's recommendation regarding my need for an assistant, and I'm very interested in discussing the opportunity with you."

Siana's voice carried a note of enthusiasm as she responded, "Mr. Bloom, it's a pleasure to speak with you. I'm thrilled at the prospect of potentially working with you."

Edward appreciated Siana's eagerness and professionalism. "I'd like to schedule a meeting to discuss the details of the position and to learn more about your background and qualifications," he explained. "Would you be available to meet in person at your earliest convenience?"

Siana's response was prompt and affirmative. "Absolutely, Mr. Bloom. I'm available to meet whenever works best for you. Just let me know the time and place, and I'll be there."

Impressed by Siana's readiness, Edward quickly arranged a meeting. "That sounds perfect, Siana. Let's meet tomorrow at my estate, an hour from now, I take it you know the location?"

Siana confirmed her knowledge of the location with a mummur and expressed her gratitude for the opportunity. Edward could sense her excitement through the phone, and it only reaffirmed his decision to consider her for the role.

"Thank you, Siana. I'll see you at my estate. We can discuss the details of the position and how your skills and experience aligns with what I'm looking for," Edward replied, his tone reflecting his confidence in Siana's potential.

With the meeting arranged, Edward felt a sense of relief knowing that he was one step closer to finding the assistance he needed to manage his responsibilities.

"Looking forward to it, Mr. Bloom. Thank you for this opportunity," Siana responded warmly before they exchanged pleasantries and ended the call.

Edward couldn't help but feel optimistic about the prospect of working with Siana. Her background in business management and project management, coupled with her enthusiasm, made her a promising candidate for the assistant position.


'I suppose I should head back to the estate now'