

Losta is a town created by merchants. It started over 50 years ago, the road which passes through the valley Nialda is between two mountains which was covered in a deep fog over night. the thing about this fog is that it causes travelers to hallucinate or become disoriented. if your not careful enough you could end up lost or dead. that's why this town is unlike others it literally starts right outside the fog and traverses through and out the valley in one straight line.

What's so interesting about this valley? Well it's the only route through the forest of monster to the land of Texla and why would merchants or anyone for that matter travel through such a forest? Well it's the only route to Neto, the biggest and only port for Fishing and trading with other nations. There have been countless port towns that have sprung up but they do not last long and if they do they are simply to small for traid, not like Neto.

You could try going over the mountains there are trails but you risk bandits, goblins and the like. You can try your luck in the valley of madness but like the name implies you'd go mad and probably Kill not only yourself but anyone with you or they you. there's also the BOG but you'd be mad to try that better luck going over the mountains or fighting a dragon at least then you stand a chance at a peaceful eternal slumber after death.

Seeing as how you have no other option but to pass through Losta merchants created their own town. Hear you can traid anything from home made jewelry to slaves.

Hey...hey...look over there he looks handsome dosent he. What are you talking about stop looking for a boyfriend and read the room. look at our position just look at what happened to us. this is not what I had in mind when we left town a week ago. why did I ever listen to you. now we are going to get sold and do who know what and all you care about is how the men look.

Well if they look good I won't hate being there slave what can we do now, it's not Like we can go back and change what happened. who knew that when we got to the Valley of madness there would already be a bandits camp. they didn't waist any time.

I know....what bad luck. so who are you looking at.

That one. the one with the colored eyes think he would buy us if we convince him. let's try getting his attention.