

We all know about the word ‘Essence’. Heard a lot about it, making use of it. Commonly known as an extract of herbs and food. Regardless, what if this essence is a part of a natural element. Like Fire, water, earth, and wind; imagine a rare element called Essence….. Eden, called in full name Eden Locker discovers on his thirteenth birthday that he is mixed blood, Magus. Unlike some humans around him who are half or sometimes pure. This growing Magus can easily change the circulation of his blood from complete human to pure Magus. It is a story of an orphan boy who is adapter by a family that also carries a different bloodline. At first, life remains normal for him but, then one day everything changes when Eden gets an invitation from the school named Bridge to Golden Gate. A school where the combination of fantasy and reality features a different world. Along with a new journey in life, Eden also encounters a different system. Quest after quest, Eden began to attach along with the system when suddenly the Main Quest opens itself and ask him to complete a quest that is forbidden in the school. What will Eden do to complete it? Will there be further quests such as this? How will Eden Locker adjust his life path along with the new system and the fantasy school? Come and have fun in discord and learn more about my works: https://discord.gg/kwpy3qfY

Ninestar619_5803 · Fantasy
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116 Chs

I will erase all!

The Magus Eden Locker lost everyone he loved and cared for. His family and his children were all hunted down and murdered.

His friends and his supporters were all captured and beheaded above all his beloved brother, who was tortured, torn, and burnt to ashes.

His land, his home, his dignity, his pride, his Empire...when he could view his failure clear as crystal.

In his view he could see the one who would slay him to his death, he would see his foe victorious over him, his dreadful enemies dragging everything from him.... despair all this loss, he had a shine glowing in his eyes. His gaze of hopelessness was recovering.

On the other hand, the King in front of him named Centzil turned perplexed, "What on earth are you hoping for?" he asked with a leer,

"You have lost everything. Even if ashes are blown off your feet yet, I can still see a glow of hope in your cobalt violet eyes. Just what are you waiting for? May I know?"

At first, Eden's locker remained silent with no will of replying. This made the king furious that he punched his face, yelling "TALK!"

"You want me to talk…." spoke up a low voice, "After you have sealed my voice."

Eden's voice box was been sealed from speaking out to the public by this king. Since the chains were in king Centzil's hands he was the only one who could hear him. He replied in pride, "Of course, I am the one who can hear you from all. Before you die tell me what are you waiting for?" the black sword in his hand stretched forth to Eden's throat lifting his hue high, King Centzil threaten, "Speak…I want to hear you before I enjoy chopping you to pieces."

The King was overjoyed to see his victim glaring at him knowing all this was going to be in vain.

On the other side, Eden was silent when there it came. The support he knew would arrive.



"Finally, you have arrived…" smiled Eden when he gazed his eyes at the sky. There instead of the dark sky he was viewing the status screen of his system which he felt proud to read:


[LEVEL: 150]

[EXP: 1.9B]



[HP:1/ 90,000]



[ATTACK POINT: 70,000+]




"I built this all with my own hands…" smiled Eden reading all this when it was erased into a glare he added, "And I shall erase THEM!"