

We all know about the word ‘Essence’. Heard a lot about it, making use of it. Commonly known as an extract of herbs and food. Regardless, what if this essence is a part of a natural element. Like Fire, water, earth, and wind; imagine a rare element called Essence….. Eden, called in full name Eden Locker discovers on his thirteenth birthday that he is mixed blood, Magus. Unlike some humans around him who are half or sometimes pure. This growing Magus can easily change the circulation of his blood from complete human to pure Magus. It is a story of an orphan boy who is adapter by a family that also carries a different bloodline. At first, life remains normal for him but, then one day everything changes when Eden gets an invitation from the school named Bridge to Golden Gate. A school where the combination of fantasy and reality features a different world. Along with a new journey in life, Eden also encounters a different system. Quest after quest, Eden began to attach along with the system when suddenly the Main Quest opens itself and ask him to complete a quest that is forbidden in the school. What will Eden do to complete it? Will there be further quests such as this? How will Eden Locker adjust his life path along with the new system and the fantasy school? Come and have fun in discord and learn more about my works: https://discord.gg/kwpy3qfY

Ninestar619_5803 · Fantasy
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116 Chs

"We will keep you like a gold"

"Yes" answered Eden Locker while opening the main door. To his surprise, there were two men covered in white capes standing in the distance. These two men were smiling at him as one greeted,

"Good evening, young Eden. Nice to meet you."

"Am…. Good Evening." Replied the youth as he stepped out of the door, and shut it behind him.

He noticed that these men wore designed white capes that shone in silver design over the white clothing odd from the ordinary world, "which means these men aren't any simple." He thought to himself warning as he spoke up, "Nice to meet you two. I heard you all were willing to see me so, what is the purpose?"

The two men grinned as one stepped forth. He bowed lightly and answered,

"Let's get the talk straight little boy. We came here all this way for you because we know that you are a Magus bloodline. But, do you know that you are the only ONE, the last one in the entire million population of all?"

This stunned the boy.

From the man's tone, he realized that something was fishy. His tone went dipper as he spoke the last two words. "If you say so. What has that got to do with me? I will just pass it on."

"You are one little intelligent boy, Eden." smiled the man.

"No," interrupted the second man as he stepped forth by his fellow mate. Surprisingly, he had a leer drawn on his lips, "that's not it. You will have to come with me. I mean with three of us. We will take great care of you. We will make sure you won't have trouble in facing the world."

"We will keep you like a bar of gold in a treasure chest. The last one is always the precious one, don't you agree?" added the first man calling, "Eden….." by his name.

"Hold on!" interrupted the lad in puzzlement, "How can you all say that I am the only last one out of the millions when you just came up with me?

There could be some more hiding around or within the shadow who prefers to take the dark side. You aren't sure of your counting either, right? Plus, how do you know my name is Eden? There might be many with similar names. Above all, mother…." he hesitated and then went on, "Mother mentioned there were three however, there are only two of you then where is the third one?"

At this minute, his horror began.

Just as Eden finished his questioning, a dead silence conquered the street. Nothing moved which turned the boy stunned.

[TING] Unexpectedly, the system appeared in front of him.









Upon viewing this in front of his eyes, Eden turned pale.

He lost his speech.

He couldn't ask anymore.

His heartbeat sped. Here, he realized these were the people who were meant to be for him. He had walked into the mouth of danger at his own pace.

"HAHAH!" the second man laughed a loud, frightening the boy, turning him solid on the ground, "O! Eden. You are too soft and descend like an old pillow which was why it turned easy for us to get you."

"Allow me to introduce ourselves," added the first man standing up straight, "We are three older sons from the second generation of the family called Silver Bullet family. The one next to me is the younger son named Zen. I am the second son and my name is Habour…."

Eden's heart pumped to his ears which reduced his hearing. His phobia was tang over him. He could feel the grip aura erupting from them. Their sharp eyes like a beast were fixed on him like a predator.

At this spot, the only thing he could hope was to turn and rush into the house that was a few steps just behind his back. Even those few paces into the house felt like crossing through miles or kilometers.

Just as his right foot slipped backward, a pointed hard metal pricked into his shirt from behind, freezing him to ice, locking all his muscles from movement with only his heartbeat free to pump. Someone was behind him who introduced himself,

"And I am the first brother named Roland."

"AH!" gasped Eden shivering, breathing numerously in fear as he turned fearsome like a child to see a tall tower of evil surrounding him. He picked up his courage and turned to view the man behind unfortunately before he could even get a glimpse, the man solemnly opened his long white cape with his right arm and spread it around the little boy, wrapping him all over.

Within the next, second, the cape fell like a curtain blanket over the man's body. With this simplest movement, Eden was gone from the scene, taken under the three men's custody.

"WOW! You didn't even let him scream" amazed Zen. As Roland returned the gun that he pointed at Eden's back to his brother Habour's hand he replied, "It wasn't necessary. He is still a child."

"Well, we could at least enjoy him yelling." Answered back Zen when his brother reminded him to stay within his limits.

"It was a matter of dealing with a child so, it shouldn't be the default" He also added that since Magus was in their prison nothing would bother them at the moment.

"What next? What do you think should we do about the other Bloodlines? Should we start attacking them?" asked Habour.

Roland silently walked away followed by his two brothers he explained, "There is a saying that the Lord of Shapeshifter named Dryden will return when one of the bloodlines, myths, or supernatural creatures have ONE existence. It won't matter who it may be. On the night of the four blue moons, Lord Dryden will awaken with his 'Chains of Dedra' bringing calamities all over the world.

As we estimated, this Magus IS the only survivor of his bloodline whereas, there are hundreds to thousands of many other species.

Our main priority is to avoid this Magus evolve. He mustn't improve to learn to get stronger.

Since we found the key to awakening for the Lord, it is now a simple task to evade him. Kill the Magus and it is all over for the calamity."

Both the brothers stared at each other when Habour suggested, "Why don't we do it directly? That Magus is still a child. We could have killed him back there near his house, don't you think?"

The man stopped at the center of the road. He stretched forth his palm, opening a blue pattern portal on the ground as he answered, "Keep one thing in mind, a Magus bloodline has a very strong barrier over them that can't be affected by powers or attacks that easily. It depends on the user how much thicken or widen they may keep it grow…." He ended up his words with the name as the three men jumped inside the portal,

"It is called Dark Wall."