

Ectoplasma, The power that this world is relying on. In the middle of this world there's a boy named Aalish, a boy with a harsh task thrown on him to protect the district that he was born in and to win the war that is about to start in 3 years. The flame of the fire inside him isn't going to heat everyone up in this endless world, that spreads before his eyes. Who will be lucky enough to see this light shine the brightest? To win the war and protect the district, his search for a teacher/master to teach him how to fight begins! (I will be posting 1-3 chapters a week if nothing goes wrong, I am a student so sometimes I'll have to take a break from my series for a week (Because of my exams), however I will try to make it up with more chapters for the next week.)

Reo_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A Purple Line

I can't feel my right arm anymore. The pain feels like waves of heat, with each one my head gets dizzier.

I'm assuming, the reason I lost so much blood is that I used Ignavia. With Ignavia I take my Ectoplasma and manipulate it to go into my hands and legs. I also pump my blood at the same time to make them heavier and faster. Well, I don't get lighter, I pump around 2,5 liters of blood up into my hands and down into my legs really fast making Ignavia a technique based on speed mostly. That's why everything feels light except my legs and hands. But since I am injured, blood is flowing out of my broken and ripped hand.

In the end, Ignavia makes me really fast, but it takes a toll on my muscles since my muscles are not used to blood being thrown around in my body.

Aalish looks at Ovia and then at his sword.

If I use Ignavia again I would be dried out of my blood, but I can't think of a better way to get Ovia back. They use an imitation of the lightning attribute; he gets really fast and has explosive power. I did match the other guy with Ignavia, but this one may be different; he could exceed the other guy.

I have to measure if he's stronger or on the same level as him. I can't attack recklessly. It's like jumping into the unknown. I have to finish this as fast as I can and on top of that, I still don't know what happened to Yota.

The warrior turns his whole body to Aalish.

''I can give you a good trade.''

The warrior says while his expression is hidden by the mask.

Aalish looks at him.

''You want my sword?''

''Yes exactly, I have to take priority in what's more important''

Barely standing Aalish responds.

'' I can't let you have this sword.''

''Meaning that sword is more important than your friend's life?''

Ovia's head moves a little.

While Aalish looks down at the ground.

A shiver, or more like a little stab. That's what those words felt like. I don't know if they sting because he's right or because I don't know the answer. I can't even trust him; he can still take my sword and Ovia away.

What matters? What's more important in this situation? I can't give up the sword or Ovia's life.

''I will have to turn your offer down. I know that I can keep this sword and get Ovia at the same time.''

He says while his head rises up.


Aalish straightens his back, takes a deep breath. And takes a running position.

His hand grips on Arna's handle.

How can I match his lightning speed with my fire? I don't think it's even possible? When I was studying I never came across anything about imitation.

Suddenly a little flash of lightning appears on the warriors' body, and just so with a blink, he disappears leaving a bit of lightning where his shoulders were.


Aalish's eyes widen as he turns his head to look for the missing warrior. Left then right, his eyes focus on what's happening.

A line.

What he saw was a line. A purple line goes left and right with a ''zigzag'' pattern. The purple line was resembling lightning. But even being so close to witnessing the ''purple lightning'', it was just an imitation, a borrowed power.

The words that crossed his mind were.

Borrowed power?

Just as he turns again to look the line is behind him. He's hit with incredible speed.