
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

1- Ecstasy with the Devil

Editing completed…


WHILE THE TEACHER WAS TEACHING, a certain male student was asleep at the rear of the class, very much ignorant of the class's teaching.

"Joaquin!… Joaquin!! Joaquin Salazar!!!" the teacher yelled out angrily. Grudgingly waking up, Joaquin took his precious time to get himself awake, but this just earned silent chatters from the class.

"Isn't that the senior that repeated a class?"

"I thought he was rich? I guess his money wasn't able to buy his way out of it"?

"You did better not say that out loud, I heard he is part of a mafia family"?

"SILENCE" The teacher yelled to shut the noisy class up. "Joaquin, solve this question on the board," The teacher said. He knew the young student wouldn't be able to answer the question. Smirking inwardly, he waited for the student's embarrassment.

Mr. Manuel was known around the school to have a hatred for his students, especially the wealthy. He deemed them spoiled brats and did not have to work for anything in their life. So he took every opportunity he had to disgrace any student.

"-22" Joaquin replied. An irritated look appeared on Mr. Manuel's face, and it was without a doubt that Joaquin annoyed him.

"Stand and give your reply like a normal and respectful student!!!" He howled, glaring at the student.

Not wanting to drag this out anymore and also wanting to go back to sleep, he stood up and looked down at the answer from the female in front of him.

"I said the answer is -22" He responded confidently like it was he who got the answer first. Dissatisfied that he got the equation right, he begrudgingly asked him to sit back down.

Unfortunately for him, the sleep had left his eyes, so he decided to observe the girl in front of him.

'Please stop digging holes behind my head, it's uncomfortable and distracting' he read to himself the paper the girl in front of him had passed to him.

Honestly, the flimsy message wouldn't do anything to stop his curiosity.

It wasn't a very deep and serious curiosity, it's just that he is used to people in this year of grade avoiding him like a plague. Not like he cared about what they thought of him or not. He just thought of why she would want to help him, and it did not look like she would respond to him while the teacher was teaching.

Taking in her features absent mindlessly, she had an oval-shaped face with bi-dyed hair of white and black. Three piercings on both ears, but though they were pierced there was only one earring in each of them, and one ring on her right index finger.

Her clothes didn't look all that off-putting, to say the least, at least it was appropriate for the late autumn. Her outfits were a combination of a white turtle-neck sweater vest with a green cardigan and plain brown pants.

Another paper slipped onto his table yet again, 'STOP IT!!' He never heard her voice because he never cared for his current classmates, so he just mentally imagined a normal female voice yelling at him through the paper, and that strangely made him laugh a little, but only a little.

*Bell rings*

Standing up immediately, he watched the girl walk off to a group of girls, preventing him from having a conversation with her. Giving him a side-eye glance, she glared at him while he just had a cocky loop-side smile on his face.

"Hey Kehlani are you coming with us to the karaoke" A girl with blonde hair asked.

"Sorry, guys, I have a babysitting job after school" The bi-dyed hair female replied, giving them a grin. Her response earned disappointing groans from the girls as they eventually waved each other bye and headed in different directions.

'Hmm? Her name is Kehlani?' Joaquin thought to himself as he walked out of the classroom.

"Hey! Boss" Joaquin turned to glare at the person that called him. "You bastard, Xavier, I thought I told you not to call me that in school."

"Sorry Boss" Xavier called again, clearly meaning to mock him. Joaquin just signed out of frustration as they both walked towards the direction of the school gate.

"Yo Santi, we have a job today" Joaquin called out as he pointed his phone to the bleached white-haired male standing in front of a black jeep.

Santiago looked up from his phone after hearing his name "Oh Quin, you are here, you came out later than usual" He commented, taking the phone from Joaquin's hands.

"It was somewhat eventful"


Nodding his head, he responded "Somewhat eventful" Rolling his eyes at his idiomatic speaking, he turned his attention to the phone in his hands.

"Selling amphetamines?" Santi asked as he slid his phone into his pocket to concentrate on the information screen. "To whom?"

Joaquin looked over the phone swiping on the screen, another man's face showed up, it was a man who looked in his mid-forties. Quietly mumbling the information to himself.

"Jose Perez two trucks of amphetamines," Xavier asked taking the tablet from Santiago's hands, "I wonder what an old bastard like him needs Amphetamines for?"

Entering the vehicle, the men sat down discussing their awaiting jobs.

"Guess I ain't going home tonight then" Santiago whispered to himself as he brought out his phone to text his Sister.

"I am not coming home today, don't wait up for me" Shutting his phone, he tucked it into his chest pocket as he hoped his sister wasn't mad at him. Leaning his head back unto the headrest.

"I am heading back home for a moment, I forgot something at home" Xavier stated pulling out his keys from his jeans pocket. Quin squinted his eyes at his blonde friend, his eyes reflected his need to probe some more, but Xavier gave him no room for that as he walked out.

Waving his keys at them without turning back, he spoke, "Text me the address and I will be there"