

Wright Brooklyn ,merely mentioning his name creates fear , he's the C.E.O of podbean entertainment industry

He's cute with blue icy eyes, slightly thick eye brows,longshiny hair almost reaching his back. He's the real definition of handsomeness.

He has a freaking cold character mainly cos he's cursed, this cursed was passed to him from his father it's a cursed passed from generation to generation. Any ways our maleead is bent in breaking this curse.

Corrina Vanderbilt, she has this killer shape, nice curves, pointed nose bright brown eyes long sexy leg,damn cute eyelashes,heart shaped lips. All this are just mere description of her beauty cos she's damn far beautiful that the description just call her a beauty goddess. She has a hidden identity.

What is Corrina's work in breaking this curse?, why is the curse inherited? Find out in this interesting story of ours.

PS:They both are definitely destined to be together but it's going to be a long story so sit tight and enjoy the ride.