
Eclipsed realms

"In 'Eclipsed Realms,' Michal Java, a young man subjected to military experiments, finds himself transported to a new world infused with magic. Empowered by nanites known as 'Rogue Processes,' Michal navigates this unfamiliar realm. As Michal grapples with controlling his newfound abilities, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a conflict involving powerful families seeking ancient artifacts of immense power. Amidst accusations of demonic influence and internal struggles with malevolent forces bound to a ring he possesses, Michal's journey unfolds as he explores themes of power, morality, and the complexities of controlling forces beyond human comprehension in a world teetering on the brink of divine intervention."

Broker_Of_Death · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Split: Part 2

Luna's pov

When Joel ran off me and Vexx started arguing because he had wanted to go see if Joel had told the truth but I didn't want us all to split up because we could possibly become targets for Joel and I knew how strong he was, he could easily kill us off one by one, but in the end Vexx left and then I left to go back to my clan since I needed to do something there, we walked for a while before we stoped next to river while we got some water I tried to hunt for some food but nothing was near us, so I stoped looking and we got back to the road and walked for hours until night had started to fall so I looked for some uninhabited houses but found none and then is started to rain then Zara said "what if he actually killed the cult members like he said he did" I snaped back at her with "You don't know what he is" then Nyx said "then inform us of what he is" I turned around to face them both "Joel Blade is the sin of wrath but the bodies he inhabits is Michal Java a man who saved me and Kaida multiple times" they seemed to understand why I didn't think that the people Joel killed were actual cult members, we continued to walk in the cold rain no one had spoken for hours, when we saw a light in the forest it came from a small cabin, we walked to the cabin through the freezing rain we were all shivering from the cold, we knocked on the door and a pink haired man along with a woman who had white hair a black eyes, she smiled and said "come in come in" we walked in and the door shut behind us and suddenly we had sword blades at our neck "what is this about" the pink haired man then said "well you have white hair and I'm guessing you killed our people" I then thought about how Joel had murdered those people "we haven't killed anyone, but we know Joel killed some people outside of the city that caught fire" he Laughed "You expect me to belive that Joel Blade a man with grey hair killed a bunch of people and left a white hair next to the body" then Zara said "Joel blade has two forms" this caught the attention of the pink haired man "Speak" Zara then said "He has the ring of wrath and the personality of Joel Blade is the sin of wrath an---" she got cut of with the Pink haired mans laughter "The sin of wrath would be causing chaos not protecting people, and that still doesn't count for the fact he cant change hair color" then Zara said "well we watched him kill and then he ran off into the woods" the blade left a small cut in her neck "speak only when I tell you to" the pink man had said, then the pink haired man and the white haired woman began speaking in a different language and then the swords were put away "we have talked about if your story rings true and by looking at your bunch we have decided that you didn't do it because there was hand sized hole in their bodys, so we now ask that you forgive us and possibly join us we have been running a group that has been trying to take down specific large criminal groups" we talked amounts ourselves after hearing this and then we said "we accept you appologie and accept you invitation" he nodded and then said "Well since you look cold you can come sit near the fire and warm up sadly we don't have too much food to spare but we can still give you some" we thanked them and sad down and talked to each other.

At a round table six people sat there waiting "so who called this meeting" a tall man with white hair and grey eyes said, then a small skiny woman with black hair said "I'm guessing you all were also contacted by master" they nodded and then in their heads they all heard 'We need a new division leader so we can put up a good front, we will also have to stage some fights since we will have new members that have potential, I trust all of you to find someone strong to take u that post we will also have to make a new base that seems like were good people' they nodded and began to talk to each other for a while then the tall white haired man got up and then everyone else got up and left.