
Worlds Apart

The soft glow of the chandelier cast an elegant light over the grand ballroom.Susan Levesque stood near the edge of the room,her delicate fingers gently wrapped around a flute of champagne.The event was in full swing,with the city's elite mingling and laughing,dressed in their finest evening wear.Susan however,felt out of place despite her designer gown and the opulent surrounding.

"Susan darling,you must meet Mr DuPont"her mother,Claire cooed as she approached with a distinguished looking man. "He just came returned from Germany,and his family is interested in expanding their business here".

Susan forced a smile and shook hands with Mr DuPont,exchanging pleasantries.Her mind however,was in miles away.she longed for something more than her parents had planned meticulously for her,a life filled with endless charity gala and business transactions disguised as marriage.

Across town,I'm a modest loft that served as both his home and studio,Lucas Blair was lost in his world of colors.His latest painting,a chaotic swirl of colors and emotions,was slowly taking shape,The studio was a mass of canvases,paints splatters and unfinished sketches,but Lucas thrived in the chaos.

Lucas glanced up as his friend and a fellow artist,Max called out from the doorway,"hey man,you coming to the exhibition tonight?yeah I'll be there,just need to finish this piece "he answered while wiping his hands on his paint stained jeans.

Max nodded and left,leaving Lucas alone with his thoughts.He knew the exhibition was important,a chance to showcase his works to a wider audience.But a part of him dreaded the inevitable judgement and scrutiny that came from it.

That evening,the art exhibition was a whirlwind of activity.Guests admired the artworks,sipped wine and engaged in animated discussions.Susan wandered through the gallery,feeling a rare sense of excitement.She had always loved art and tonight's exhibition was a welcome escape from her usual social obligations.

She stopped in front of a particular striking painting,a tumultuous blend of blues and reds that seemed to pulse with energy.As she stood there,captivated,a voice besides her broke the silence.

"Beautiful,isn't it?"

She turned to see a tall blonde haired man with intense eyes studying the painting, "yes it is,do you know the artist?".He smiled,a hint of mischief in his eyes."You can say that,I'm Lucas Blair,the artist".

Susan felt a jolt of surprise and intrigue "I'm Susan,Susan Levesque".They spent the next hour talking,oblivious to the crowd around them.Lucas passion to his art as contagious and Susan found herself drawn to his intensity and authenticity.As the evening drew to a close,they reluctantly parted ways,each feeling an inexplicable connection that neither could ignore.

Dear Readers,

I am thrilled to share the release of my latest novel with you. This book has been a labor of love, inspired by countless moments of reflection, imagination, and dedication. Each page is infused with a piece of my heart, and I can't wait for you to embark on this journey with me.

I hope you find within its chapters a world that captivates your mind, characters that speak to your soul, and a story that lingers long after the final page is turned. Your support and feedback mean the world to me, and I am eager to hear your thoughts and experiences as you delve into this new adventure.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

Warmest regards,


Busolami_Tabithacreators' thoughts