
Eclipse Embers: The Saga of the Gilded Abyss (CMDK)

In a stunning twist of fate, I, Kael, was granted the extraordinary chance to reincarnate into my preferred world—the captivating novel "Custom Made Demon King." By the Holy coffee. - Similar system to Roy but kinda different - MC gets reborn at the same time as Roy - No harem - World travel - The cover isn't mine, tell me if u want it down First time writing a fic, so go easy on me [ This is my first attempt at making a fanfic so your feedback and support will be greatly appreciated. ] Oh and also credits to Author: Conceptual_Entity and Author: Sad_Sadist for inspiring me to write this. *some parts are inspired from them*

holycoffee · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 - Holy Coffee

"yo" - Speech

'yo' - thougths

*yo* - Sounds


A young man in his early 20s, with an ethereal pallor to his skin and dark circles etched beneath tired eyes, descended the stairs with deliberate care. In his left hand, he cradled a delicate glass of coffee, its warmth providing a fleeting comfort amidst the weariness that weighed upon him. Simultaneously, he remained absorbed in the screen of his phone, navigating an unseen digital world.

As he reached his destination- The living room, he planted his self onto the sofa.

With a sudden jolt as he sat down, he inadvertently spilled the coffee he was holding, drenching both himself and his phone.

"Ah! Shit!"

As the warm coffee splashed onto him and his phone, a look of surprise and mild frustration washed over Kael's face, he facepalmed at his dumbness.

"Ahh! My phone!"

Now drenched in his stupidity Kael rapidly got up, but instead of quickly cleaning the mess he did, he quickly wiped his now wet phone on the dry part of the sofa.

After wiping his phone dry, he started inspecting it.

"Thank god, It's still working."

Sighing in relief, he was about to put down the phone on the table and was about to clean up his mess when a strange notification popped up on his screen.

[How do you want to die?]

"huh? Why would I want to die?" Staring at the strange notification or rather- a survey question, Kael was annoyed and quickly tried to find the "x" button to close it, but failed to do so.

"What's this? Some type of virus?" Kael muttered, his brows furrowing in annoyance as he stared at the unwanted survey question.

"tsk, just what I needed."

Drenched from the unexpected rain, Kael reluctantly answered the survey, his wet clothe clinging uncomfortably to his skin. The sound of raindrops tapping on the window only added to his irritation, and he let out an exasperated sigh.

'Seriously, can this day get any worse?' Kael thought to himself, earlier he was having a good time, binge reading two cmdk ff's that he found on webnovel, and he was about to just reread cmdk now that he was informed of it having comeback.

But this happened.

With another sigh he turned his focus back on the survey question and he answered it swiftly.

-Instant and painless

'Of course, who would want to die in a way besides that?' He thought.

'Oh, there's also my wicked inner demon, suggesting something like, (Why not go out with a bang by catching some wild infectious disease and sparking a full-blown zombie apocalypse?) And you know what it's thinking? 'If I'm going down, you're all coming along for the crazy ride!' Well, that's just fantastic, isn't it?'.

"Well enough of that" I murmured as I turned my attention to my phone, hoping for the survey question to be gone.

But, unsurprisingly it did not.

Another question popped up.

[What world would you like to enter?]

This question turned my annoyance into curiosity, and that curiosity made me comply and start answering the question.

- Custom made demon king

I picked this world mainly because of the endless possibilities it offers, and my somehow "cmdk phase" also affected my judgement.

If you're curious about the phase thing well... nothing special, as the term itself "phase" is a time where I am somewhat hooked on a particular series or some other thing.

'Wait...Somehow, this whole thing feels familiar...'

"Don't tell me-" I was abruptly cut off, another question popping up on my screen.

"Alright, let's set those questions aside for now. Time to calm down and answer these questions." I muttered, fixing my gaze on the next question.

[What type of system would you like to have? or have none at all.]

-A flexible system of Roy and some other adjustments

Basically, I can choose whether it is art reliant or not, as going with both is better than having just one.

While the less art reliant can be quite easy to use, the original system still has its perks.

[What race?]


While I would love to choose angel, as choosing it over being a demon is relatively safer and can allow me to have a better stable start in the beginning, free from the worry of being clawed and ravaged by the horrors that the demon realm may hold. It also doesn't present much more opportunities than choosing demon, Furthermore, my lack of knowledge about the angels is also a cause for concern.

Being the rival of the MC sounds tempting too, It can be hella fun, but intentionally putting myself in that position doesn't seem like the wisest choice, as I don't know if plot armor is really an actual force of the universe or whatnot.

And the last time I read CMDK, though it has been long, I still remember one thing- Roy being fcking Overpowered!. period. With a capital O

I mean I could possibly rival him in terms of power as we basically have the same system and me reading something from somewhere like angels being stronger than demons in the same rank adds up to it.(not sure)

But still no, Why? well it's easy, I don't want to.

though yes being safer in the beginning is tempting, and I will have a lot of time planning and relaxing, it's still a NO, and especially that being an angel has less freedom and opportunities than choosing a demon.

I can still have that rival relationship with the mc, as being in the same race doesn't literally mean were automatic allies.

Well that's that, Oh! and lastly, I'm done abiding rules.(Grins wildly)


After that was the last question that I was anticipating.

[Would you like to be reborn in CMDK?]

[Yes] or [No]

I was stunned for a second, but then quickly recovered. As the questions earlier appeared I find it familiar with the recent FF that I've read and the various others in the past. Strangely enough, I know that if I press 'Yes' I would really be reborn. Then, I thought about my life here on earth. I wasn't unfortunate enough to live a hard life and it wasn't that bad. I was lucky enough to be born in a somewhat rich family, only worrying about having good grades and finishing college, I'm now 21 years old and currently a 3rd year college so only the 4th remain till I finish.

Though my life isn't terrible, it's suffocatingly monotonous, and the weight of my parents' expectations weighs heavily on me. Despite being in a good state, I can't shake off this feeling of discontent. It's just so mind-numbingly boring, and I crave something more exhilarating.

"I am absolutely certifiably crazy," I thought, a genuine chuckle escaping my lips. I then pressed [Yes].

For a moment nothing really happened. I started thinking that maybe all of that was just a scam and someone was playing tricks on me. sighing, I was just about to turn around and start cleaning when-


An empty husk then fell to the floor with a lifeless thud.


AN: Hello everyone! I'm excited to share that I'm taking my first steps into writing. While I may not have much experience yet, I'm eager to try new things and see where this journey takes me. I would really appreciate any guidance or feedback you can offer along the way.

Also don't expect too much as this is only a trial.

Let me know what you guys think

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