
Chapter 1

(Eclipse): Lexa or Xandria but not Alexandria.

Eclipse POV; 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST IT?!" I asked Kristina "Do you know how much just that little scale costs?, it is probably enough to sustain us all for a whole year?".

"I'm sorry" she said to me.

I sighed. "It's okay, just please call Alexandria for me please".

"Okay" she said before turning to go look for her.

"Yo, Kristina I'm over here" we heard Alexandria shout.

"How long have you been there" Kristina shouted back.

"Long enough to know that little miss eclipse here really hates me" she said as she glared at me while walking closer to us.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Well for one, calling Alexandria when you know how much I hate that name, I mean is it that hard to call me Alexa or Xandria or something" she continued " And two, why are you shouting at this poor innocent girl".

"Well let's see, she taught lily how to say a cuss word and she lost the dragon scale" I replied.

Xandria stared at me for about two seconds before she started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked her.

"I-I-" she tried to form a sentence "y-you actually believed that that was real didn't you".

"What do yo- oh" Kristina said.

"Yeah" replied Xandria.

"Wait wait let me get this straight" I said "So that scale that Kristina lost is fake".


"I seriously thought it was real" Kristina said.

"What can I say, I am the most powerful witch you'll ever meet" Xandria stated "oh... wait, I'll probably be the only witch you guys will ever meet".

"You mean half witch right?" Kristina asked.

"You better shut your goddamn mouth Kristina before I turn you into a fucking parrot" Xandria threatened her.

"Wow, bipolar much" Kristina rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" i rolled my eyes.

"I'll go check on lily and James real quick" Xandria said before walking away.



"Please go after Xandria and remind her that we still have to go to the human mall to get somethings".

"Aye aye captain eclipse".


"Humans, they smell weird" Kristina commented.

"I don't think they are that bad" Calvin replied. Katrina just rolled her eyes "That's because most of the female has been eyeing you since we came in here" she said "I even think a saw a grandma checking you out".

"Ewwwiiee" Calvin cringed.

"Guys focus" Xandria said while dragging Calvin's hair. "Remember what we came here for". "Uhhh" Calvin said while Kristina just sighed and both me and Xandria face palmed so hard that i think we lost some brain cells.

"We came here to buy dresses for the Annual Supernatural Gathering- or something like that shit, I don't even remember." I said.

"Why the hell do we have to go?" Katrina asked "We are not even In a pack, we are rogues... like rogues that has pissed up so many powerful Supernaturals and I'm pretty sure that they hate our asses and wouldn't think twice before roasting our asses."

"But who wouldn't love my ass?" Calvin asked rhetorically while frowning "I know that I have a cute ass." We all rolled our eyes at this comment.

"Which pack even invited us?" Kristina asked Xandria.

"Don't ask me..., me no know nothing."

"I think it is called The Bloody Lake Pack" I answered her question. "Is it not that pack that I think Xandria helped the luna?" Calvin asked.

"Exactly" I answered. "Let's go look for our dresses and tuxedo... cause I don't have all day, and we still need to pick up James and Lily from Chloe."

"Well, is it true?" Calvin asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes calvin it is true that the vampires are hosting Annual Supernatural Gathering this year" I answered... again. "But I understand that you are happy because it is your first time, but don't get to excited anything can go wrong lik-"

"Like for example, an alpha may start a fight just to protect his or her ego" Xandria interrupted me "And the fights are always messy."

"Yeah" Alexandria nodded "They sometimes evwn destroy the whole pack"

"Stop being so dramatic Xandria." Calvin rolled his eyes.

"Both you you shut the fuck up and go get ready before we become late!" I said. "And Alexandria stop glaring at Calvin and go pick up James and Lily from Chloe and take them to Mrs Grace's house for the evening."

"Okay okay... I'll go and Calvin" She called him "I'd advise you to move back a little."

"Why?" Calvin asked while I frowned a little.

"Because Little Miss Eclipse here is about to blow up" She ran leaving me and Calvin in shock before Calvin started Laughing.

Hi, it's me again.

Comfort_Saracreators' thoughts