
Elara Lunate

General Information:

Name: Elara Lunate

Age: 16 (a year older than Noelle and Asta)

Magic: Lunar

Status: Noble


Hair Color: Lavender

Hair Length: Reaches up to her middle back, but if not braided, it reaches her waist line.

Hair Style: A loose braid that she wears over her right shoulder.

Eye Color: Yellow (I'd say golden, but I imagine her eyes as more of a bright yellow)

Height: 5'2 (158 cm)

Clothing: See Prologue for the pic.

Shirt: A white blouse with a long collar. It's sleeves are loose but tightens midway by pastel yellow ribbons. Her family crest is pinned in the middle of the collar.

Lower Clothing: She wears a pastel Yellow dress underneath the blouse. The skirt of the dress reaches just above her knees.

Shoes: white, knee length, leather boots.

Other Accessories: She wears a thin, brown, leather belt with a bag hanging from it that contains her grimoire. She also wears simple pearl earrings (that I also apparently forgot to mention😓) that her mother gave her when she was 7.

You could always just imagine her as the girl on the cover of the book, if my description is too hard to understand (sorry, I'm bad at describing stuff).


Color: Midnight Blue

Glow: a bright yellow or golden color

Design: has the phases of the moon on the upper and lower part of the cover in goldish white color and has tiny dots spread all around it, acting as stars.

Clover: three leaf


- she used to be a happy child that gets excited over practically everything and is sometimes very blunt and dense

- she now has a split personality.

- she's an excited girl when witnessing magic clash or when she uses her magic (though she sometimes tries to suppress this so she won't blow up)

- she's polite and kinda quiet otherwise

- though she doesn't have a lot of experiences in the battlefield yet, she used to read a lot (still does if she has the time) and has enough common sense to actually know about tactics and strategies

- she likes to share her knowledge to those who need it

- optimistic

- a best friend that everyone needs

Other information:

- specializes in Lunar Archery Magic

- inherited the Lunate Family's pride: their eyes which could see in the dark (featured on Chapter 9)

- hates it when people uses their magic for killing, though she eventually accepts that it just can't be avoided.

- despite her disliking actually killing people, she doesn't mind badly hurting those who deserve it though.

- hates it when someone picks on her height

- obsessed with chocolate

- fears the world's judgement on her curse and past

- her closed eye smile could comfort even the most depressed person in the Black Clover world

- absolutely loves her family (and everyone else she considers family) to bits

- is an open book when she likes someone

- considers Benjy (her personal butler) her best friend

- is considered a Lunate Prodigy despite her curse