

"Do you know what is true love?"

"True love?"

"When you love someone and they love you back?" A child said.

"Yes. But true love doesn't exist in the Immortal world. We are different species. Different from humans.True love in the mortal world has its limit. Time limit."

A master pointed at a flower.

"You see these flowers in the mortal world?" The master showed the child of the mortal world.

"These flowers blooms every spring but they can wither away quickly like dusts. These flowers represents human. That is why their time is precious. Unlike us, we Immortals live longer than humans. But, we Immortal need to know how to love. Child, when you are old enough. I am sending you to the mortal world to learn how to love and how the mortal world works. So, you can cultivate and increase your knowledge day by day."

The child asked, "Master, why? I like staying here with you. You can teach me love." The master shook his head.

"Child, you are a immortal. Every Immortal will go through trials. Love, hatred, you will experience these. But, you must hide your identity. You must not use your power. You must learn how to love and learn about true love." The master said.

"You must learn whether to keep it or let it go. There will be pain and tears but remember you need to these in order to grow stronger." The child nodded.

"Master, when I grow a bit older. I will go to the mortal world and learn about love." The master smiled and gave him a nod.

"To learn to love is better than learning to hate."


Stella woke up late again. Spending the whole night reading Immortal's Love is like watching a whole tv series in one night. You wake up tired but want to do it again the next night.

"Stella, your eyebags... did you stay up last night?" Stella nodded and yawned.

"I finished reading Immortal's Love. It was sooo good." July looked at Stella, "Stella, I know you love his books but your health comes first. What will you do if you get sick. Your brother won't be happy at all."

"Don't worry, July. I will take care of myself." Stella smiled.

"Stella!" July's younger brother came to visit the cafe.

"Jeff! How come you're here? Weren't you at school?" July asked.

"I wanted to see Stella." Jeff ignored his older sister.

"Stella, I heard from my sister that you are Eclipse's fan. Eclipse is having a meet and greet! Look!" Jeff shoved his phone in front of Stella.

"Tomorrow?" Stella's face brightened as if a lightbulb lit up.

Stella faced July and begged her if she can come along.

"Okay fine. Since you can take breaks, I'll come with you." Stella jumped up and down. Eclipse is her favorite author and a fangirl of his.


It's a beautiful day out here for fan meet. There were so many girls lining up.

"Stella, isn't that Eclipse? He's way hotter in person!" Stella dragged July as they ran closer.

"July... he's beautiful. It should be illegal."

As Stella moved closer to Eclipse, she was mesmerized by his beauty. How can he be so handsome? No wonder his fangirls skyrocketed.

"Stella, it's your turn." Stella nervously went up asked Eclipse. He smiled at Stella and signed his name on one of his newer books. Eclipse wrote a note to Stella, "Thank you for coming." Stella used sign language to communicate with him since she knew about Eclipse deafness and muteness due to an accident in one of his books.

Eclipse was surprised to see one of his fan knew about sign language. He sign languaged her back saying-thank you, you did very good.

July was stunned to see Stella using language.

"Stella, when did you learn sign language?" Stella grinned, "I learned it when I became a fan of Eclipse. He's deaf and mute due to an accident, you should've known. I lent you one of his books." July lit up, "Oh!! I remembered. I literally forgot about it. You have good memory." Stella smiled, "I also learned it because Simon might need it after he wakes up. The doctor says his brain damage was pretty severe." July nodded.

"I am pretty sure you can teach Simon afterward." July patted Stella on her shoulder.

"Hopefully." Stella looked down on the ground.