

The journey of a man who had transmigrated into a world filled with Pokemon.

King_Rycon · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter Twelve:

Main Character Pov~

" Good job Totodile." I complimented the Pokemon for all its hard work so far as we camped for the fifth night ever since our trip. we had already left the massive lake and crossed over the mountain and were currently walking across the Viridian Forest to reach the Viridian City.

"Dile!" Totodile cheered as I complimented him, feeling that its also experienced a lot of new improvements over the past five days as.

I had been travelling alongside both Totodile and Corviknight so far. 

My Affinities and Skills are the same, couldn't really improve much in five mere days.

But I guess the only changes I had experienced were those of my Character Status.

Character Status:

Name: Ayron Stellarknight

Age: 17

Birthday: 1st January

Gender: Male

Title: Are you a cheat?

Level: 117 [ 9 % EXP, 91% Til next level.]

Trainer Rank: [ F - Civilian]


HP: 2,100/2,100

SP: 2,240/2,240

AURA: 1500/1500

PSY: 900/900


STR: 100

DUR: 108

END: 112

VIT: 105

SPD: 125

DEX: 121

INT: 150

WIS: 145

CHA: 85

LUK: 82


Total Status Points: [ Original Stats: 113] 1283


HP = VIT X 20 SP = END X 20



Current Available Status Points: 0

Current Pokémon Party: Groudon, Aggron, Corviknight, Raikou, Absol and Totodile.

Pokémon Caught Count: 6

Pokémon Affinities: 18.... (Highest Ranking Affinity: Ground: Z [ Divine])

Poke Dollars: 25,215,512


I had decided to use the points to increase my AURA Stats by 50% by pumping 50 points. Which expanded my Aura Reserves quite nicely. 

Other than a few more levels and another Pokemon addition on my Current Party and my 'Pokemon Caught Count' going up nothing much is really going on. 

I had noted that although the Pokedex said I had caught around 10 Pokemon, which confused me at first, but I realized it had counted the previous evolutions of the Pokemon I had on my team.

Once Totodile evolves into a Feraligatr, that number will go up to 12. I had to make him wear the Everstone Necklace.

I am quite impressed how he was able to reach level 60 and gain around 12 Levels in five days, his Potential is really frightening.


Pokemon Name: Totodile

Species Name: Big Jaw Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #158

Height: 1.8 meters

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years' old.

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: S [ Unique]

Pokemon Ranking: A - High Class Pokémon [ 32x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Water Type

Ability: Torrent

[ Hidden Ability: Sheer Force]


Level: 60

Exp: [ 22%, 78% till next level.]


Health: 6,784/6,784

Aura: 5,920/5,920


HP: 212

AURA: 185

ATK: 231

DEF: 234

SP. ATK: 165

Sp. DEF: 168

SPD: 190

Total Stat Points: 1483

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Monstrous Constitution, Rage Power Boost and Super-Sized Body.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Everstone Necklace.

Current Moves: Dragon Dance [ Egg Move], Aqua Jet [ Egg Move], Metal Claw [ Egg Move], Leer, Scratch, Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Bite, Flail, Crunch, Low Kick, Slash, Screech, Thrash, Aqua Tail, Superpower, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Aerial Ace, Rain Dance and Water Pulse.

Total Moves: 22.

Likes: Heat, Cold, Water, Hot Springs, Waterfalls, Fish Pokemon, Berries, Pranks and Friendships.

Dislikes: Its Clan, Parents, Siblings and Familial Mistreatment.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 69/100]


I was extremely happy with all its Progress, this Pokemon was undoubtedly ready for the world.

After finishing my night meal, I went inside the tent and slept for the night with Totodile and Corviknight keeping watch for dangers outside.

~ 1 whole day later~

I was trekking through the woods to reach the clearing over the hillside alongside Totodile.

I had withdrawn Corviknight this morning as we began walking.

I stopped after 30 minutes of walking as I gazed at what laid beyond.

" So here it is, Viridian City." I said as I saw an extremely large metropolitan city ahead.

" Totodile!" Totodile nodded as it had been close to this part of the woods a couple of times.

You could see the city from this hillside, it was really large too.

I couldn't hold in my excitement as I was finally going to see other humans after so long. 

I walked down the hill as I walked towards the city main entrance, deciding to take the main road which was close by.

I withdrew Totodile as I did so, noting that were some humans seen walking along the large path.

After a couple of hours of walking, I did run into a few humans on the road. Alot of them were trainers, I asked a random trainer on the road a few questions, and I had learned that only trainers and people of such travelled by foot. Civilians used either vehicles or planes to travel across towns and cities.

Which makes sense, considering the kind of world this is. According, this is the path that leads to both Pallet Town and Viridian City. Most people go to Pallet Town to visit the esteemed Pokemon Professor is there or see if the esteemed former Kanto Region Champion's Blue Oak or Red is there.

Considering the timeline, this is roughly three years or 2 years and several months before Ash becomes an actual Pokemon Trainer. So, its safe to say that both Red and Blue are not there.

They had apparently disappeared a few years ago, resulting in the vacancy of the Champion title for the Kanto Region for many years before Lance claimed the title, being the first to become the Champion of two regions.

During my travel to Viridian City, I was confronted by trainers who had asked me for a Pokemon Battle in a similar fashion to those Gameboy Pokemon NPC's that ask you to battle them out of nowhere after seeing the Pokeballs I had on my belt assuming that I was a trainer travelling to challenge the Viridian Gym and wanted to test my skills. 

I had to break their bubble and tell them that I wasn't registered as an Official Pokemon Trainer yet as an excuse to avoid them. I wasn't going to waste my time by Pokemon battling with random's.

A few moments later I was now seen entering the city which looked very modern, there were many roads in the city but only a few cars. Most of the people who had cars looked rich, seems like in the Pokemon world only the wealthy could afford cars and vehicles. 

Most people seemingly either walked on foot or rode bicycles and bikes to go to where they wanted. The city was extremely clean and everywhere I looked I saw people hanging around with their Pokemon.

Most of these Pokemon were below level 30 and 20 though. 

As I walked into the city, I went towards an old lady sitting in a bench and began asking for directions.

" Oh, the Pokemon centre? It's located on that side of the city. As for a Hotel, there is a decent cluster of Hotels straight down the road, you will eventually arrive there soon." The Old Lady said with a kind smile.

" Thank you so much for the directions!" I said with a bow.

" Your new here, aren't you?" She asked and I nodded.

She gave me a few more directional tips before I went on my way, I had thanked her one last time.

I spent the day navigating through the city to figure out the location of all the amenities before going to the Hotel.

" Hello there? Do you want to book a hotel room? For how long?" The receptionist said as she saw me approaching the reception centre of the Hotel.

" I would like to book a room for a week, give me the best room you have available." I said telling her what kind of room I wanted and how long I was staying.

" Sure thing, that will be 1,750 Pokedollars sir." The receptionist cheerfully answered with a smile.

I put my hands in my Pocket and secretly drew the amount of Pokedollars in cash and gave it to her. 

" There you go." I said handing over the cash, seeing the system notify my money amount had gone down.


You have withdrawn 1,750 Pokedollars from the system. 


You have 25,213,762 Pokedollars left in your system Character Status.


1,750 Pokedollars for the best available room for 1 week is not bad at all. 

At least that's what I think.

The reception then gave me room number the card key and to my room. Which was apparently located on the top floor, The Hotel itself had around 18 floors and looked quite nice and luxurious from both the inside and outside. I was relatively impressed with the decor of the building.

It was sad how this building that was considerate moderately decent in height paled in comparison to the size of my Groudon Though. Groudon was a bit larger than a building of 40 floors when it comes to height.

Groudons were truly the Godzilla's of the Pokemon World.

After I went up the elevator to my floor and went to my room, I went and sat on the massive sofa facing the TV and recounted all the things I had seen today.

I found a few Poke Marts, an auction house where they sold valuable items. An airport under the name of Kanto Airlines and a few planes from other regions such as Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh and a few other regions.

A Pokemon Centre which looked extremely massive and far more luxurious than I anticipated it was located in the upper half location of the city, The Viridian Mall and also the Pokemon Trading Centre. 

There was a small battling hall for Pokemon Trainers located right in front of the Pokemon centre. As I was patrolling the city for the whole day, I saw many Pokemon statues, a statue of Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur in each section of the city.

The city itself is split into many different districts, The Shopping & Trading District where there is Auction House, Casino's. Clothing & Accessory stores, alongside Lottery Stores, Pokemon Marts, Merchandise Stores and the Pokemon Trading Centre.

The Battling and Entertainment district where you could see the Pokemon Centre, The Pokemon Gym and Pokemon Training and Battling Hall alongside Theatres, Arcades, Theme Park and Water Park, apparently there was also a small stadium used for new trainers who wish to battle alongside other things, the stadium is reserved for the upper-class trainers and special events.

The Residential Districts where you could see Homes, National Parks, Poke Police Station, Pokemon Taxi Services, Airport and Hotels. There was also a small Red-Light District located in the underground part of the city alongside areas where people could be selling unauthorized weapons alongside other activity.

I was amazed by the structure of the whole city; this city was large far larger than most cities from my old World but also far more Organized and futuristic. The people also respect the Pokemon Ground Type Gym Leader who is in charge of protecting the city along with the Viridian Department Police Branch Chief.

Unbeknownst to most of them is the identity of the Gym Leader, Giovanni as the leader of Team Rocket who I have seen many wanted posters and people gossiping about.

Apparently, he won't accept people challenging him unless they have 7 gym badges at their disposal.

There was over 14 official Gym's in the Kanto Region, but you only needed Eight to be able to register for the Pokemon League Conference which I won't be attending this year due to a few issues with me navigating through the region and not having enough time to go through the entire circuit before the League Conference this year.

Not to mention I haven't even registered yet; I plan on going to the Pokemon Centre to register as a trainer. That's where most trainers go to register. Pokemon Centre's themselves are equipped with Mart's to supply trainers with the proper resources. 

Apparently, you actually get a Pokemon & Trainer Guideline's Book when you successfully register and attain Pokemon Trainer Status. I don't the specific procedures to becoming a trainer, I will find out tomorrow though.

" After I take a long, much-deserved sleep that is, it's been a while since I have slept on a proper bed." I remarked with a yawn, this hotel room was really extravagant and had many decent utilities.

I quickly switched my clothes with a comfortable robe as I went to bed.

Just like that I went to sleep.

~ One whole night later~

I woke up with a yawn as I stretched my body in bed. The sun rays of light penetrated through the curtains of the dark room brightly and waking me up in response.

I stood up on bed with a groan and went to the bathroom to take a shower and prepare myself for the day. 

After about an hour I was observing myself in the bathroom mirror, watching myself as I dressed in my black trench coat, gloves and boots and the Pokemon Trainer Belt attached to my waist, the Mega Bracelet carrying the Keystone underneath the sleeve of my trench coat. I put Raikou's and Groudon's Pokeball on my left and right side respectively where they can't be seen openly. I had many pockets in my trench coat one of which carried my Pokedex and another which carried a few spare Pokeballs and Ultra Balls.

I had put the Master Balls I had gained in my inventory where they should be safe, I also carried a dark silverish small backpack. I opted to not hide my face with a mask, I do hope I do not come to regret this, I thought inwardly.

After staring at my reflection looking at me bright golden eyes and face and crimson hair alongside the crimson bangs that framed my forehead.

I nodded at my reflection; I look good.

I opened the curtains of my room and the door to the balcony and saw the beautiful view of the city, man..... This city looks too advanced and even futuristic in some parts. The weather is also perfect, not too hot neither is it too cold.

I think I am ready to go register as a Trainer and find out more about the Trainer and Pokemon system this world holds.

After getting out the hotel room and locking the door, I went towards the dining area which was located on the first floor. 

It was my first time trying out proper food of the Pokemon World using their particular ingredients, I was absolutely blown away by the taste.

" Holy..... " I muttered as my eyes widened in amazement, to think I will eat this food of this high a calibre for a week during my stay here. The money I paid was definitely worth it.

I couldn't help but wonder if all the Pokemon world was like this? The streets looked so clean, the air was extremely fresh, and the nature was breathtaking.

It really feels like I am on some sort of heavenly vacation.

I chuckled and continuing eating breakfast, I even ordered some dessert due to how good the food was. I mean, I had to try some.

It was all so delicious, after I finished eating, I stood up and decided to exit the hotel and go out of Pokemon Centre. One thing I noticed is how some people had weird hairstyles but most of them were good-looking. 

Everyone looked good-looking in this world, it was simply something I had to admit. Men, Women, Elderly and Children. What are with these genetics? No one had any blemishes on their bodies or any skin conditions like acne.

Although Fat People exist in this world, it seems their bodies developed countless defence mechanisms to naturally fight against obesity.

The Pokemon World was indeed weird, I thought with a chuckle.

I walked towards the Pokemon Centre whilst admiring the sights of the city. I noticed that only a few selections of people walked with Pokemon and they split into two categories, Trainers and Civilians. 

When it came down to civilians only the rich looking ones seemingly had Pokemon and they were mostly kept as companions, most of the Pokémon's weren't either rare or powerful in any regard.

None of them seemed to be combat-trained Pokemon, as their level and potentials, weren't that impressive.

Though the Trainers seem to differ as I seen somebody walk by with an Ivysaur that had S Rank Potential. Seeing its level, I came to the two conclusions that the Ivysaur must have either been an AAA Rank before it evolved or must have been evolved too early and its potential hadn't increased as a result.

After a few hours of walking, I had arrived at the Pokemon Battling & Entertainment District which was located a bit further than I had calculated previously.

I walked right past the Gym which was guarded by a couple of guards who had just told a rookie trainer that he needed seven Gym Badges before challenging the leader of this Gym.

As I had walked, the image of trainers had become far more frequent as more and more Pokemon above level 50 could be seen in the area, with some occasionally being above level 75 even.

I had been observing a lot of the Pokemon that walked alongside the Trainers. So far, the highest level I had seen so far was a Trainer with a team full of Pokemon which were above level 80. Apparently, he was letting them out to help them stretch their bodies a but his Pokemon gaining a lot of attention from the civilians as his Pokemon were being crowded.

Alot of the trainers kept to themselves though, walking without any of their Pokemon outside of their Pokeballs though, you can tell if someone is a trainer by the outfit their wearing and whether or not they had a Pokeball Belt with Pokeballs on them.

I mused without noticing that I had reached my destination. 

" Ah here we are." I said as I gazed at the massive building that was the Pokemon Centre.

I walked inside the Pokemon Centre and saw that there was a massive hall inside with many chairs and tables with Trainers and Pokemon, I ignored all of them as I noted that there were indeed a few stores in the Pokemon Centre, one of which was selling Healings and Status effect Items alongside Pokeballs, I paid my attention to the reception where a Nurse Joy stood with a smile talking to a random trainer with a Chansey beside her.

There was a long line it seems; I sighed as I stood in line and waited for my turn.

Surprisingly it took only 5 minutes before the line in front of me disappeared as it was now my turn.

" Hello there, sir! How can I help you?" The Nurse Joy spoke with a smile with her eyes closed.

" Greetings, I was considering if you knew how I could register as a trainer?" I asked her with a smile of my own.

" Oh my, I had assumed you were already a trainer judging from all these Ultra Balls on your belt, these are quite pricey on the market." The Nurse Joy said as she gazed at my Pokeball Belt with an eyebrow raised.

" Ah, well. I do have a full team of Pokemon, but I currently lack a Trainer License. I wish to know the specifics of becoming a proper Registered Trainer. You see, I come from a rather distant land. I am quite unaware of the rules here." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

" I see. Well, to become a trainer you must first pass the Trainer License Final Exam held in the Stadiums of each one of the regional Major Cities once every year. But to properly earn the right to participate in the Final Exam there is four different ways." The Nurse Joy continued whilst raising four fingers on one of her hands as she explained the procedure behind becoming an official trainer.

"Firstly, you must either attend a Pokemon Trainer Course for three months and have a graduate certificate to have the right to participate three times free of charge. Or the second option, for aspiring young trainers below the age of ten they must attend a Pokemon School and have the opportunity to become trainers without any charge for ten tries, but you seem a bit too old for that. For the Third Option, you can have a recommendation letter under the sponsorship of a Corportation, Company, Elite School or a High - Ranking Trainer in the Pokemon Alliance which means that they pass without having to do any test and register as an Official Licensed Trainer under the Official International Pokemon League Alliance. Then there is the last and final option, pay the hefty fee for the Exam Participation right away and skip the Recommended Pokemon Course, which is quite a dangerous and terrible idea considering the dangers of being a Pokemon Trainer, its not a safe profession." The Nurse Joy finished explaining with a serious expression on her face and a finger raised.

" Could you tell me more about that Final Exam you spoke about?" I asked her, with my current Pokemon Roster only few things could possibly worry me. I had 2 Legendaries, 1 Champion Ranked Pokemon and 2 Elite Four Ranked Pokemon and a Regional Starter Pokemon which was Level 60 which was far more than any Rookie trainer will ever hope to attain. I will undoubtedly have more and more Pokemon under my disposal in the future.

The Nurse Joy sighed as she began explaining.

" The Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam involves three tests designed to eliminate the bulk of Pokemon Trainer applications this Exam also requires the trainer to have atleast one Pokemon, The First Test is a written exam with a 66% success rate, you must score above eighty to move on to the second test which involves a Practical Exam where you fight one on one with an Examiner and win in a Pokemon Battle this test has a 33% success rate, the third test however is the most difficult." The Nurse Joy said with a smirk as she pointed a finger upwards.

" If you pass the previous tests, you already will receive a license regardless of whether you choose to continue and move forward towards the third test or not. The Third test is a small tournament that includes battling with other aspiring trainers, unlike the previous tests you need atleast to have three Pokemon to participate, only the best of the best among Rookie Trainers are given the Opportunity to partake in this final challenge this is such an important event for Rookie Trainers that it only happens once every three years in every major city in the Kanto Region, Many other regions follow the same system as well the whole city will be attending this event including the Gym Leader in charge of the City Gym himself, alongside various League Official's and trainers." The Nurse Joy finished explaining with a hand on her cheek.

Being watched by Giovanni? Really? That doesn't seem like a good idea, not one bit.

" I see, when is the next test happening?" I asked with as I put a hand on my chin, this was really getting interesting. 

" Unfortunately, the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam that's supposed to happen in the Viridian City had already happened around six months ago, the next one is happening in 2 years and a half from now." The Nurse Joy said with a sympathetic expression before cheerfully smiling.

" Don't worry though! there are many other cities in the Kanto Region that are also holding their own Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam, the next Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam is happening in Saffron city in 1 week from now, you could officially register for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam anytime as long as it's three days before the Grand Ceremony for the once every three years Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam is held." She assured.

" How much is the fee for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam?" I asked, just to be prepared.

" 100,000 Pokedollars for each attempt, sorry if its a bit pricey. But its usually far more expensive for people who hadn't completed the Course or attended a Pokemon School." Nurse Joy said, 

I sighed; this was to be expected. Luckily, I have over 25 million Pokedollars on me.

" I will pay, please register me for the Saffron City Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam, I said as I brought out my Pokedex to use to pay with the 100,000 Pokedollars inside of my Pokebank account.

" Oh my, is that a Pokedex? its so rare to see one of these, you have Ultra balls and a Pokedex. You're not just any normal aspiring trainer, are you?" She asked with a teasing tone of voice.

I chuckled.

" Well, that's for me to know and for everyone else to find out." I said as I opened my Pokedex Paying Application which showed my Pokebank card which ready to be used.

" Very well then, I will register you for the Saffron City Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam." She said as she used the Pokemon Centre's Payment Processor to accept my payment and went towards the computer to officially register me for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam.

" Can I have your Identification Card Please?" She asked as she picked a random device.

I switched to my Identification App on my Pokedex which showed all my Credentials and Identity and date of birth which aligned with this world.

She used an unknown device to scan it and went back to the computer, there was weird sound as the computer printed something.

" There we go, your registration and Identification Card passed through the system, so your name is Ayron Stellarknight? Fancy name you got there. When you reach Saffron City, make sure you go to the Pokemon Centre and give them this." She showed me a card which had a Large Bold Font which says, 'Examinee No. N/A', for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam in Saffron City it even had my name, age and face on it alongside other details such as 'Unofficial Examinee Entry' under some sort of stamp. 

" All three tests are held in the Stadium. But to be officially instated in the exam you need to first speak with the Nurse Joy of that City, this is as much help as I could offer at the moment as the city itself is not under my jurisdiction." The Nurse Joy said with a smile.

I thanked her for her help and asked for information about a couple of things before going back on my way.

Saffron City huh, seems like my plans to stay in Viridian for a week has been thrown outside the window. Well, I will go to the hotel and tell them that I will be leaving and give them the key back before going to the Airport, I could fly there on Corviknight's back or speed my way through on Raikou's back, but I don't know the directions.

I could also ask for a map of the entire region, but that sounds like too much work. I originally wanted to take some time after registering myself as a Pokemon Trainer and spend some time in the city, but it seems like I will have to change my plans a bit.

~ Two Days Later ~

I watched as the Plane began to take off as we slowly rose through the sky into the air. The ticket itself cost around 500 for Low - Class, 1500 for Standard, 3000 for Premium and 6000 a ticket for VIP. I took the VIP ticket since all other tickets were booked, I needed to get to Saffron as quickly as possible, so I had to get a VIP ticket. There was no point in staying in Viridian anymore since my Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam was going to happen in saffron city.

Two days had passed, which means I literally have 2 more days to officially register for the Pokemon Trainer License Final Exam in saffron city.

The flight itself will take around 6 hours, which had really surprised me. The statistic of this plane is far better than any jet or plane in my world, yet it would take over 6 hours to go from Viridian to Saffron, sometimes its hard to remember that this Planet is 2,600 times larger than earth.

It doesn't help with how far Saffron and Viridian are from each other.

By the time I get there it will be a tad bit late at night, so by the time I arrive there will be only a day left for open Official Registration.

I shook my head as I rode the plane and watched the scenery, the ground and the city becoming more and more distant as we went higher and higher into the sky. 

I watched as several wild bird Pokemon could be seen flying next to the plane window.

I opened the screen of my Status to check how much money I had left.

Character Status:

Name: Ayron Stellarknight

Age: 17

Birthday: 1st January

Gender: Male

Title: Are you a cheat?

Level: 117 [ 9 % EXP, 91% Til next level.]

Trainer Rank: [ F - Civilian]


HP: 2,100/2,100

SP: 2,240/2,240

AURA: 1500/1500

PSY: 900/900


STR: 100

DUR: 108

END: 112

VIT: 105

SPD: 125

DEX: 121

INT: 150

WIS: 145

CHA: 85

LUK: 82


Total Status Points: [ Original Stats: 113] 1283


HP = VIT X 20 SP = END X 20



Current Available Status Points: 0

Current Pokémon Party: Groudon, Aggron, Corviknight, Raikou, Absol and Totodile.

Pokémon Caught Count: 6

Pokémon Affinities: 18.... (Highest Ranking Affinity: Ground: Z [ Divine])

Poke Dollars: 25,207,762


I had spent 1,750 and 6000 from the money stored in my system and around 100,000 of the money stored in my Bank Account, during my time in the city I visited a Pokeball Shop and saw that ordinary Pokeballs cost 3,000, Great Pokeballs cost 6,000 and Ultra Pokeballs cost around 24,000 each.

Master Pokeballs are so rare they are sold in auction, usually for about an average of 5 million to 20 million Pokedollars each.

It was crazy how expensive they are, considering that a 2 storey fully equipped house costs only about 100,000. I was lucky that the Old Wooden house where the Steelix and Onix clans lived had so many resources.

I had also learned that many people like buying Shiny Pokemon on Pokemon Trading Markets to use as a means to show off, talk about underappreciating Pokemon.

This world was very different to what I am used to, it can even be a bit cold-hearted at times despite the various friendly communities in this world.


Chapter Twelve - Ends

Author Note: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I got sick with a nasty fever and headache which was really keeping me busy. I did my best to post this one though. Pray for my swift recovery. I will try to maintain a clean and quick updating schedule.