
Echoes of the Unseen Hearts

"Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts" In the parallel narratives of 'Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts,' two intertwining tales of love, betrayal, relationship and mysticism, unfold. In the bustling city, Maha, a young woman who has left her past behind, finds herself adrift in a sea of strangers. However, fate intervenes when she crosses paths with Aban, a kindred spirit with his own secrets. As their bond deepens, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the mystical teachings of Sufism, leading them to uncover the true meaning of love. On the other side of fate, Palwasha's world is shattered when Osman, her beloved, inexplicably abandons her. Palwasha, a sincere and devoted soul, grapples with the pain of betrayal and heartache, all while holding onto the hope of reunion. As the chapters alternate between Maha and Aban's evolving relationship and Palwasha's pursuit of answers from her enigmatic past with Osman, the novel explores profound themes of Sufism and mysticism. It delves into the depths of human connection, the consequences of betrayal, and the enduring search for soulmates whose destinies are forever entwined. The narrative culminates in a heart-wrenching climax when Maha becomes the target of her vengeful ex-husband's violence, and Aban and Palwasha, two kindred spirits forged through pain and love, find solace in each other's arms. 'Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts' is a poignant exploration of the human heart's capacity for both darkness and light, and a testament to the enduring power of true love.

Warda_Farid_2059 · Urban
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Chapter 9

In the story of emotions and confusing situations, Osman didn't send even one message all day. I don't know why he's so busy or maybe he just doesn't want to talk. But I keep waiting for his message, and I don't know why I'm feeling this way. No, no, my friend Palwasha, you can't think like that; he's just a normal guy.

Anyway, she couldn't resist and messaged Osman herself, asking how he's doing. But he still hasn't replied, and it's morning now. She's surprised and wondering where he disappeared.

"Good morning, Palwasha. How are you? Why haven't you replied to my messages since yesterday?" Sara asked with concern.

Palwasha said, "Oh, I was just a little busy. Let's hurry now, we need to go to the market for shopping for the party. Yes, I remember, let me grab my bag, and we can go."

"Look at this dress, Sara! It's so pretty, don't you think?"

"Oh, wow palo! It's indeed beautiful. I love the design and color."

"Right? Sara I was thinking, why don't we both get similar dresses for the party? I'm sure we'll look great together!"

"That's a fantastic idea! We'll be like fashion twins. "Sara and Paloo ki joori".Let's go for it!"

"Yay! I'm so excited. Let's grab them before someone else snatches them away."

"Agreed! Quick, let's find our sizes and head to the cashier."Sara replied.

"I can't wait to rock these dresses at the party. It's going to be so much fun!"Palwasha said

"Absolutely! This shopping trip was totally worth it. Our outfits are going to be on point."

"Thanks for coming with me, Sara. Your fashion sense always helps me choose the best."

"You're welcome, Palwasha. We make a great shopping team! Now, let's go and enjoy the party in style!"After two days, Osman's message finally arrives, saying, "Hey Palwasha, how are you?" Palwasha, feeling annoyed, doesn't reply and ignores his repeated calls. Four days later, she responds to his message. Osman asks, "Palwasha, where were you? I sent so many messages and made 350 calls, but you didn't respond. Look at your call history, there are more than 800 messages too. How can someone be so insensitive? At least talk to me if there's an issue or if my words hurt you."

Palwasha retorts, "As you sow, so shall you reap." Osman asks what she means, and she explains that he made her wait for two days for a reply, so she made him wait for four days as a payback.

Osman apologizes, saying he was out of town for a project, and there was no network, so his phone was switched off. Palwasha points out that he should have informed her about it.

Osman teases her, asking if she was worried or missing him during that time. Palwasha denies it, saying she wasn't that happy or sentimental.

Osman humorously says, "Alright, even if you don't want to admit it, at least say that you thought about me and wished something good for me. A little happiness can come my way then."

Palwasha gives in, saying, "Okay, fine, I did think about you, but that's all."

Osman playfully says, "Ah, I'm lucky then; Palwasha was missing me."

Stop teasing Osman!

I don't know what is happening to me. I haven't even seen that person, how does he look? Whether he is dark or fair, what is his height, and how are his eyes? Are they deep and golden, in which one gets lost? The voice that is so lovely, he must be a beautiful soul himself.

She find herself lost, unable to behold the person who remains a mystery to her. Dark or fair, his appearance remains concealed, and his height becomes an elusive secret like a hidden treasure.In the realm of her thoughts, she ponder upon the loveliness of his being, imagining the wonders of his soul. With each passing moment, Palwasha's eyes are transfixed, lost in the allure of this enigmatic figure, as if drawn to an irresistible and enchanting force.