
Echoes of the Last Battle

In the distant future, the world is embroiled in a devastating war between two superpowers: Germina, a technologically advanced nation, and Zylandia, a resource-rich empire. The conflict has raged on for years, with both sides employing the most advanced weaponry and equipment, including unmanned drones and exoskeleton suits that enhance soldiers' strength and agility. At the center of this conflict is Gerson, a young soldier and member of Germina's Elite Special Forces unit. Despite his family's background in music, Gerson joined the military for the benefits it could provide for his loved ones. But as the war intensifies and Gerson faces increasingly dangerous missions, he must confront the harsh realities of combat and the toll it takes on him and his fellow soldiers. As Gerson fights for survival, he grapples with his own fears and doubts, questioning the morality of the war and the choices he must make to survive. He witnesses the deaths of comrades and civilians, and the contrast between the beauty of his family's art and the ugliness of war haunts him. Through it all, Gerson maintains his determination to protect his comrades and complete his missions. He relies on the support and camaraderie of his fellow soldiers and learns the importance of mental resilience and emotional fortitude in the face of adversity.

Sta1nExcalibur · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Rally Point

In a land where the sun never sets and darkness reigns even at noon, four armored vehicles, commonly known as APCs or Armored Personnel Carriers, were hurtling down a snow-filled road. These formidable machines were heavily armored, capable of withstanding various weapons of destruction, and had bullet-proof glass shields on their fronts. Each vehicle was equipped with a large manned turret that resembled a tank's turret and carried an 85mm cannon capable of firing armor-piercing shells and high-explosive rounds, making them a force to be reckoned with.

"Ten kilometers until the rally point, ETA ten minutes! Get ready!" Lieutenant Reyes barked through his walkie-talkie from the front vehicle's passenger seat.

"Copy that, LT," the two platoon sergeants replied in unison.

The convoy continued smoothly, the only obstruction being the freezing weather and flurries of snow that brushed against the armored vehicles.

"Listen up!" Sergeant Juan shouted to his team in the backseat of the center vehicle, grabbing their attention.

The center vehicle's team comprised of one sergeant, two team leaders, each leading three riflemen and two machine gunners, including the two soldiers manning the turret and the driver. All 14 soldiers were packed inside.

"You guys ready for this!?" Sgt. Juan bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls of the vehicle.

"OORAH!!" The team shouted back in unison, their voices filled with a mix of excitement, nerves, and anticipation.

Gerson spoke up next, his voice steady and resolute. "About time, Sarge," he declared, his intense gaze fixed on his superior. "We've been training for this and we're ready to go."

Sgt. Juan nodded, a small grin forming on his face. "That's what I like to hear," he said, his tone proud and confident. "Let's go out there and make it happen, Storm Guards!"

"ETA in 5 minutes! Activate your exosuits!" The automated command blared through the soldiers' earphones, causing a surge of adrenaline to course through their veins.

"Let's do this, people! Suit up and get ready to kick some ass!" Sgt. Chris bellowed, his words reverberating off the metal walls of the vehicle. With a swift motion, he tapped his wrist and activated his own exosuit, the powerful armor enveloping his body with a satisfying hiss.

As the Exosuit powered on with a soft "puwwp" sound, the inside of the helmet illuminated, revealing a digital display that overlaid the soldier's field of view. The display was designed to enhance situational awareness, displaying vital information such as ammo count, health status, and tactical objectives.

The helmet's opaque exterior gave the soldiers an intimidating appearance, adding to the sense that they were a force to be reckoned with. The only identifying features were the name tags on their uniforms, which served as a reminder that behind the armor and technology, there were still human beings.

Time went past, and the convoy finally arrived at its destination, two other convoys are visible within the rally point with different emblems on their APCs. One convoy has an Arrow emblem, indicating their team's role as artillery crew, while the other convoy has a spearhead emblem, indicating their role as frontliners. Lt. Reyes' platoon has a sword and shield emblem, indicating that they are the center of the group and tasked with supporting both the front and back teams.

"Lieutenant Reyes!" A soldier rushed towards him, sharply raising his hand in a salute. "The LT's are waiting for you at the war room!"

"Alright, lead the way, Private Michaels," Lt. Reyes replied with a nod.

"Aye, sir!"

"Set up and wait for my instructions! Sergeants Juan and Jokier will take charge while I'm gone! Double time!" Lt. Reyes shouted, giving one last command before striding away.

"OORAH!" The platoon responded with a resounding cry.

"Move, move, double time!" Both lieutenants roared commands to their respective teams.

Gerson turned to his comrade and asked, "Do you know how long these Exo-suits can last?"

Marianne rolled her eyes and let out a mocking laugh. "Didn't listen to the briefing, did ya?" she said with a groan as she lifted a heavy box, Her voice had a slightly lower pitch than what is typically considered feminine, and a certain gravitas to it that commands attention and respect.

Gerson felt embarrassed. "Sorry, I must have missed that part. How long can they last?"

Marianne chuckled. "They don't have batteries, silly. These suits can last forever, as long as they're not destroyed. I'm not sure how they did it, but that's what the briefing said."

Just then, the sergeants interrupted their conversation. "Attention!" they shouted, bringing the conversation to a sudden halt.

Lieutenant Reyes stood in the center, flanked by the two Sergeants "In five minutes, we will proceed as planned. Sergeant Juan will lead the frontline support, and Sergeant Jokier will lead the rear support." He looked around the platoon before continuing.

"Today, we are going to face a tough battle against an enemy that seeks to take everything we hold dear. But I have faith in you. Remember why we fight - for our families, our friends, our homes, and our freedom. We fight for what is right, and what is just. Let's fight with honor, courage, and determination. Together, we can do this. Move out!"

The platoon responded with a fierce "OOORAH!"