
Echoes of the ages

——-Warning Mature language——- During a school trip, six teenagers stumble upon a mysterious game wheel that transports them to a different dimension. Every midnight, they must fight for a chance at a normal life, though they've never known what "normal" truly means. They grapple with questions of purpose and survival: What are they fighting for? Why were they chosen to endure such horrors? Shifting between realms and battling beasts beyond mortal comprehension, they struggle to make a home in a world that wants them gone. Join this campaign. Embark on this journey. ————————— I hope you enjoy this story. love y’all, peace out

SakenRickman · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 41- A true death

"The possibility of finding whatever is stopping the teleportation is very low, and what happens then huh? Maybe if we intervene with whatever it is, it won't work ever again. I think we need to stop this investigation altogether. "There is a high probability that this strangeness is linked to that missing child," Thomas said, trying to argue with Maddie.

"I mean, for the first time in a long time, we are this close to an answer that the last missing child and their parents have to do with something that is either similar or linked to this strange occurrence."

"Guys," I said, yet my voice wasn't loud enough with all the arguing happening. "GUYS!" I shouted.

Everybody turned their heads, with questions visible in their eyes.

I pointed to the back of my palm, where a clock tattoo used to be. Now it seemed to have changed into what seemed to be a compass. I moved my arm and wrist, but the one arm of it showed on the compass seemed to be leading somewhere.

"My god, what is happening? That's gross on so many levels," Maddie said, also panicking.

"So, it seems to have changed into a compass, a location. I am no pirate, but Khaza is."

We all looked at Khaza. He's been silent lately.

"I don't have navigation skills, don't look at me."

But then what was not supposed to happen in the real world happened anyway. Blue radiant glowing words appeared in the center of the group, startling all of us.

"Okay, what the actual fuck is happening?" Khaza said.

Are these the radiant words the group was talking about? How's that possible? I shake my head, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. Now isn't the time.

"Thou shalt find the answers to your questions, your quest follow the lead, fetch your prize."

The words then vanished. Everybody was still shocked and looked at the back of their palms, only to find the same compass.

"Okay, Ellie, we're going now. Stuff the horrors and shit, we need to solve this thing right now," fear was present in James's eyes. We all had this strange fear right now.

"This is getting out of hand! The realm master is able to communicate with us in the real world."

"Maddie, please listen to James. We need to do this quest. If we need answers, and we need to do it fast, we are all freaked out, but we all need to focus," Khaza said, his tone strangely, authorize.

The words quickly appeared again.

"You do not have long, answers will be lost, hurry, now or forever be questioning the world."

Everybody quickly started to run to the van, also packing what little belongings they have.

Five minutes later...

"Turn left, then turn left, don't go too fast or we'll miss it," Maddie said to me while I was driving.

It felt like a maze, like we were going in circles, but Maddie was pointing the way, while James and the others were trying to map out the area to see where we are.

"Quick, don't worry about the speed limit," Maxwell said with a rush.

"I'm trying, I'm trying. It's hard having you all in my ear. Let me focus."

I then looked at my tattoo, and everybody did the same with theirs as it was glowing brighter with their respective colors.

"We are close, maybe a little bit, but then Maddie shouted, 'Stop, it's up further straight ahead.'"

We saw a modern house, trim hedges outside, with a garden of myriad colours just in front of the door.

One car parked outside seemed to be a single person.

We parked just outside. Our tattoos glowed brighter, and the hand pointed to what the destination was, vibrating at high speeds.

"Tommy, I want you to look in the window. Khaza, check the side fences with Maxwell, and Maddie and Ellie will join me at the front door. Don't make a sound. Nobody else can see the glowing light except us, so we are good on that. Be careful," James said, taking out a pocketknife I didn't know he had hidden.

We crept closer and closer, everybody in their position.

"James, I did the research, and this is the last house, so my theory was right all along. You owe me twenty bucks," Maddie said to James.

"Fuck off, not the time," James said quietly. "Sorry, I mean bugger off."

We rang the doorbell and waited. Either the person is asleep, or something else. The sensor light turned on when we got close.

"James, James!" Thomas said, his voice shaking.

"What, what?"

"The bloody' old lady, I can see her heart is fuckin' pierced, bro. What the fuck?" Thomas said, fear, shock, and terror in his tone. "She's been murdered."