
Echoes of the ages

——-Warning Mature language——- During a school trip, six teenagers stumble upon a mysterious game wheel that transports them to a different dimension. Every midnight, they must fight for a chance at a normal life, though they've never known what "normal" truly means. They grapple with questions of purpose and survival: What are they fighting for? Why were they chosen to endure such horrors? Shifting between realms and battling beasts beyond mortal comprehension, they struggle to make a home in a world that wants them gone. Join this campaign. Embark on this journey. ————————— I hope you enjoy this story. love y’all, peace out

SakenRickman · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 12- Chaotic, group

"Guys, this stuff is so itchy; get it off! And this... is kind of racist, don't you think? I thought the universe had moved past stereotypical classifications, but apparently not," Khaza said, dressed in what seemed like a pirate-style uniform, complete with a brown tricorn hat and captain's coat.

"Come on, I had my phone in my pocket! Wait, does anyone have an iPhone? We need to record this; it's going to make us rich," Maxwell exclaimed, dressed in what appeared to be a mix of priestly robes and wizard attire.

Tommy," I walked toward him, shocked to see him a bit taller than usual. But the shocking part was that the fatass was stuck in a tall iron armour, with a frog helmet and boardsword stuck to his waist.

"Can you get out of that?" I asked.

"Fuck, I don't know; I can barely see in this thing," Tommy grumbled.

" Mate I come back for ya! I need to check up on Maddie. "I said walking off towards Maddie "Yo, are you good? Everything is fine?" I asked Maddie, who was still holding her head, waving at me to indicate she was okay.

"Yeah, yeah, just sounds everywhere. Can you ask the rest to quiet down?" Maddie replied.

Looking at the group, who were in a chaotic mood—scared, shocked—Ellie's face was blank, staring at the center of the table.

"Everybody calm down, everybody sit," I said.

"Fuck you mean, calm down. I think I have a tail," Max said. Under his white robes, something seemed to be moving—definitely not his third leg, if it was, I'd pray for his lover. It was more like a tail; he definitely had a tail.

"Max, you have a freaking tail; let me see. I just gotta turn my head, "Tommy said, trying to turn his helm.

"Tommy, stop; I'll help you in a minute."

"I have a bloody saber and a pistol; does it work?" Bang. Khaza pulled the trigger, and the bullet ricocheted off the wooden beams in the cabin tavern, but everybody tried to avoid it until it hit Tommy's chest plate and stopped.

"Thomas, sorry mate; you good."

The males of the group were too chaotic to control right now, unlike the females, who were silent.

"SHUT UP!" Maddie shouted, and what seemed like visible sound waves echoed around the room. It was supernatural. I might have to retract my statement.

"Wow, how did you do that?" I said. Maddie was also shocked.

"I don't know," then she covered her ears again like her head was hurting. "Don't worry, since I'm a priest, maybe I've got healing powers," Max interrupted.

"Max, don't." Maxwell moved his arms, then a golden light shone, but instead of healing, the light pushed him back, hitting the windows and smashing them into pieces. "Nobody, I mean nobody do anything. Stay still, stay calm. I only want Khaza to fetch Max, and I'll deal with the rest." Everybody stayed still except Khaza.

I made sure Maddie was fine. "Yeah, the sound is going away. It felt like screaming. It's fading. Help the others. Once we are all cooled off, we'll see what the deal is with this. Understood?" I gave her a nod and went to Tommy, who was still standing still.

"Tommy, follow my voice. I'm here. Don't worry, we'll get you out of that thing."

"Thanks, but I think I've got this," Tommy said, which shocked me, but not as much as the next moment. His armour was adorned. His body, from head to toe, seemed to turn orange and red, like a state. His armour was melting. The air vibrated with heat, yet nothing burned. I thought Tommy would be burning right now, but he seemed heat resistant somewhat. The armour turned into steam and vanished like slime, and then it was gone, revealing a black thin gambeson underneath which wasn't on fire.

"Bro, you're idiotic. You could have burnt the whole place down or hurt yourself. Don't you think about any of this? You can't just melt armour inside."

Tommy listened but pointed at my arm for some reason. I looked down, and what I saw was the same melting effect, which was on Tommy's armour, on my arm, but in reverse. Instead of dispersing, it was forming into a solid gauntlet-like shape on my arm. It didn't seem to hurt, but it felt warm, really warm, but in a cozy feeling, almost comfortable. No, a better word would be safe. Then the heated metal cooled off in a split second, and there it was, a full metal gauntlet from the finger to the forearm, protecting me. Then it disappeared, the same as Tommy's. It only lasted a few seconds.

"Jay, Jay, I think you just stole my superpowers! That's awesome, but don't do it again. I might sue you for copyright claims."

I was too shocked to even give Tommy a second look, but then my focus went back to Ellie, who I looked at. She was blankly staring at the realm master seat.

Then I remember something about the warning that Ellie reminded me before, I looked back at that moment to relize she was referring to the window. Wasn't that where Khaza and Max are?

"Somebody help! Help! Holy shit, there's a zombie! Help!" Khaza shouted. Everybody except Ellie looked at the broken windows. Only the mist was outside, and a white figure, a zombie, a ghost, whatever it was, it was choking Max with its hands, while Khaza was punching it in the face.