
Chapter 1


'Saving people, Hunting things - The Family Business'. This creed guides the Hunters, particularly the Winchester Family, in their mission to eliminate monsters that pose a threat to innocent lives.

The Winchester Brothers, Sam and Dean, have endured countless hardships throughout the years. Their Mother was tragically killed by a Yellow-eyed demon when they were young. Recently, even Dean himself faced death, leading their Father, the famous Hunter John Winchester, to strike a deal with the same Yellow-eyed demon to save Dean. However, the price was John's own Life and the Legendary supernatural revolver known as the Colt.

The Colt possessed the power to kill almost anything in existence, as long as you have a special type of bullet. The Winchester Family pursued this legend in hopes of using this gun against the Yellow-eyed demon. Although they did find the Colt, they had to use most of the special bullets in critical situations.

That Yellow-eyed demon had even made Sam drink his blood when he was a baby, making him a psychic with minor prophetic powers that started showing only in recent years. This year, the Yellow-eyed demon started his sinister plan by arranging his own hunger games with all the different psychics as participants.

Sam died in the hands of Jake, another psychic. His death was witnessed by Dean as he had just arrived to save him. Dean followed his Father's footsteps and made a Deal with a Crossroad Demon. Sam was revived, but Dean will get to live just one more year before he dies in his brother's stead.

Dean hides this deal from Sam and lies to him, claiming that he wasn't that seriously injured in the first place.

Ash, a computer genius, helped them by finding a clue to what the Yellow eyed demon was planning. They arrived at the cemetery with a veteran Hunter named Bobby, who was also an old friend of their Dad.

This cemetery was in the middle of a giant Devil's trap, made by 100-mile-long rail lines. The rail lines were in the shape of a pentagram, which can entrap Demons. Iron is also one of their weaknesses.

Here, they ambushed Jake, the guy who killed Sam, who was astonished to see Sam alive. Jake's Powers had increased tremendously since they last saw him, allowing him to threaten them by using telekinesis and making Ash point his own gun at himself.

As Jake inserted the Colt, given to him by the Yellow eyed demon, into the door of the crypt, Sam shot his back and killed Jake.


[2007, Wyoming, Calvary Cemetery]


The sky is covered in dark clouds, as if something horrible is about to transpire.

Bobby, Ash, Dean and Sam look over at the crypt as two separate engravings on the crypt spin in different directions, then stop.

"Oh, no!" Bobby exclaims.

"Bobby, what is it?" Ash asks, confused.

"It's hell!" Bobby says fearfully.

This mausoleum entrance was a Devil's Gate. And now the gate to Hell has been opened.

"Take cover, now!" Bobby yells in panic.

Dean pulls the Colt from the Crypt doors, and all four run behind tombstones as the doors burst open. A large black mass erupts from the other side and shoots outward.

In the distance, many miles away, the same black mass attacks the Iron rail lines, melting them. The 100-mile Devil's trap is breached, and the demons, in their black smoke form, escape.

Black demon smoke continues to pour from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke heading off in different directions.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dean shouts from behind a tombstone.

"That's a devil's gate. A door to hell" Ash speaks, looking at the amount of black smoke in horror.

The Black Smoke were the Demons which were escaping from Hell.

"Come on! We gotta shut that gate!" Bobby shouts, getting up from behind the tombstone.

Dean quickly checks the Colt for bullets and finds one last bullet remaining.

"If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe…" Dean mumbles to himself while standing up.

Before he can proceed with his plan, thunder crashes, and the Yellow-Eyed Demon materializes behind him. The Demon flings the Colt out of Dean's hand and into his own.

"Boys shouldn't play with Daddy's guns," The Yellow-Eyed Demon taunts with a smirk.

Dean gazes in shock at the Colt, now in the Demon's possession. Without even moving a finger, the Demon hurls Dean into the air, slamming his head into a tombstone.

Groaning in pain, Dean shakes his head, trying to get rid of the dizziness.

Bobby, Ash, and Sam struggle to close the crypt door, as more and more Black Smoke keeps coming out. Hearing the noise, Sam looks over and sees the Yellow eyed demon, who looks at him with a smile.

"Dean!" Sam yells, seeing his brother lying on the ground.

Sam lets go of the gate door and sprints toward his brother. But before he can reach him, the Demon raises his hand, and Sam is thrown into a nearby tree, pinned against the trunk unable to move.

"I'll get to you in a minute, champ. But I'm proud of you .. knew you had it in you" The Demon speaks with a smile at Sam.

The Demon looks ahead at Dean, who is struggling to get up.

"Sit" The Demon commands, holding his palm out towards Dean. Dean is forcefully seated upright against the tombstone, in a telekinetic hold.

"So, Dean... I gotta thank you." The Demon speaks leisurely as he approaches him. "You see, demons can't resurrect people, unless a deal is made. I know, red tape" The Demon shrugs, "… it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation." The Demon chuckles, looking down at Dean.

"Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake, anyhow," The Demon says with a creepy smile.

Dean stares at his smug face, grinding his teeth in anger.

"Tell me … have you ever heard the expression, 'If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?'" The Demon asks intrigued.

"You call that a good deal?" Dean retorts angrily. All he received was a year to live, while others who make a deal with the Crossroad Demons, often get their wishes fulfilled and live for at least ten years before their soul is dragged to Hell.

"Well, it's a better shake than your dad ever got. And you never wondered why? I'm surprised at you. I mean…" The Demon says closing in on Dean's face, "you saw what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it?" The Yellow-eyed demon chuckles ominously.

Dean recalls the moment when Sam mercilessly gunned down Jake, shooting him three more times even when his body was lying dead.

"How certain are you that what you brought back … is 100%, pure, Sam?" The Demon taunts with a maniacal laugh.

Dean looks at Sam in the distance, seeing the horror on his face, he starts to worry if Sam overheard what the Demon said.

In addition to the Black Smoke, now even Ghosts start coming out of the Gate.

"You of all people should know, that's what's dead, should stay dead." The Demon speaks with a twisted laugh, moving away from Dean. "Anyway... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason, until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family." The Demon sneers with disgust evident in his voice.

The Demon cocks the colt and aims it at Dean. Dean struggles with all his might but he isn't able to move an inch.

Suddenly a ghostly figure of John Winchester, Dean and Sam's Father comes from behind and grabs hold of the Demon's body. The Demon looks back at him, mildly surprised, as John attempts to expel the Demon's soul from its vessel.

With a wave of his hand, the Demon effortlessly pushes John's soul to the ground.

"Dad!" Sam shouts from afar, still pinned to the tree. Dean gazes at his Father's soul on the ground and struggles frantically.

"Ah, even Daddy Winchester is here, crawled out of Hell itself!" The Yellow-eyed demon mocks, as John becomes immobilized, just like his sons.

"It's not so ea-" The Demon who was still looking at John stops in mid speech as a gunshot resounds through the air.


Dean watches in amazement as a figure materializes behind the Demon, holding the Colt to the back of his head. Dean could have sworn that there was no one behind the demon moments ago, and that same colt was in the Demon's hand.

Just as Dean had that thought, the Man pulls the trigger, and the Yellow-eyed Demon stops speaking. There is a hole in the center of the Demon's forehead now.

The Demon's eyes widen in shock as he looks back at the man.

"Yo-" Before he could finish speaking, his body got electrocuted with red and yellow lighting, running inside his body, emanating from the spot where he was shot.

The Demon convulses and collapses on the ground. His yellow eyes return back to normal, his body remains motionless with his mouth open, and a bullet hole piercing his forehead.

Dean looks at the dead Demon in shock, while Sam falls on the ground in the distance as the telekinetic hold on him is released.

Bobby and Ash finally managed to shut the door to Hell. The two engravings on the door spin in opposite directions, and with a click the Door is locked again. Exhausted, they both look back.

Dean's gaze shifts to the Man standing over the Demon's lifeless body, the Colt still in his possession. The Guy was just standing there looking at the Demon's body with no emotion.

"Who are you?" Dean cautiously asks while standing up.

Sam and John also stand up, but their eyes are fixated on the Demon's dead body.

"We will meet soon," The Man chuckles, looking directly at Dean.

Before Dean could inquire further, the Man simply vanishes. Dean scans his surroundings and realizes that even the Demon's body has disappeared. But his attention turns back to his Father.

John approaches, smiling at Dean and placing his hand on his shoulder. Dean's eyes well up with tears, remembering that his Father's soul was sent to Hell because of him. To resurrect him, his Father made a deal with the Yellow-eyed demon, trading his own life in return.

Sam steps forward, standing beside them. John looked at Sam and they both nod at each other. With another look at Dean, John steps back. Dean and Sam stare at their Father with tears in their eyes.

John disappears into white light with a single tear rolling down his eye. Sam and Dean look at each other with wet eyes.

"Do you think Dad really... do you think he really climbed outta hell?" Sam asks Dean emotionally.

"The door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do it... it would be him." Dean responds, trying to sound calm.

"Where do you think he is now?" Sam asks quietly, his gaze fixed at the spot where their Dad disappeared.

"I don't know." Dean says, his eyes shifting from the empty space to where the Demon's body was.

"Did that guy take the Demon's body?" Sam inquires, noticing Dean's gaze.

"Yeah, he took the Colt too … But I am sure that the Son of a bitch who killed our mom is dead,'' Dean replies angrily, his eyes still fixed on the spot where the dead body lay.

Their Family has pursued this monster for Two and a half decades and now he is finally dead.

"I kind of can't believe it, Dean. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I…" Sam chuckles ruefully,"I kind of don't know what to say."

"He's dead, and that's what matters" Dean says firmly.

"Yeah … but who was that guy? He looked young, around 18 I think … Do you think he was also a Demon?" Sam asks somberly.

"I might have an idea who that was" Bobby says as he and Ash come to their side.

Sam and Dean look at Bobby waiting for him to continue.

"I've seen that face in an old book … He is certainly not young. In fact, I think he is almost over two thousand years old" Bobby says hesitantly.

Dean, Sam and Ash look flabbergasted at him.

"He has many titles, but I think most people know him as … The Witch King"

This scene was from the Supernatural show, Second Season's Finale. For those who have watched it, they must have noticed that several things are different in this chapter here, it's because of our MC and the changes he did.

For all those who haven't watched the show, don't worry everything would be explained slowly.

I will try to keep every chapter's length at around 2K words.

Avi2112creators' thoughts
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