
Echoes of love (BL)

In the small town of Crestwood, Emery, an 18-year-old girl, carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. At 15, she lost her beloved mother to cancer, leaving her alone with her grieving father. In the wake of her mother's death, her father's grief spirals into alcoholism and abuse, as he blames Emery for the loss of the love of his life. Emery's journey becomes a silent struggle, marked by loneliness and a desperate desire to be accepted for who she truly is. At school, she faces relentless bullying when her peers discover her secret — she's gay. The friends she thought she had vanish, leaving her isolated and vulnerable. But hope arrives in the most unexpected form: Ezra, the charismatic captain of the volleyball team. Their worlds collide when they lock eyes in a crowded hallway, and Ezra's genuine smile offers a glimmer of light in Emery's darkest days. A tentative friendship blossoms, and Emery finally finds someone who sees past her scars and secrets. As their bond deepens, Emery and Ezra confront bullies together, and their strength in unity begins to erode the walls of prejudice in their school. But Emery's father's abuse escalates when he discovers his daughter's sexuality, pushing Emery to confide in Ezra and seek help from a supportive teacher. Their friendship turns into a powerful love that empowers them to stand against intolerance. Together, they face prejudice and discrimination, finding allies in unexpected places. Emery's journey toward self-acceptance and healing intertwines with Ezra's unwavering support. In "Unbreakable Echoes," their love story becomes a beacon of hope and resilience. As they graduate from high school, they dream of a world where love and acceptance prevail, where the echoes of their unbreakable love inspire others to be true to themselves. This is a tale of love, loss, courage, and the unshakable strength that comes from embracing one's true self in the face of adversity. Emery and Ezra's love story reminds us that, no matter how dark the night, the moon always shines brighter, illuminating the path to acceptance, love, and a brighter future.

Raven_07 · LGBT+
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15 Chs


(Emery's POV)

Waking up the next morning, I couldn't help but replay the events of the previous day in my mind. The joy of my date with Ezra still lingered, contrasting with the painful memories of my father's drunken outburst.

As I got out of bed, I let out a tired sigh, my thoughts immediately drifting back to my dad's actions. "After such a wonderful date with Ezra... that was what I came home to meet," I mumbled to myself. It was Sunday, and neither my dad nor I had been attending church since my mom's passing, so I decided to stay in.

Descending the stairs of my house, I once again encountered an empty home. Oddly enough, I felt relieved that my dad wasn't around. With my phone in hand, I headed to the kitchen, contemplating breakfast. I had restocked some frozen food and noodles, so I grabbed a pack of noodles and began preparing a simple meal.

Just as I was almost done with my breakfast, my phone rang, startling me with its loud ringtone. Checking the caller ID, I saw that it was Ezra. I picked up the call with a shy and quiet, "Hello?"

(3rd person's POV)

On the other end of the line, Ezra was momentarily lost in Emery's voice, which she found incredibly pretty. She had to snap back to reality to greet Emery enthusiastically, "Hello!" Ezra's voice was filled with genuine warmth and excitement.

(Emery's pov)

Blushing gently, I replied with a meek "hello" in return, matching Ezra's tone. We found ourselves stuck in a loop of polite greetings, and I decided to break the cycle. "Why did you call?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Ezra, still wearing a broad smile on her face, explained, "I called to ask if you were busy today. I'd like to take you to the park."

I was taken aback. "But we just went on a date yesterday," I replied, genuinely surprised.

Ezra's calm and soothing voice reassured me. "No matter how many times I take you out, I'll never get tired of it. I love spending time with you."

My heart fluttered at those words. "I'm free," I whispered, a smile tugging at my lips. I couldn't resist asking, "Where are we going?"

Ezra's response made my day even brighter. "I want to take you to the park for a little picnic."

My eyes lit up with joy. I hadn't been to the park for a good reason since my mom's death. My enthusiastic "Yes!" conveyed my excitement.

With the plans set, I felt my happiness growing. "Just pick me up where you usually drop me off," I said.

Ezra agreed, and we exchanged goodbyes with smiles in our voices. I finished my breakfast and made my way to my room to freshen up and get ready for the day.

After a quick shower and a change into shorts and a short-sleeve tee, I arrived at our usual meeting spot. To my delight, I found Ezra already there, waiting in her car. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Ezra's captivated expression as I approached.

Ezra stepped out of the car, wearing an appreciative smile. She couldn't help but complement me on how gorgeous I looked. I blushed and shyly returned the compliment, noting how similar our attire was.

With a burst of courage, Ezra leaned in and asked for permission to kiss me. I agreed, and without hesitation, Ezra pressed her lips to mine. It was a gentle kiss filled with genuine affection, and I kissed her back as best as I could, given my limited experience.

We pulled away, both wearing satisfied smiles. My shy reaction was adorable to Ezra, who couldn't help but chuckle. She then led me to the passenger side of the car, our hands brushing against each other as we went. Ezra settled me into my seat, fastened my seatbelt, and closed the door before making her way to the driver's side.

The park we arrived at wasn't too crowded, a welcome sight for me. Ezra spread out a picnic blanket and arranged the food and snacks she had prepared. As we sat down to eat, our conversation naturally flowed.

We talked about our families. Ezra beamed with pride as she spoke about her parents and her father's business. She explained how much she cherished being their only child and how her parents never missed an opportunity to show their love.

When I began discussing my mother's death, Ezra could see the pain in my eyes. She quickly changed the topic, not wanting to dwell on the painful memories. We packed up after our picnic, and as we headed home, with Ezra dropping me off, she couldn't help but be filled with joy. The last time she had been to the park for a happy reason felt like a distant memory.

As we reached my usual drop-off point, we said our goodbyes with a sweet, tender kiss. I watched Ezra drive away, thinking she was headed home.

Little did I know that Ezra, filled with curiosity about where I lived and why I had lied about it, had quietly followed me to my house. With cautious steps, Ezra approached my home.

We reached my house, and Ezra watched in silence as I entered. Ezra, determined to confront me about my lie, rang the doorbell.

I, hearing the doorbell ring, was taken aback. No one had ever visited me or my dad before. I cautiously opened the door and was greeted by Ezra's frowning face.

As I tried to close the door quickly, Ezra blocked it with her foot. She entered the house and closed the door behind her, facing me, who was looking down at the ground with a sense of unease.

Ezra removed the frown from her face, deciding to approach me with understanding rather than confrontation. With gentle hands, she lifted my chin, forcing our gazes to meet.

In a soothing tone, Ezra asked, "Why did you lie to me about where you lived?"

I, looking a bit overwhelmed, began by apologizing for the lie. Then, I opened up a bit, explaining, "It's for personal reasons. I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready, but I just need some time."

Ezra nodded, her expression now calm and understanding. "Okay," she replied gently, her voice filled with empathy. She moved closer to me, pulling me into a soft, comforting

hug. It was a silent assurance that she would be patient and wait for me to share when I was ready.

I felt the warmth of Ezra's embrace, and it offered me a sense of security I hadn't felt in a long time. It was reassuring to know that Ezra wasn't angry at me for keeping this secret. I whispered a sincere, "Thank you," as we held each other.

Ezra looked down at me and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead. It was a tender gesture, filled with affection and support. After our silent communication, we exchanged our goodbyes, and Ezra made her way back to her car, driving home with a lot on her mind.

As the night fell, I went to sleep, my heart lighter than it had been in a while. I knew my dad wasn't home that night, and I slept with a smile on my face, thinking about the wonderful day I had spent with Ezra and how understanding and patient she had been about my secret.

On the other side, Ezra lay in her own bed, her thoughts filled with curiosity about my hidden past. Deciding to trust me and give me the time I needed, Ezra turned off her bedroom light and drifted off to sleep, with a smile on her lips.

Their connection deepened, and while there were secrets between them, the budding relationship between Emery and Ezra held the promise of understanding and support that neither of them had experienced before.

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This chapter was edited.

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