
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


I was thinking whether there are any limits or boundaries in the world of magic or not, because what I saw in front of me was something like that. Where just a minute ago there was a dense green jungle, now there was a huge open field. But what was even stranger was that this field looked at least 10 times bigger than the entire mountain, and the sky above was not just blue but rainbow-colored. I was just looking around in amazement.

AKSHAANT: Don't wander too far, Vijay. All of this is imaginary. This entire place is a creation of my mind. Now, we can do anything here, it won't matter. Your training and challenge are about to begin. You might get hurt, you might feel pain. Are you ready?

ME: Absolutely.

I said this with great excitement, which brought a smile to AKSHAANT's face.

AKSHAANT: Alright then. Tell me, what do you see in this field?

ME: Some places are made of cement, and some are sand. But the sand and cement keep changing places repeatedly. And this field is even bigger than its actual size.

AKSHAANT: Hmm, and anything else?

I looked around carefully once more. Oh, what's this? Whenever the sand and cement change places, something light emerges from the ground. I told AKSHAANT about this.

AKSHAANT: Hmm. This field is called the "MATIBHRAM" field. Out of 10,000 warriors, only 10 can overcome this challenge.

The thing emerging is a TRANSFORMATION device. It's changing places with sand and cement. Not only that, if someone passes over it while sand and cement change places, it can take the form of anything and even take their life.

Your challenge is to come here passing over all the sand and cement areas you see in this field.

ME: Well, that's easy.

AKSHAANT: Smiling, let's see. You need to remember two things. First, when you pass over sand, you must keep your weight light, or else the sand will pull you in. And when you pass over cement, increase your weight and step on it, or else the cement will pull you in too. To lighten yourself, you need to control your senses and put all your weight into your upper body, and to increase it, you need to increase your blood flow up to 1000 times so that every part of your body feels the weight. You can only do this with your willpower. Keep your mind completely calm, and yes, the most important thing, if the sand and cement change places while you're passing over them, be cautious. Because then you'll face the TRANSFORMATION device, and only it knows whose form it will take and fight you.

Now my heart was racing. Damn, it was certain that I wouldn't be able to cross it like this. But the training from this morning gave me some courage.

ME: Alright, Teacher... I'm ready. But tell me, how will this training end?

AKSHAANT: There are two ways. First, you have to complete a total of 5 rounds over all of these without any interruption. And second, if you encounter any TRANSFORMATION device, you just have to defeat it once. Do this and today's training will be over...

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Alright, teacher I'm ready." I looked around, and then I started running...


DIGVIJAY stood there pondering how to begin!

DIGVIJAY: I'll start with the bow and arrow too.

The bow manifested, and there appeared another bow and arrow in front of him. DIGVIJAY accepted the challenge, looked towards the wall, and said, "SHASHTRA YAMAKAM," but nothing happened. The arrow was still single. Without much thought, DIGVIJAY closed his eyes and recited the spell through the bow again, "PURVAPARI BHAVATI..." The arrow glimmered slightly. DIGVIJAY aimed towards the wall and released the arrow. The arrow reached the wall but only lightly touched it and fell. The wall stood as before.

DIGVIJAY: Damn, nothing happened. What should I do now? Yes, let me try another weapon... "GADA PRAKATAM..." and a mace appeared in DIGVIJAY's hand. Now let's see how this wall doesn't break...!!!!!! And then DIGVIJAY began his display of power. "PURVAPARI BHAVATI," the mace glimmered slightly, DIGVIJAY threw the mace towards the wall with all his might, the mace hit the wall, but it didn't make any difference. DIGVIJAY started to get frustrated. Then what, he tried all the weapons. SPEAR, AXE, MOONLIGHT SWORD, THUNDERBOLT, and who knows what else. But the wall remained unfazed. DIGVIJAY, frustrated, sat down there, remembered the ARCHER immediately.

Archer: What happened, boy? You've given up so easily. I don't think you can do anything. You should go back home.

DIGVIJAY: That can't happen. I'm not going anywhere without learning.

Archer: So why did you sit down then?

DIGVIJAY: Then what else should I do? I've been trying for so long, but nothing is happening.

Archer: So you'll just sit down in disappointment!!! What did you think, that you'll find some elixir here that will make you powerful overnight? You'll have to work hard. First of all, dispel the illusion that you know everything. Empty your mind. Remember, only an empty vessel can be filled, not a full one... Spells don't work when we recite them, but they work when our entire body and soul invoke them. Infuse the power of your entire body and soul into your spell, and then recite it.

DIGVIJAY: Thank you, teacher. I'll do just that. Then DIGVIJAY joined his hands, calmed his mind, extended one hand... "DHANUSH TEER PRAKATAM..." he placed an arrow on the bow, "SHASHTRA YAMAKAM." This time, two arrows appeared. DIGVIJAY placed one arrow on his forehead, "PURVAPARI BHAVATI..." This time, the arrow began to shine a little brighter.

DIGVIJAY released the arrow towards the wall. As soon as the arrow hit the wall, there was a loud noise.

The wall didn't break, but it cracked.

Archer: Excellent, kid. Keep practicing like this until this wall breaks. And then the Archer disappeared while saying.

"One thing I should tell you, there was no need to just crack the wall; you had to break it completely. That's why after every strike, even if the wall was damaged, it would repair itself."

But now DIGVIJAY had gained confidence. With full enthusiasm, he immersed himself in completing his target.


I took a deep breath and sprinted with all my might. My speed was quite fast. First, I encountered sand, but I forgot that I needed to lighten myself, and as soon as my foot touched the sand, I... fell straight in, and I kept falling... SPLASH...

AHHHHHH... I opened my eyes to see that I had fallen in front of AKSHAANT.

ME: I fell into the sand... how did I end up here...

AKSHAANT: Whenever you get engulfed in sand or cement, it will pull you back here to the starting point...

Now, this was a new challenge. It meant that no matter how many times I crossed this field, if I got stuck even once, I'd have to start over... Who says clearing the I.A.S. exam is the toughest? Try this, you'll know. Anyway, there was no point in dwelling on such absurd logic, so I dove back into my training.

This time, I thought of going towards the cement and started running. This time, I remembered that I needed to increase my weight. I began to connect my mind with the energy of my body, but it was extremely difficult. Sprinting fast and controlling my weight at the same time, and all this with just 1 or 2 seconds of time...

When I approached the cement, I felt like my body was getting heavier. I managed to move forward over the cement. I couldn't contain my happiness. Just as I was thinking of something else... THUD...

I opened my eyes to find myself in front of AKSHAANT.

AKSHAANT: Very well done, Vijay. You succeeded in increasing your weight. But you forgot that with the speed at which you're running, it will take you hardly a second to pass over the cement. As a result, you couldn't lighten yourself and ended up sinking into the cement... This is your test, Vijay... A winner is not someone with more power; a winner is someone who knows how to use their power efficiently and skillfully.

You will get as many chances as you want to rectify your mistake, but in the real battle, there's only one. The enemy won't attack you according to your convenience. That's why you should be prepared for all kinds of challenges. Now, get up, fall as many times as you need to. Fall, then get up, fall, then get up, and keep getting up until you achieve your goal. Trust yourself, and accomplish your goal.

I had also decided that no matter how long it takes, I won't sit comfortably until I complete this task...

So, I got up and started running. I remembered falling about 10, 12 times initially, but then I stopped counting. I had been running for almost 3 hours, but I hadn't completed a single round yet. I was starting to feel a slight fatigue... but I was determined... Just as I got stuck in the sand again, I fell in front of AKSHAANT. I was about to get up and start running again when...

AKSHAANT: Stop, Vijay...

Me: Yes, teacher...

AKSHAANT: Have your meal first, then attempt again...

ME: Let me try a couple more times, teacher.

AKSHAANT: Work with wisdom, Vijay. You won't be able to focus on an empty stomach...

It had been since morning, and I was feeling hungry too...

ME: As you say, teacher.

Then we had lunch, and I resumed my training... I kept at it all day. Once, I even completed a full round without getting stuck anywhere, but then in the next round, I got stuck in the cement and returned to the starting line... Now, it was evening, but I was completely engrossed and had lost track of time.

AKSHAANT: Stop, Vijay... That's enough for today. Try again tomorrow.

ME: But teacher, I haven't succeeded yet.

AKSHAANT: I know, Vijay. But I didn't say that you have to complete this task today itself. Rest and try again tomorrow. Anyway, whether you admit it or not, it's quite clear that you're quite exhausted. It's essential to give rest to both your body and mind.

ME: Alright, teacher. As you say...

AKSHAANT's words were true. For the first time in my life, I was exhausted, and that too in a bad way...

AKSHAANT recited some mantras, and the place transformed back into a jungle. AKSHAANT moved ahead, and I followed behind him... but I was quite sad. It was the first time I had failed in a task... Maybe AKSHAANT noticed it...

AKSHAANT - Vijay , remember one thing. Winning in life is as necessary as losing... If you never lose, you'll start believing you're invincible. And eventually, one day, you'll face a devastating defeat that will shatter your confidence completely. Losing keeps the humility alive within us. It motivates us to strive forward. So don't be disheartened. Consider it not as a loss but as another chance to win again. By the way, I must tell you, perhaps your confidence might return immediately...

VJ - What are you saying teacher?

AKSHAANT - You have successfully completed one round of the field today. It took me six months to do this.

Vijay - What!!!! No, teacher You're just saying this to make me happy...

AKSHAANT - No, Vijay. I never lie when it comes to training.

Upon hearing this, I became very happy. AKSHAANT and I then headed towards the peak of the hill.

The evening was setting in, and darkness had already engulfed us by the time we reached. SHAILA was sitting in front of the tents, with a fire burning. Master was nowhere to be seen... We went and sat next to SHAILA... I was completely exhausted, unable to even sit properly. Seeing my condition, SHAILA chuckled...

SHAILA - Wow, Vijay, you're looking fresh as a daisy...

ME - It feels like I've completed the tasks of seven lifetimes in one day...

Upon hearing this, both SHAILA and AKSHAANT laughed.

AKSHAANT - Vijay, go and rest for a while. I'll bring food to your tent.

ME - Thank you, teacher... I managed to get up somehow and reached my tent, completely worn out.

SHAILA - So, how was today's training?

AKSHAANT - Very good...

SHAILA - What did you make him do today then?

AKSHAANT - Matibhram Vasumati...

As soon as AKSHAANT said this, SHAILA's eyes widened in shock.

SHAILA - What!!!! Have you gone mad? I understand that Vijay is a bit different, energetic, but does that mean he should be given such a difficult task on the very first day? Matibhram Vasumati is the fourth level of Strength control training. It took you 5 years just to reach that level, and 3 more years to master it. You almost lost your life four times during the process, and on the very first day, you made him...

AKSHAANT - Calm down, SHAILA, calm down. I know what Strength control entails. But tell me, what resources do we have? I only have a week to make him proficient. And it's not just that, I have a feeling that Vijay can accomplish even impossible tasks. I have felt his energy, SHAILA, and believe me, I have never felt this before. You know what? Vijay completed one round of the field today.

SHAILA - Amazing... This is incredible.

AKSHAANT - Yes, and I believe Vijay will surpass this challenge too.

SHAILA - Did he compete with the Transformation device?

AKSHAANT - No, not yet. You know how the Transformation device works, but I think the competition will definitely happen tomorrow...

SHAILA - I'll also come along tomorrow with you both...

AKSHAANT - Alright. You stay here. I'll bring food for Vijay.

AKSHAANT woke me up and handed me the food. My body was aching terribly. I managed to sit up, had my meal, and then laid back down. It had only been a few moments since I lay down when Master came in.

Meanwhile, on the other side:

DIGVIJAY had been practicing for a full three days. I forgot to mention one thing: in the MIRROR WORLD, there is neither hunger nor thirst, which is why DIGVIJAY was not tired either. He kept trying to pierce through that wall continuously and had been quite successful to some extent. With some of his strikes, the wall had broken more than halfway, but it kept repairing itself...

DIGVIJAY - Damn, this wall must be made of Ambuja Cement, it just won't break... Now DIGVIJAY tried again to summon Archer...

Upon seeing Archer, DIGVIJAY paid his respects.

Archer - Excellent effort, kid. Your attempt, your determination, is commendable.

DIGVIJAY - But teacher, I haven't succeeded yet.

Archer - But you haven't given up. That's the mark of a great warrior. Do you know where you're going wrong?


Archer- You're attacking with full force, but you're not channeling the energy from your weapons properly. Before making any strike, imbue your weapon with your strength. Think of it not as striking the wall with a weapon, but striking it with your own body. Try again...

DIGVIJAY once again summoned the arrow and bow.

DIGVIJAY placed the arrow on his forehead and recited "SHASHTRA YAMAKAM." As soon as the arrow doubled, DIGVIJAY closed his eyes and began channeling all the energy of his entire body into his hands.


With the mantra, the arrow accelerated towards the wall with great speed, and BOOOOOOMMMMMM....

There was a powerful explosion, and the entire wall was destroyed.

Archer- Excellent, kid...

You have completed the first stage of your training. Let us begin the second stage.

DIGVIJAY - Yes, teacher...

Teacher- What is the difference between "Sastra" and "Astra?

DIGVIJAY - "Shastra" is the weapon that we wield with our hands, while "astra" is used with the power of spells.

Archer - Excellent. And do you know which "astras" are the most powerful? We see them every day but fail to feel their power.

DIGVIJAY - I'm sorry, teacher. I don't know...

Archer- The earth and the sky... Nothing can grant us more power than them. This is the second stage of your training. You must learn to combine the power of any weapon with the power of the earth or the sky when using it in combat. With this knowledge, it will become nearly impossible to stop your attacks. But remember, as strong as your willpower is, that is how much power you can draw from the earth or the sky.

To draw power from the earth, you must invoke the spell "DHARTIYEM NIRAVDHAYATI"...

And to draw power from the sky, you must invoke the spell"GAGANAM NIRAVDHAYATI"...

Now, first sit in a meditative state and invoke both these spell. When you feel ready to use them with your weapons, begin your practice...

DIGVIJAY also took Archer's blessings and sat down to meditate...


It had only been a short while since I lay down when Master came in... He had something in his hands.

ME - Good evening master..

Master - Good evening son. .

Here, son, drink this. It will refresh you, and all your fatigue will vanish.

Without asking any questions, I drank what master had brought, which seemed like a drink...

Master - In a little while, you'll feel lighter. Son, you did very well in your practice today. I am very pleased with you, which is why I want to give you something...

ME - What is it, master?

Master extended his right hand forward, revealing a book.

Master- Take this, son. Keep this book. It will be very useful to you in the future, Without saying anything further, master left.

The book was quite thick and large. I glanced at the title written on it...


To be Continued..