
Echoes of Flight: The Lifetimes of a Reincarnated Bat

Story of a bat , who bacama god. A commoner who became a king. With a new story ory of an untold tale within Mystery novel focusing on third party veiw

Chino_Kitsune · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Back on the Path

Zion knew that the only way to regain his family's title and power was to secure a strategic alliance with a powerful family. He had already set his sights on the Imperial family, whose daughter he had fallen in love with. But he knew that it would not be easy to win the approval of the Emperor and his court.

Zion used all of his resources and connections to gather information on the Imperial family and their weaknesses. He discovered that they had a long-standing feud with a powerful rival family, and he saw an opportunity to use this to his advantage.

Zion approached the rival family and proposed an alliance. He offered them his support in their feud with the Imperial family in exchange for their help in securing the Emperor's approval for his marriage to their daughter.

The rival family agreed, and Zion mobilized his mafia forces to launch a full-scale attack on the Imperial family's stronghold. The battle was fierce, but Zion's forces emerged victorious.

With the Emperor weakened and his court in disarray, Zion saw his chance. He made his case for why he would make a worthy husband for the Emperor's daughter, and how their marriage would benefit both families.

To his surprise, the Emperor agreed to the marriage. He saw in Zion a man of great ambition and strength, and recognized that his daughter would be well taken care of under his protection.

Zion and the Emperor's daughter were married in a grand ceremony, cementing their families' alliance and Zion's position as a powerful figure in both the mafia underworld and the political world above.