
A Twisted Reflection

Shortly, after the disorienting darkness receded, it revealed a world transformed. Gone were the vibrant gardens, replaced by a barren wasteland of twisted rock formations and an ominous purple sky. The once-joyful celebration ground now resembled a desolate nightmare. A parallel dimension of their actual realm

Scattered figures emerged from the shadows, coughing and bewildered. Demons bellowed in confusion, their horns flickering with a dim, unnatural light.

The human soldiers huddled together, trying to be brave but fear etched on their faces.

"Where are we?" Shania cried, her voice echoing eerily in the vast emptiness.

Leor, his scales dull and lifeless in the alien light, surveyed the scene. "This is Xal'dar's Domain, a parallel dimension similar to ours but different," he growled, the words heavy with dread. "A twisted reflection of our world, where his power reigns supreme."