
Echoes of Creation: The Universe Within

Get ready to dive into "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" where the everyday grind gets a cosmic makeover. Meet Hiroshi Hajiro, just your average guy living the solo life in his apartment. But when he's hit with the bombshell of unemployment, he turns to the one thing that gives him solace: novels. Little does he know, his world's about to get flipped upside down. Suddenly, Hiroshi's not just a regular dude anymore. Nope, he's been handpicked as a Creator. Talk about a promotion! Armed with the power to shape entire universes, he's off on a wild ride beyond the four walls of his place. Come along for the ride as Hiroshi takes on the cosmos, making destinies and breaking boundaries like it's nobody's business. With twists, turns, and more imagination than you can shake a star at, "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" is the ultimate cosmic adventure for anyone looking to escape the ordinary.

VegetaIsBadass · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 44

I did not deliberately fail to deliver a filler chapter. I was doing research on whether or not I am allowed to upload fillers on premium.






Hiroshi pondered quietly to himself, absorbing the intriguing concept he had just encountered. "If Cosmic Energy is truly the foundation of the other three energies," he murmured thoughtfully, "then it should be adaptable for any purpose those energies serve."

Raising his gaze from the screen, Hiroshi's eyes fixed on a distant, twinkling light. "One of the Eternal Fragments," he whispered to himself, a touch of reverence in his voice. "That's what I've come to call them—the fragments of the Eternal Light."