
Chapter 3

The voice of Omega paused, as if contemplating the depths of its meaning.

"While there are indeed limitations to the extent of your creative prowess, you have near-unlimited potential to shape the universe in your own image." The voice continued, its words resonating in Hiroshi's mind with a sense of possibility and opportunity.

"As a Universal Creator, you have the mandate to shape the destiny of your own universe, to create lifeforms of your own kind, and to mold events as you deem fit."

The voice's gaze bore into Hiroshi with a mixture of solemnity and resignation. "I was here to inform and introduce you to everything," it began, its tone tinged with a hint of melancholy. "I see that you have adjusted to everything. I will be taking my leave and leave everything to you. We will see each other, maybe in a trillion years or more. Or we can never see each other again. Farewell Hiroshi Hajiro, may you succeed in your Creator journey."

With those final words, the voice faded into the darkness, its presence vanishing along with the ethereal light that had accompanied it. Hiroshi was left alone in the void, surrounded by an inky blackness that seemed to stretch out into infinity.

But to his surprise, despite the absence of any visible source of light, Hiroshi found that he could see. It was as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes, revealing a world beyond the confines of his own understanding.

In the vast expanse of the Void, Hiroshi found himself standing alone, a solitary figure amidst the boundless emptiness. As he adjusted to the absence of Omega, his mind buzzed with a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities.

"This is the Void. This is nothing but also the beginning of everything," he muttered to himself, his words echoing into the emptiness with a sense of determination.

With a focused gaze, Hiroshi peered into the depths of the void, his thoughts drifting back to the teachings of the Bible and the creation story that had captivated the minds of countless generations.

"In my last world, the Bible mentioned how God divided light and darkness. So, I should do that as well," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a sense of reverence for the task that lay before him.

Drawing upon his knowledge as an astrophysicist, Hiroshi delved into the depths of his memory, recalling the fundamental principles of light and darkness that governed the cosmos.

"The Holy Book I read mentioned that God created light which is the Sun, but there are many Suns in the universe. My universe will be different," he continued, his words punctuated by a sense of purpose.

"Before I create galaxies and everything, I will start with the First Light, the Nexus. This light shall be the beginning of Time, Space, and the division of Light and Darkness."

With a steady hand, Hiroshi raised his palm and visualized the ethereal light that Omega had brought with it. Concentrating all of his focus and willpower, he began to shape the raw energy into a coherent form, molding it into a perfect sphere of radiant light.

As the sphere shimmered and pulsated with a brilliant luminosity, Hiroshi released it into the void, watching as it floated gracefully through the emptiness.

And then, with a voice filled with quiet reverence, he spoke the first words of creation.

"Let there be light," he declared, his words resonating with a power that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of the cosmos.

And in that moment, as the sphere of light erupted into a dazzling display of radiance, Hiroshi knew that he had taken the first step on a journey that would shape the destiny of the universe itself.

As the words of creation reverberated through the void, a profound shift rippled through the fabric of existence. The Nexus, a sphere of brilliant light born from Hiroshi's command, pulsed with an intensity that seemed to defy comprehension.

And then, in a blinding flash of light, the Big Bang erupted into being. The raw energy emanating from the Nexus surged outward, shaking the very foundations of the void and igniting a violent explosion that echoed through the emptiness of space.

Intense heat radiated from the epicenter of the explosion, heating up the surrounding void to unimaginable temperatures before cooling down in the span of nanoseconds. It was a chaotic dance of creation and destruction, a symphony of cosmic forces colliding in a whirlwind of chaos.

In the midst of the tumultuous upheaval, the Nexus was swiftly propelled outward by the force of the explosion, hurtling through the void and coming to rest at the edge of the newly formed universe. Hiroshi watched this unfolding spectacle with a sense of awe and wonder, his gaze fixed on the distant glow of the Nexus as it hovered just beyond the boundaries of space and time.

Despite his initial intentions for the Nexus to be at the center of the universe, Hiroshi chose to refrain from intervening, opting instead to observe how events would unfold naturally. It was a decision born from a desire to witness the organic development of the cosmos, to see how the universe would take shape in the absence of his direct influence.

And so, as he stood amidst the chaos of creation, Hiroshi watched with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, eager to see what wonders would emerge from the crucible of the cosmos.

After observing the birth of the universe and the creation of its first light, Hiroshi decided to let the universe take its course with few interventions from him. He was curious to see what wonders might emerge from the chaotic dance of creation and destruction that was playing out before his eyes.

As he kept a watchful eye on the distant glow of the Nexus, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as the universe unfolded before him. It was a glorious spectacle of cosmic forces colliding and combining, a grand symphony of creation and destruction, and it mesmerized the young astrophysicist.

As the universe unfolded before him, Hiroshi could feel a sense of wonder and excitement building within him. He found himself wondering what kind of worlds and lifeforms would emerge from the chaotic dance of creation and destruction. He was eager to see the universe taking shape and he could hardly contain his curiosity and anticipation.

As Hiroshi gazed out into the chaotic aftermath of the Big Bang, a sense of realization washed over him like a tidal wave. The universe, or what would one day become the universe, lay before him in a state of disarray, resembling nothing more than a hot mess of swirling energy and formless void.

It was as if someone had attempted to cook a meal without following a recipe, leaving behind a cluttered kitchen with pots and pans strewn about and ingredients scattered haphazardly. And now, Hiroshi found himself standing amidst the chaos, faced with the daunting task of shaping this unruly concoction into something resembling order and beauty.

It became clear to Hiroshi that the Big Bang was not the ultimate creator of everything in his previous universe. Instead, it was merely the catalyst for the birth of the cosmos, setting in motion a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the formation of stars, galaxies, and all the wonders of the universe.

But as he surveyed the chaos before him, Hiroshi realized that he would need to take on the role of a blacksmith, forging and molding the raw materials of the universe into a cohesive and harmonious whole. It was a daunting task, one that would require patience, creativity, and a deep understanding of the underlying principles that governed the cosmos.

Despite the enormity of the challenge ahead, Hiroshi felt a surge of excitement coursing through him. The prospect of being able to shape the destiny of the universe filled him with a sense of purpose and determination.

And so, with a resolute gaze and a heart filled with anticipation, Hiroshi rolled up his sleeves and prepared to embark on the greatest adventure of his life. The universe lay before him like a blank canvas, waiting to be transformed by his hand into a masterpiece of cosmic proportions. And as he took his first steps into the vast unknown, Hiroshi knew that the journey ahead would be nothing short of extraordinary.






That's it for chapter 3.

Next chapter