
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

V 5 Ch 4

As soon as Echo gets inside Integra office he got himself glomp by Integra.

"Echo!!! I miss you so much." Integra said as she drags Echo to the sofa and puts him in a lap pillow.

"We just not see each other for a week Integra!" Echo said as he looked up at her.

Now, Integra already becomes the Mayor of Water 7 and she already starts to change Water 7 according to Echo Blueprint.

"So, how long will you stay?" asked Integra excitedly.

"hmm, a week maybe! I can just teleport if there is something urgent. For now, I am having a holiday!" Echo answers making Integra smile. Even though he can just visit her via teleportation it's just not the same with him visit normally.

The next day, Echo was touring around Water 7 and see a sight that he once watches in anime. Tom with his two apprentices working on making Sea Train in one of the Dock. He thought for a while and realize that this year was the last year of Tom's deadline to get a pardon for his crime in making Oro Jackson.

Echo thinks for a while if he has to interfere with this incident before deciding to let it be and save Tom after faking his death. It's not worth it to antagonizing World Govt now for a stranger. But, it is a waste to just let him died so he will fake his death. Besides if he saves him now there might be no Cyborg Franky in the future because of it.

Back at Integra office after a day of touring around.

"So, How was your day? Are you having fun?" asks Integra.

"Hmm, it was good and I see something interesting. How about you two?" Echo asks after answering her.

"Boring, it was the same as when we still manage Hellsing. Now, that you already having fun for the day. You have to have fun with us from now on!" Said Integra lustfully with Seras looking at Echo predatory. That night Echo stamina was tested by Super-Soldier Integra and Super-Vampire Seras.


The next morning there is a commotion as he woke up in the Mayor's office with Integra and Seras. They get dressed and walk out to ask about what happened.

"What happens here that you lot make a ruckus about!" shout Integra clearly annoyed that her cuddles time with Echo was interrupted.

"Integra-sama, There are people from the World Government comes to talk about Tom's work on the Sea Train!" said one of Integra workers.

"Ohh, and what is the ruckus about? You can just tell them to wait!" she says clearly not in her right mind now.

"Now now Integra, you know how unreasonable World Govt Dog can be. Let's see what do they want here and they still annoying after that we can just secretly kill them out of this island!" Echo tries to make her calm down before whispering the last part of his sentence.

Integra hearing it smiles and nodded to him.

"Alright, Let's see what did the want here. You want to come with me Echo?" she asks.

"Nah, I'm a king from another kingdom. It's not good for me to barge in a discussion for another place. Just tell me about it after this." Echo told her.

While Integra was meeting with WG agents, Echo spread his Observation Haki around Water 7 and it's surrounding. He has quite a reach having lived for so long.

He was able to see that the one Integra was meeting was Spandam and there are many agents around Tom's shipyard observing him.

Not long Spandam left Integra office with his arrogant manner toward the shipyard. Integra watch as he left and reveal a cold glint in her eyes.

"So, he is annoying?" Echo asks as he appeared beside her.

"He is imbecile Echo-sama!" Seras answer him with a huff. "For someone who rides on his parent coattails, he's so arrogant that I want to put a bullet in his head." she continues obviously quite angry.

"He has to die, Echo!" only now that Integra speaks.

"Okay! I got a good way to kill him without making it suspicious of us. Just stay in the Mayor's office for a while for an alibi!" he says still following Spandam with his Observation Haki.

He watches as Spandam throwing his weight around toward Tom's and his worker. Franky who is young can't take it anymore and hit Spandam with a rifle. Spandam left after making threats to them.

When nighttime close to morning, Spandam steals one of Franky battleships and goes off to the sea. Echo follows him using Geppo and three hours later, around one km in front of them is a convoy of a ship.

Seeing this, Echo knows that this was the ship of Jury that Spandam attack to frame Tom's worker especially Franky. Echo goes toward the ship and uses his string to control the soldiers manning the ship. When Spandam attacks them suddenly, Echo controls the soldiers to strike back with superior accuracy and hit the ship right where Spandam is Killing him in the process.

After that, he just left it alone for them to investigate who was inside the ship. He thought that with this he will change history since Tom's worker won't be charged with a false crime making Tom giving himself to be killed.

But, after finding that Spandam was working for WG, the Jury got scared and decide to frame Franky for killing Spandam with his ship.

"Wao, here I thought he will escape his fate after I killed that trash Spandam. Who thought that it will become like this." murmured Echo as he watches the drama.

"Yeah, he is really unlucky that even after being helped he still got framed." Seras says as she also watches along with Echo.

"What is Integra doing now?" he asks.

"She stays in the office as you ask her Echo-sama!" she answers and they continue to observe.

As the Jury about to give judgment to Franky and the others. Tom come and start to shout that he was the one that builds the ship like how he build Pirate King ship and he was proud of it making the surrounding goes restless. After hearing it the Jury decides to capture just him and bring him to Enies Lobby.

"Sigh, it seems I have to fake his death after this. I want him to work for me." whisper Echo.

Puffing Tom's, the first Sea Train left with its first job is to send its creators to Jail. Franky goes in the middle of the rails trying to stop it and was hit by the train, his fate unknown.

After seeing all this, Echo slips himself into the train and arrived at Tom's cell which is not watched by a guard.

"Hello Tom!" greet Echo.

"Who are you? I've seen you once in Water 7 when you see us working." Tom asked

"Hoo, you remember me from all the people that going around that day?"

"How can I not! You stuck out like a sore thumb."

"I see, anyway! I come here to invite you to my kingdom. You don't have to be afraid of the World Government again since we will fake your death here."

"Can you really do that?" he asked a little skeptical.

" it's easy! Just let me do the job!" he says and they teleported to Dresrossa leaving behind the fake corpse of Tom who bit his tongue.

"You stay here in my Kingdom from now on." he says as he looks around and sees Robin. "Robin! Please take care of this person's accommodation and hide him for a while. I have to go back to Water 7 for now. Tom, please follow after Robin for a while. Don't wander around until I get back." Echo told them and teleport back to Water 7.