
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

V 5 Ch 2

Echo PoV

Two months after my Ascension to the throne. I was working at my office when someone knocked and got in. I look up to see Viola come in with two years old Rebecca with her. She is Scarlett and Kyros's daughter and my cousin. In canon they hide their relationship and live outside the castle. But, with me here they don't have to do that.

"Viola, why is Rebecca with you?" I ask confused.

"I was asked to take care of her by mom. Scarlett and Kyros go on a date on mom orders while mom who are going to take care of her got something to do at the last moment." she answers and gave Rebecca to me which I received.

"Hello, Becky! Want to play with uncle?" I ask her with her nickname that I made up which make her laugh.

Looking at the paperwork and then to Becky. I decided to left it and play with her. Two hours after playing with Becky, mom is back and takes her away and scold me for leaving my job which I say I'll finish it later.


Two days later, I order hundreds of my secret forces to go around the world recruiting people to work for me. But, never let someone know about it.

This was for information network which works consist of. First is to search for information, second to sell information that can be made money, third spread information that will make our enemy look bad which will be World Govt and Marine if they cross me.

I also sent out Hundreds last batch of recruit which at age range of 10 to 12 to infiltrate marine and World Government which is CP group. After making them loyal to Dresrossa and me of course. I train them to just enough for Marine and World Govt to look at them for now. I can enhance their strength again later after they join for them to get promoted.


Three days later, I thought of which DF to eat. Ito ito no Mii is a must since I was a string user. Besides, I want to see Doflaminggo face when he sees me using the same power as him which I'm sure that I was the better user. Next is Fuwa Fuwa no Mii which is, for in the chance that the world government decides to attack us, Last is Buki Buki no Mii I'll be a better user than Baby 5 or Shina now her name is. Okay, that's it for now! I'm still not interested in Logia or Zoan.

Speaking of Shina, because of her being in custody of Nana right after her abandonment, she did not have the same personality like in Canon which is quite a pity as she is a beautiful girl.

I take out the DF and start to eat it without tasting it. I'm not a masochist to taste it. Speaking of taste what happens to Touka when she eats it? Her tongue is close to God Tongue. I'm sure she's suffering from eating it. Let's check!

"Touka! I just want to know. What happens when you eat the Goro Goro no Mii? How did you deal with the taste?" I ask her through Telepathy.

"You ask this now? I never eat it of course! Like hell I make myself suffer eating something disgusting for a power that I already have. You must be not thinking when you gave me that order." ugh, that sting. I really did not think about it as she was close to the place and I just tell her to take it.

"Uhh, sorry about that. I just remember about it right after I eat it myself." I says, feeling a little guilty.

"Sigh, maybe next time we should think of the plan together instead of you shouldering it alone." she says with a sigh.

"Okay, we will just do that. You still want to stay at Weatheria? Or should I bring you here?" I ask her.

"Hmm, take me there! I'm bored staying here." she said, and I teleported to her location and bring her back with me.

After that, I test all my DF power and got satisfied. I try touching SeaStone and it did not affect me. I go to the sea and it also did not affect me. Which is good that I have perfect body.

That night is a night of passion between me, Touka and the twins. It's been a while since it was only the four of us. Hearing this Nana and C.C comes the next day for their turn.


Three months later, I was in the middle of the sea. Fishing Bonbori With Pure Gold, I'm going to give it to the girl so we can stay young forever as long as we wear it. But I'm afraid that Bonbori will come after them so I will kill it first.

Bonbori comes out and I caught it with telekinesis. I absorb it's life force killing it after an hour of work. Inside the Bonbori there are two life force which I exclude from my life Steal power. After Bonbori dead all that left is it's bones and an island inside it's stomach, also the two life inside it. Myskina Olga and her father Myskina Acier.

I feel it a waste to just throw away the land. So I bring it back to Dresrossa to expand our island. Bringing the father and daughter also with me.


After arriving at Dresrossa and put the island next to Dresrossa I send Telepathy to the twin so they told my Family and Citizens of Dresrossa that it was my work. So, they don't have to be afraid. After that, I go meet with the Myskina's.

I teleport to Olga then teleport again to Acier.

"Wha-Where is this? Who is the two of you?" ask Olga while Acier just look at Olga shocked.

"Hello Myskina Olga and Acier! My name is Echo, I already killed the Bonbori and brought this Island close to my kingdom. If you want, you can stay in my kingdom." I told them.

"What? You are the one who kills the Bonbori? So, what your motive in inviting us? If it Pure Gold you want. I don't have it." Acier asks a little wary.

"oohh, This person is the one who kills Bonbori? I can use him to protect me and give me food. I have to use my cute face to control him!" Olga said thinking that she just thought it out.

"I can hear that!" I told her

"Oohhh!" she shouts shocked.

"Anyway, I don't need Pure Gold since I have many of it to make every citizen in my kingdom have eternal youth. I just offer you protection since if word about you comes out. World Government and Pirates won't stop hunting you." I told them.

"Now, come with me if you want to stay. You will also be trained by my Army for a while, Acier! You are too fat. Also, Olga should take off her ring so she can grow up normally. As for her illness that you and your wife to prevent is already has a cure. So, it's okay!" I say and walk off to Dresrossa with them following me and Olga realize that her parents creating Pure Gold was to save her which maker her cry a little.