
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

V 3 Ch 7

Echo POV

A year after Matsuri become a drifter again. I was watching a TV when suddenly Nana who was doing registration for a new drifter through her telepathy start shouting then close the telepathic conversation.

Echo:" What happened to you?" I ask confused.

Nana:" It's the boy that you told me to watch out for, Yoshina Ageha! I don't know why, but talking to him makes me annoyed." she said with a huff.

Echo:" Hooo, so it's already about the time!! When is the schedule for the next jump?" I ask a little bit excited.

Nana:" Tomorrow, what? Do you want to go?" she asks while raising her eyebrows, she is more expresive now after living with us for three years.

Echo:" Nope, I will go next time. They would come here for training I think." I said to her.

While we were talking Shiro and Kuro come out from the basement.

Shiro:" What happened? Why do we hear Nana shouting out all the way in the basement?" she said then sit beside me.

Kuro:" You better not bullying her now, Echo!" Kuro follows her and takes my other side.

Echo:" Why did you think I bullied her? She just did registration and a little annoyed toward the person. By the way, where is Touka?" I ask while looking around.

Kuro:" She said she was about to break through her limit so she will train a little longer."

Shiro:" She said that after this breakthrough she will be able to control the iron inside the human body easily."

Echo:" Wow, that's good! We should go get her life target and she is in luck that we will go play in the future in a while!" I said to them. Then suddenly my phone ring.


Matsuri POV

What bad luck, just when I have a concert and was not able to accompany Sakurako she gone and went missing. I should call Echo, he should know about her status. I thought and call him.

Echo:" Hello, Matsuri? What did you need? I thought that you are at a concert right now?"

Matsuri:" Echo, did you know what happens to Sakurako? The news said that she went missing!"

Echo:" Ohhh that! You don't have to be worried. She is okay and about to get reinforcement you can also go get her. The next jump is tomorrow if you want to go!"

Matsuri:" Good! Then I will go tomorrow. Please come here and activated my card!"

Echo:" Okay!" he said.

Echo:" Give me the card!" and suddenly I heard his voice behind me, making me surprised.

Matsuri:" Did you have to appear suddenly like that? You almost kill me in a heart attack!" I say to him jokingly.

Echo:" Hahaha, sorry sorry! I just want to try that once!" he said while sticking his tongue out.

I give him the card and he takes it before taking out an unused card and sends the number value to my card.

Echo:" Okay, that's done. By the way, we will go again two jumps after this!" he told me and disappears from the room and someone knocks my door.

???:" Matsuri-sama, it's time for the concert!" sigh, let's end this concert and tomorrow I will beat up the Tavoo as stress relief.

Matsuri:" Okay, I'll be there in a while!" I shout back and start the preparation.


Echo POV

After back from charging Matsuri card, I go to the basement to sees how Touka's doing. When I get there, she was concentrating on her training to make a breakthrough. After watching for a while I see her stop the training and was about to go into the Healing Pool.

Echo:" You are done with your training?" I said and she looks back at me.

Touka:" Yeah, I broke through the limit!" she said and start to take off her clothes.

Touka:" Want to join in?" she said while smirking at me.

Echo:" I will be joining then." I say and also taking off my clothes.

Echo:" Want to try out your power? Tomorrow you should go with Matsuri to the future and give send her a healing potion for Sakurako. I forgot to give it to her just now." I said and submerged myself in the pool.

Touka:" Okay then, why not going there yourself?" she said while sitting in front of me and leaned back to me.

Echo:" Ahh, I have something to do. So, I won't be able to go." I told her while hugging her body.

Touka:" Ohh, what are you doing tomorrow?"

Echo:" I'm going to deal with the present Usui." I told her and start to play with her body.

Touka:" Nghh, you naughty boy."

Echo:" Hehehe, I just want to give you a reward for breaking through." I say and kiss her and we have sex in the pool after that.


The next day, I went to follow Yoshina Ageha until he left for the future. I see that he goes to school and starts attending class.

Not long after I see Usui and Miyake snooping around in the park around a phone booth. That must be where Ageha uses the Psyren Card.

I see that there is no one in the vicinity and teleport to their back then hit their neck making the fainted and start to steal their power and life force. After they turn to ash I left the place.


Matsuri POV

I woke up quite late, at around 9.30. I take a bath then order for breakfast. After finish eating, I do a light exercise to help digest the food.

At around 11 o'clock, a ring starts to sound out in my head. I change my attire and pick my phone up and the scenery changes into a desert one.

I spread my sense and look for Sakurako and found her killing a Tavoo in order to save a boy wearing a school uniform from the same school as her.

Touka:" You shouldn't be distracted in a place like this Matsuri-san!" I was shocked to hear Touka's voice from my back and look back.

Matsuri:" Touka!! What are you doing here? Are the other also here?"

Touka:" No, just me. Echo forgot to give you this for Sakurako. This is a healing potion for her in case she was hurt or exhausted since it can also increase stamina."

Matsuri:" I see, thanks for bringing it. Now, let's go to see her." I told her and we start to run to Sakurako location.

When we arrived she was piggyback by the boy that she saves. When we appear he immediately becomes alert and ready to protect her. Good boy, I'll be sure to train him later.

Matsuri:" Boy, can you put Sakurako down? We came to save her." I told him and start to walk toward them.

???:" And why should I trust you?"

Touka:" You don't have to! Since you don't have the strength to oppose us!" Touka speaks and suddenly appears behind him then takes Sakurako from his back and goes back to her position.

After laying Sakurako to the ground she starts to feed her the potion but because she faints it was impossible.

Touka:" Want to feed her mouth to mouth?" she said and look at me.

Touka:" I can't since my lips are for Echo, Shiro, and Kuro's only." she says jokingly.

I take the vial and put it on my mouth and start to feed it to Sakurako. The boy seeing this was dumbfounded and gulped to himself.

After giving her the potion Sakurako begins to regain consciousness.

Sakurako:" Matsuri-san, are you coming to rescue me? Touka-san also here!"

Matsuri:" Yeah, we come for you! How is your body? Echo sent us a healing potion for you. How do you feel?" I ask and she starts to get up and feel her body up.

Sakurako:" I'm good, the potion work so fast!" she says, shocked by the recovery power of the potion.

Touka:" Why are you so shocked? That potion comes from the same Echo who made a pool of healing liquid." Touka speak and Sakurako makes an ' it makes sense' look.

Sakurako:" You are right, I shouldn't be surprised by his invention." she said and nodded to herself.

Matsuri:" Enough of that, let's go to the starting line. By the way, your boyfriend still looking stunned like that. Is that fine Sakurako?"

Sakurako:" Ageha! He's not my boyfriend Matsuri-san! Just a classmate."

Matsuri:" hoho, just a classmate. But, he comes just for you." I tease her as we walk to the starting point.