
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 15

While Echo was fighting a War, Integra was on her way to meet with Echo. On the way, she got phone call from Seras telling her that someone attacks the HQ. She told Walter to go there as reinforcement.

Ten minutes in the way she was blocked by Major who has been waiting for her. She got off her car taking her sword with her. It was a C Rank Nameless Phantasm that was given to her by Echo.

Major:" Hehehe, Half a century planning got destroyed by your brother. He really is a thorn on my side."

Integra:" So, you aim for me?"

Major:" Yeah, I want him to feel despair knowing you die."

Integra:" Hmph, if it is a week ago, you may have succeeded easily. Now, you have to put effort on it." She said while unsheathing her sword.

Major raised an eyebrow seeing her confidence. Suddenly she was in front of him with her sword thrust out. He evades her strike then taking out his gun, he shoots at her making her backing away from him. Seeing her backing away he shoots more bullets and Integra was on the defensive. She cut off the bullets coming to her.

Seeing that being defensive makes her at a disadvantage, she takes out her gun using her left hand while her right hand still holding the sword and shoot back. This gun was a new gun, custom made by Walter with firepower almost teaching Alucard's Jackals.

Surprise by the gun firepower The Major left an opening, giving Integra a chance to get closer. She slashes him with her sword which he parried with his hand, not letting on she shoot him almost point-blank on his face that he dodges leaving a gash on his cheek, but there's no blood on it.

Major:" This is a surprise! Never thought that you are this strong. I thought it was only your little brother that's abnormal."

Integra:" Heh, I'm normal! That little brother of mine is making a Serum that enhances human strength. To hunt down Monsters like you."

Major:" Him again, it seems that he really was prepared for us huh. Like he knows all our plans, which should have been impossible. Did Walter betrayed us?"

Integra:" Walter? What do you mean by betraying you?" Integra asked not liking the conclusion of this conversation.

Major:" Ohh, you don't know? Then it means that he was more competent than I thought."

Integra:" I ask you what do you mean about Walter betraying you?" she asked again while gnashing her teeth.

Major:" Well, you're a smart girl so you should have guessed about the answer. Walter was one of us from the start. Don't you feel strange, that we always know your whereabouts when we launched our attack? He's been telling us your information, but it seems he has not been telling us about the latest developments."

Integra was furious, the person that she trusted most after Echo was a traitor. Wanting to finish the fight faster, Integra starts her assault again. As the fight was going on she was more and more proficient in her strike. Twenty minutes later she succeeded in defeating The Major. Right now the lower half of his bodies were separated from his upper bodies showing that he was a Machine all along. She was wounded a little in this fight but, her body starts to heal now.

Integra:" you are a robot? What a monster."

Major:" Monster!! Don't compare me with those things. I'm a human, even if my body has been changed with machine, I'm a human. even if all that left of me was only my brain that's working inside a tank I'm a human. even if I was a memory circuit inside a computer, I'm a human. I can only be a human. What makes me a human is my heart, my soul, my will that's what make me Human."

Integra:" Hmph, a ramble of an insas me Human. You're a monster, both outside and inside and Hellsing was an organization that hunts your kind. So, just die already." she said and shoot him on his head, killing him.

As she was about to leave, her phone was ringing. So, she answers it.

Echo:" Hello, nee-san. We're done here, we already cleaning up the Millennium that was left here. The Major and two of his higher-ups left as I fight with their Captain. We also fight the Iscariot and defeat them but, I'm sure that Anderson will come back. So, how is your side?"

Integra:" Ahh, I just finished off The Major and the other one was in the Mansion fighting Seras. Echo, he said that Walter was their comrades. He's been betraying us. Did you know this? Your information gathering is excellent, there's no way that you miss this."

Echo:" Yes, I know. I investigate it right after Valentine's brother's incident. I leave it alone since he's been serving our family. I found out that he wants to be immortal. That why he works with them."

Integra:" and why didn't you tell me?"

Echo:" Well, I was trying to bring him back to us. With the SS Serum, let's just see if he will continue to betray us or will he be back."

Integra:" and if he continues?"

Echo:" Then I'll be the one to kill him, he's my mentor after all."

Integra:" I see, I'll leave it to you."

Echo:" Yeah, just leave it to me. Well, it seems that I'll have a Round two with Anderson, bye Nee-san." he said before cutting the line.

Integra:" This boy, he really becomes a battle maniac."


Seras was in the middle of defending the Mansion, Zorin along with eight of her vampire subordinates attacked the mansion. While the Wild Geese dealt with the eight Vampire, Seras go fight Zorin.

Seras was not as weak as her canon counterparts. She was trained by Echo to the ground. So, she easily defeated Zorin with ease. She checks the Wild Geese to see that they have won their fight.

She orders them to defend the Mansion while she was going to meet with Integra and Echo.


With Anderson that was saved by Wolfe and Yumiko.

Anderson:" Let me go, I have to fight him even if I have to died for it. His existence will be a thorn to the Vatican."

Wolfe:" *Sigh* We know that. That why we save you. There is something Archbishop entrusted us to give you if we deem you incapable of defeating him." he said while taking out something from within his coat.

Wolfe:" This is a Nail of Helena, with this you should be able to defeat him. Take it with you!"

Anderson take the nail and start to leave toward Echo direction. Seeing him left, Wolfe and Yumiko bring the leftovers of Iscariot back to the Vatican.


With Echo, after cutting the line with Integra. He ordered his soldiers to go back to the Mansion, as the sees the soldiers left. He starts to look at the Direction where Anderson comes from.

Echo:" Well, you're back. I hope you will be strong enough with whatever strengthening you with. So, ready for a second round? Father Alexander Anderson."

Anderson:" hmph, be ready for your funeral Hellsing boy. Cause there will be nothing left of you after I'm done with you. This is the God Judgement for you heretical people, Amen"

Echo:" Hahaha, it must be a strong judgment if it almost annihilated the Iscariot. Your Lord is clearly not in favor of you, his devotees."

Anderson:" Damn you! Not only the Major now even a little boy insult our Lord. I must wash this shame with your blood."

After saying his piece he then stabs himself with the Nail of Helena. At first, nothing happens after a while he suddenly changes. As his body becoming to look like a vines gather together.

Echo:" Heh. well then, Let's dance!"