
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 13

The next day, both Integra and Walter left for a meeting. London was busy this day, as the citizens evacuating the city to Cambridge and Oxford. As for me, I was admiring my new vehicle, Vimana: Throne of the Heaven-soaring King.

When evening comes both Integra and Walter have returned. They were shocked to see Vimana that was parked in the yard.

Integra:" From seeing this, it seems that you have already know the topic of the meeting this time."

Echo:" Hehehe, don't underestimate my info gatherings. I've already known about it even before they found out."

Integra:" So, you intend to go there yourself?"

Echo:" That's what I was going to do at first. But, I think I will bring a few of the soldiers to practice. I'll take five strongest of them."

Integra:" I see, are you trying to nurture them?"

Echo:" Yeah, I'll split them into five teams of twelve and these five will be their leaders. Walter, please bring five strongest of the soldiers here."

Walter:" Right away, Echo-Sama."

Night comes, in front of me now is the five best soldiers that we have. They're David, Alex, Edward, Keith, and Andrew.

Echo:" This night, we will attack a Battleship that's been hijacked by the Millennium. You five was chosen to come with me because you're the strongest off all our soldiers. After these raids, you will be split into five groups and you'll be their leaders, Understood?"

All five:" Sir, Yes sir!"

Echo:" Good, now come aboard on my Vimana. You don't have to be afraid about safety as you'll be anchored on the ship as long as I wish it, so you won't fall from it." I board the Vimana then sit on the throne.

The Vimana start to ascend as soon as they have boarded the ship. We then depart towards the last location of the battleship with fast speed, it seems that we didn't have to feel the wind even though we are on top of the ship. The five wore a serious face as they are about to fight an army of Ghoul and Vampires.

Half an hour later we arrived at the place. They started to shoot us, but I just evade it. As we got closer I just launched a missile through the Gate of Babylon toward their weaponry. After disabling their weapons we jump on their ship. On top of the ship, there is a freckles glasses girl with long black hair and wearing black clothes with a Nazi symbol necklace while holding into a rifle in her hand.

Echo:" You five, go inside and kill everyone aboard. I'll deal with this girl."

Rip van Winkle:" You! You're Echo. The Hellsing young Master. Why are you here? It was supposed to be Alucard."

Echo:" Hehehe, I'm Sorry tell you that Alucard won't be dealing with you. You wasted time waiting for him. Hahaha"

Winkle:" hmph, then we will just kill you here now. So, that he will come."

She said and started to shoot me. Her bullet is able to turn toward its target. I caught it with my wires then I activated my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and look at her. She frozen under the Eyes as she feels that Death was looking at her.

I started to see the lines of death on her body then attack her with my wires. She tried to evade it but two of my wires succeeded in tracing the death lines on her gun and tight. Her left feet were detached and she started to jump back to the wall with her other foot.

Winkle:" Wh-what is that eyes? Just the sight of it makes me terrified. That is not an Eyes of a mortal. You Monster"

Echo:" Hahaha, this is so funny. You bloodsuckers called me a Monster? The only Monster here is you, Vampire! I'm just a hunter that hunts your kind."

Echo:" Well, there's no sense to talk to dead people. Bye bye, little Vampire." I said then impaled her with black keys right on her heart and head.

After killing her I started to sit on the deck while spreading my Observation Haki and my wires all around the Battleship to observe the five I brought. I see the five of them methodically kills the Ghoul and Vampire on the ship. Once in a while, I have to help them kills that got a jump on them and let them see it. So that they can improve their battle experience.

An hour later they finished killing all personnel on board and walk back to the deck. They got an injury here and there, but not that fatal. As they arrived on the deck I brought them on Vimana and we started to leave, leaving a bomb on the ship that started to detonate as we are far from it.

As soon as we arrived at the mansion I order the five to soak themselves in the Healing liquid pool that I put in the training area for them to heal themselves. After that, I take a bath and go to sleep.

The next day, around noon times. The evacuation of London has completed. I request the Queen to send an anti-aircraft missile as we can to London and have our soldiers manned it.

We have the satellite on a lookout for their airship on the road. They find them in the way and it was estimated that they will arrive tomorrow night.

Integra and Walter have been busy going back forth from the Mansion to the Information center.

Seras has been training hard along with the Wild Geese. She was in charge of the Mansion defense, she's been depressed with Alucard's disappearance.

The next day, September 15th, 1999. At 9.00pm

Third POV

All soldiers have been tense, they look into the sky. Waiting for the Millennium airship to appear. Echo was seating in his throne on Vimana.

They didn't have to wait for long, as they have seen the Millennium airship closing in. Echo watch it with rapt attention, as the airship was over the Thames River he ordered.

Echo:" Shot it down!"

Hearing his order, the soldiers that manning the anti-aircraft missiles start to shoot it. Making the airship to fall into the River.

As the airships start to fall, they tried to retaliate by shooting missiles indiscriminately all around London. Echo shoots down the one that was aimed at his Army as a priority then tries to minimize the destruction of the City.

With Integra

Integra and Walter was in the Information HQ along with Sir. Pennwood and his subordinates. As they saw the Army shooting down the airship and minimizing the destruction on the city they're able to sigh in relief.

Integra:" as expected, Echo prediction comes true."

Sir. Pennwood:" Yeah, good things that we follow his suggestion. I can't imagine the destruction and casualty we will receive if not."

Before they even continue their conversation soldiers come in and put them in a gunpoint.

Sir. Pennwood:" Wha-what the meaning of this? First Lieutenant You!"

F. lieutenant:" Shut up! Don't you realize? It's just feel good to be a Vampire, General. To think that I'll be able to capture the Hellsing, Major should be pleased"

Integra:" Kukuku, a baby Vampire, pretending to be predators. We Hellsing has been hunting Vampire for hundreds of years. Do you think we can't deal with the likes of you? Walter!"

Walter:" as you wish, Integra-Sama."

Hearing her command Walter starts to slaughter all the Vampire in the room. As he slaughters them a little bit of their blood got sprayed towards Sir. Pennwood waking him up from his dazed expression.

Sir. Pennwood:" T-to thinks we got traitor on our midst."

Integra:" kukuku, it's happening all the time. At first, I thought you're our traitor."

Sir. Pennwood:" I may be incompetent, but I'm not a Coward Sir. Integra. Anyway, you should go now and do your job, and I'll do mine here."

Integra:" I see. I'm looking at you with a new light. I'll leave now, may fortune be with you."

Sir. Pennwood:" yeah, may fortune be with you to Sit. Integra."

I won't write for the next two days.

It's weekend and I want to rest. See you next week!?

AliefLucascreators' thoughts