
Easy Mode in Martial World

In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land. But, is it the same Lin Ming that everybody knows?

tai_master9903 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

001-Lin Ming

South Horizon Region

Seven Profound Territories, Sky Fortune Kingdom.

Inside the Grand Clarity Pavilion in Sky Fortune City a boy could be seen sleeping in the staff quarters. The boy looks to be around 15 years of age with well-defined features.

The young boy had a hard frown on his face with his fists clenched tightly. Suddenly he started clenching his teeth with blue veins appearing on his temples, the boy seemed to be struggling, like trying to wake up from a bad dream. Just as he thought he had overcome the crisis his body stiffened all of a sudden, after what felt like an incense stick of time the young boy opened his eyes and sat up abruptly gasping for a breath.

"Hah hah hah, what… what happened? Where am I?"

Looking around him Lin Ming tried to assess his surroundings which felt totally unfamiliar to his one-bedroom apartment, just as he was starting to freak out thinking somebody had kidnapped him he felt a surge of foreign memories, there were two sets of memories one belonging to a 15 year old boy and other from an Elder from the Realm Of Gods.

"This is… did I really transmigrate to another world." Lin Ming tried to recall that he had gone to sleep the night before and now he is here, it felt truly unbelievable for him. 

The first thing Lin Ming did was to sort out all the memory fragments, only then will he be able to think of a plan going forward. After a while Lin Ming was finally able to digest all the memories of the body that he was transmigrated into as for the second set of memories belonging to the Realm Of Gods Elder he was only able to glean a few key things as the memory was too fragmented.

As he digested the memories he finally knew which world he was transmigrated to, "I am transmigrated to the Martial World in Protagonist Lin Ming's body. Hahahah…" Saying this Lin Ming started laughing out loud. In his previous life, he was an orphan, his name was also Lin Ming, during his teenage years he couldn't afford many means of entertainment so reading light novels became his hobby, he especially liked to read martial arts novels and would imagine himself in place of the protagonists going on adventures and saving beauties. Now that he was given such an opportunity he was grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Calming himself down Lin Ming started to look at the Realm of God's elder's memories in earnest, his priority was the body transformation cultivation method, 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians'.

After analyzing all the memories Lin Ming was about to exit his spiritual sea but all of a sudden he felt an attractive force calling out to him, "Huh, what is this feeling…" Feeling a little apprehensive he guided his senses towards the source of this feeling and he saw an ancient scroll painting quietly floating in the corner of his spiritual sea. There were mountains and rivers depicted in the painting; the mountains and rivers seem to stretch for myriads of miles with no end in sight, the more you look at it the more life-like it appears.

Lin Ming was entranced after looking at the painting for the first time but since it was inside his spiritual sea he was able to extricate himself from the enchantment fairly quickly. 'This painting, how did this appear here? Did this come with me when I transmigrated?' Not understanding the situation Lin Ming was hesitant to approach the painting, but as he kept looking at the painting the attraction he had felt from his soul began to increase, after not getting any sense of danger from the painting Lin Ming gave up resisting the attractive force and gently touched the painting with his spiritual sense.

With a flash of bright light, he found himself on vast grasslands, the land seemed to stretch for hundreds of miles in all directions just as he was watching everywhere in shock and amazement he saw stone steps being held in the air going all the way up the sky, looking up all he saw were mountains. Countless mountains were floating in the bright blue sky all connected through hanging stone bridges, just looking at this majestic scene Lin Ming was stunned and speechless for a long time.

"This place must be inside the painting, a type of separate dimension maybe. Hahaha is this what those protagonists call golden finger."Thinking of the golden finger he quickly placed a hand on his left chest feeling the markings left from the fusion of the Divine Crystal Cube he sighed in relief, "Haah, the divine cube is still with me. Now then, let's see what these floating mountains have in store for me." Saying so he hurriedly ran to the floating stairs, impatient to climb the mountains.

As he reached the mountain top Lin Ming saw a milky white pool in the middle, around which were countless pure glowing stones, as one neared the pond the intensity of the glow inside the stone became brighter and brighter until there were only gold colored stones left around the edges of the pond.

Picking one of the stones from the outermost ring Lin Ming exclaimed "True essence stones!? And there are so many of them, there are at least hundreds of thousands in just the outer ring!" Lin Ming was delighted and frightened by the number of true essence stones when he imagined the countless floating mountains he saw from the ground. Not being able to control his excitement Lin Ming started laughing like a madman, "HAHAHAHAH… I have unlimited true essence stones, infinite money, hahaha!"

After laughing like a maniac Lin Ming now started to revise his plans, before getting the painting he was going to follow the same plan of selling inscription symbols but with infinite true essence stones at his disposal, he would need to revise some of his plans. "Hmm, I will first try to reach the peak visceral tempering realm before the Seven Profound Martial House entrance exam. As for selling inscription symbols I should still do it and establish some connections with upper echelons of the Sky Fortune Kingdom." After establishing a set plan he sat down cross-legged and started studying the 'True Primal Chaos formula' from 'Chaotic Virtues combat meridians'.

Three days later

At the foot of Great Zhou Mountain, with a full moon hanging in the night sky, Lin Ming was practicing the basic fist technique on an ironwood tree. With the help of an endless supply of true essence stones Lin Ming's progress was astonishingly fast, as in only three days he was able to reach the peak of the strength training realm with 1000 Jin's of pure physical force. Practicing 'True Primal Chaos Formula' with the help of the elder's memories he was able to reach minor success which made his true essence thicker and purer than an ordinary martial artist which again gave him 1000 Jin of strength.

Closing his eyes Lin Ming felt his true essence following according to the formula, clenching his fist and bringing his shoulders back he concentrated all his strength and let loose a fierce punch.



With a muffled bang the thick tree trunk was easily broken from the middle and fell backward raising a little cloud of dust, Lin Ming nodded in satisfaction. "Hmm, my strength has finally reached the peak of strength training. Now I should also start training my soul force."

Lin Ming had been only focusing on increasing his strength and had used up the entire blood ginseng but he wasn't really worried about the lack of precious medicine. The milky white pool in the painting realm could be considered the most precious medicine for healing wounds with the effect of cleansing muscles and marrow. The energy contained is very gentle and pure without any side effects like pill toxins. The pool is pure origin energy condensed in liquid form just a single drop was able to cure all of Lin Ming's wounds, external and internal, and also revitalized him.

After taking that first drop Lin Ming expelled a lot of impurities and had to scrub himself thoroughly to remove all the grime and smell, afterwards, he felt light as a feather and his five senses had improved which was a very welcome surprise. After reaching the peak of strength training his deboning work got even easier and he was able to focus more on precision training. Cutting the meat and bones from the blunt side really did help in precision training.

During the night time, he would enter the painting and practice 'True Primal Chaos Formula' with prodigal use of high-grade true essence stones he progressed 10,000 miles every day. According to his estimation, he would be able to reach perfection in the first layer of the 'True Primal Chaos Formula' in around a month.

Lin Ming has also digested all the memories of the Elder from the Realm of Gods and learned the 'overbearing Soul tactic' for cultivating his soul. With this powerful soul formula in his arsenal, Lin Ming felt ready to start his journey in Inscription engraving.

This is my second attempt at writting, let's see how long I last this time.

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